Happy holidays
2 months ago
Not one who celebrates a whole lot myself, but I hope you all will get to have a cozy end of the year, no matter what the plans are.
p.s. leave some of the food for me, please.
p.s. leave some of the food for me, please.
We had us some garlic chicken and roasted mini golden potatoes, among other things.
Not sure how long the leftovers are gonna last, though. XD
Well, a "cheater's baklava," maybe; we didn't have the specific type of pastry dough that a proper one is made with, and we couldn't get any from four stores we checked, but still, it was nuts and honey in a pastry, so close enough. XD
Anyways, a merry one to you again.
Just kidding and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
¡Feliz Navidad!
Felicem natalem Christi!
Although I'm a little late with my wishes, but still we have some leftover :D. Csokoládés kalács? :P I don't know how you name it in your country, it's a bread like thing filled with chocolate pudding. C:
But we have some stuffed chicken leg with rice if you like it more Oo .. !
I overestimated tiramisu again and made too much :') It will definitely be enough for another 10 people...
I am a bit late since I have not looked at FA for a while, feeling overwhelmed by all of the messages and 3650+ submissions to catch up on