A Statement
4 months ago
On The Eternal Quest...
Now that the elections are over and things are settled, I may as well make my stance very clear. It's really been draining how many people I've seen be so fucking stupid when it comes to this election season. Many people who I thought were decent enough turned out to be braindead parrots.
I, like many others, supported Trump over Harris. After all they tried to do to him and how incompetent Harris and Biden looked while in office, there was no way I wanted to support her. It also annoyed me to high hell that she was depicted as a hyena. You would have to been completely blind to not see the hateful ways they tried to stop him from re-running. You could have two approaches with this.
>Either be the dumbass that's going nuclear and think your whole life is over.
You won't be missed.
>Or Have the approach of Waiting and Seeing.
I don't mind this approach at all. Even if you voted for Harris, If you're willing to wait things out and see how they fall, we're more cool than the above.
With that said, If this makes you want to cut ties with me, by all means. My twitter page (and Furaffinity page when it gets posted there) is not there to cater to anyone but myself. I see followers as people who like me for me. As for commission work, I plan on getting them all done so that I'm on a clean slate. Expect everything to be done by the 10th of this month.
I, like many others, supported Trump over Harris. After all they tried to do to him and how incompetent Harris and Biden looked while in office, there was no way I wanted to support her. It also annoyed me to high hell that she was depicted as a hyena. You would have to been completely blind to not see the hateful ways they tried to stop him from re-running. You could have two approaches with this.
>Either be the dumbass that's going nuclear and think your whole life is over.
You won't be missed.
>Or Have the approach of Waiting and Seeing.
I don't mind this approach at all. Even if you voted for Harris, If you're willing to wait things out and see how they fall, we're more cool than the above.
With that said, If this makes you want to cut ties with me, by all means. My twitter page (and Furaffinity page when it gets posted there) is not there to cater to anyone but myself. I see followers as people who like me for me. As for commission work, I plan on getting them all done so that I'm on a clean slate. Expect everything to be done by the 10th of this month.
But i will say that i've been watching this all very closely, and to say i'm shocked is an understatement. I can't believe all the hate that's been spread around this website in particular, twitter is more of a depressed irony, but furaffinity seems to harbour a lot of hateful people, and it's sick and abhorrent, and in my opinion there is simply no place for it in a civilized society, in a country that allows people to have the right to vote, and have an opinion, telling people to kill themselves over exercising that right is a disgrace.
You are brave for posting something like this, and i hope you remain safe. At the end of the day we are all the same, folks who want the best for our respective countries and it's people, regardless of where your vote goes.
But I have already had to stop watching several people on here because they are threatening to either kill people that supported him at all or start saying the most racist/sexist/homophobic things I have ever heard. One guy was saying he hopes Women that voted for him get raped, that gays that voted for him get put in camps or get assaulted, that Minorities that supported him get beaten by the cops and other vile stuff.
I think Trump broke a lot of people and they just hate him so much they cannot see reason, it's sad really.
Also I hope you are doing well yourself ^^
I don't mind this approach at all. Even if you voted for Harris, If you're willing to wait things out and see how they fall, we're more cool than the above.
Well considering that his cronies want to remove my medical care and persecute my friends and destroy the economy it's not really something I was interested in finding out about. I'm sure Elon in charge of AI legislation and RFK in charge of health and food will be wonderful and that everything will be sunshine and kittens but I'm someone who believes in taking people at their word and honor and justice for making a stable society.
You can live in your little fantasy edgelord land but it's demented to want to hurt so many others.
Nevermind all the doomposting, trump doing X, banning Y or Killing all the trans/gay/etc people. He was fucking president in 2016, didn't even get to do anything due to how slow courts are (nevermind getting backstabbed by even his own cabnet even for things that would have been a BENIFIT FOR EVERYONE) and then getting booted out before he could put in a last second attempt to get covid vaccines out at the start of the pandemic.
People are looking for something, ANYTHING, to demonize and de-person. And unfortunately, Trump is that person and people will attack even their closest friends over all this. It's just sad to see and makes me wonder who is even gonna be around for them outside their echo chambers when those people they surround themselves with eventually backstab them for the sightest amount of "wrongthink"
Grocery Prices are stupid high, your tax dollars go to everyone in the world except the american people. Crime is at an all time high. Its sad to see so many people voting just because they want to be able to kill their child at anytime they please is what's driving them to get out.
I think everyone in america can agree that in extreme circumstances that Abortion should be allowed. In those extreme circumstances. Rape, incest, and life of the mother. Nobody will argue about that.
Harris literally stood for nothing, she said repeatedly she would have done nothing different than Biden did...yet she was supposed to be turning the page. I know the election is over, but can anyone honestly give me a good reason that I should have voted for her?
One of the many reasons I voted for Trump is because he's going to cut back on Government over-reach. Today, the government has waaaay too much control over your life when it shouldn't be in it to begin with. Name me one thing that the government doesn't have some sort of control over. Its extremely hard to do. If government was out of your health care, then the president could never even get close to touching it. If it was out of your paycheck, then you would have more money in your pocket. Imagine your paycheck without taxes, without income taxes. That's an instant 300$ or more a month instantly back in your pocket that gets wasted and sent overseas to pay people that want nothing more than to see us burn and die.
I feel for people, I help my friends regardless of their political beliefs. Those that would say I am a low intelligence voter or garbage. I don't care if you are gay, straight, or anything in between.
Stop letting them into every aspect of our lives and we will be much free'er and safer than we have ever been.