8 Useless but funny pokemon facts
7 months ago
I am scared of living an hollow life devoid of colors and experience
#1: If you walk too far when inside a glitch city, you will crash the game and lose the save, similarly effects can be triggered when encountering a regular missingno. while playing on a version that isn't english, which is possible only via ditto/mew glitch.
#2: You cannot get the Unown plush in pokemon gold/silver crystal without cheating, no matter how hard you try.
#3: Evolving your mains in explorers of sky may result in breaking the sleep animation you see at the beginning of each new day.
#4: The only reason base set charizard cards are so pricy is because of demands due to him being cool, its not rarer than venusaur or blastoise, it simply has big numbers.
#5: One of the post-game superbosses in the japanese exclusive trading card game 2 is a dirty cheater that, unlike the others, actually deserves to have his spirit sealed inside a statue for all eternity.
#6: Before gen 5, kingdra was the only non-legendary final stage dragon type that isn't 4× weak to ice.
#7: The pokemon gold spaceworld beta featured a lot of cut pokemon designs and evolutions that are arguably better than the official ones; most notably lickitung's, farfetch's and the original girafarig.
#8: If you think charizard to be expensive, wait to see umbreon; its gen2 cards (even the japanese exclusives) have an insane base price, possibly boosted by the stunning artwork quality; with gen 3 also introducing a few sets of extremely limited run featuring, among the many already overpirced cards, the ludicrously expensive gold star shiny cumbreon worth a mere 5k on a good day.
#2: You cannot get the Unown plush in pokemon gold/silver crystal without cheating, no matter how hard you try.
#3: Evolving your mains in explorers of sky may result in breaking the sleep animation you see at the beginning of each new day.
#4: The only reason base set charizard cards are so pricy is because of demands due to him being cool, its not rarer than venusaur or blastoise, it simply has big numbers.
#5: One of the post-game superbosses in the japanese exclusive trading card game 2 is a dirty cheater that, unlike the others, actually deserves to have his spirit sealed inside a statue for all eternity.
#6: Before gen 5, kingdra was the only non-legendary final stage dragon type that isn't 4× weak to ice.
#7: The pokemon gold spaceworld beta featured a lot of cut pokemon designs and evolutions that are arguably better than the official ones; most notably lickitung's, farfetch's and the original girafarig.
#8: If you think charizard to be expensive, wait to see umbreon; its gen2 cards (even the japanese exclusives) have an insane base price, possibly boosted by the stunning artwork quality; with gen 3 also introducing a few sets of extremely limited run featuring, among the many already overpirced cards, the ludicrously expensive gold star shiny cumbreon worth a mere 5k on a good day.

These are both funny and interesting to know. Thank you for sharing them!