Parliamentary question - O-0014/2009Parliamentary question

Interim agreement with Turkmenistan

pursuant to Rule 108 of the Rules of Procedure
by Ona Juknevičienė, on behalf of the ALDE Group
to the Council

Document stages in plenary
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Texts tabled :
O-0014/2009 (B6-0017/2009)
Votes :
Texts adopted :

The Commission has asked the European Parliament to give an opinion on the question whether the EU should sign the Interim Trade Agreement between the EU and Turkmenistan.


1. What are the concrete reasons for which the Council considers it justified to sign the ITA now?


2. Why does the Council want to continue with this process, taking into account the general situation in Turkmenistan?


3. What comments does the Council have to make on the various reports by NGOs and people living in Turkmenistan on the situation in the country?


4. What concrete improvements will the ITA make to the relationship between the EU and Turkmenistan?


5. What concrete improvements may the ITA make to the situation in Turkmenistan, especially concerning human rights and democracy?



Tabled: 29.01.2009

Forwarded: 30.01.2009

Deadline for reply: 20.02.2009