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The Conference of Delegation Chairmen is the political body in Parliament that periodically considers all matters concerning the smooth running of interparliamentary delegations and delegations to the joint parliamentary committees.
Conference of Delegation Chairmen: duties
The Conference of Delegation Chairmen may make recommendations to the Conference of Presidents on the delegations' work.
The Conference of Delegation Chairmen draws up a draft annual calendar of interparliamentary meetings and meetings of joint parliamentary committees.
The Bureau and Conference of Presidents may delegate certain tasks to the Conference of Delegation Chairmen.
The Conference of Delegation Chairmen draws up a draft annual calendar of interparliamentary meetings and meetings of joint parliamentary committees.
The Bureau and Conference of Presidents may delegate certain tasks to the Conference of Delegation Chairmen.
Conference of Delegation Chais: membership
The Conference of Delegation Chairmen consists of the chairmen of all the standing interparliamentary delegations; it elects its chairman