Comisión de Asuntos Exteriores
Últimas noticias
AFET committee meetings
Next AFET committee meetings will be held on:
- Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 March, Brussels, room ANTALL 2Q2
Asuntos destacados

On 6 March, Committee on Foreign Affairs and Committee on Budgets will jointly vote to confirm the provisional agreement on Reform and Growth Facility for Moldova that was reached as a result of interinstitutional negotiations. The 1,9 billion EUR support facility aims to accelerate Moldova’s socio-economic reforms, strengthen its resilience against the hybrid attacks and foreign malign interference targeting the country and democratic processes and institutions, and advance its EU integration.

On 19 February, Committee on Foreign Affairs will host its first Interparliamentary Committee Meeting of the new legislative term. Over 40 members of national parliaments will be present to exchange views with AFET members. There will be two sessions, focusing on transatlantic relations in challenging times and the role of the European Union in an increasingly multipolar world. Rosa Balfour (Carnegie Europe) and Jim Cloos (TEPSA) will be the keynote speakers in the respective sessions.