DeSci Publish for Communities

Share your research without paywalls or publication charges and get credit for your work - whether you are a company, a department, or a group of researchers who share the same goals.

Bring your research to life


Everything in one place

Publish data, code, manuscripts or everything. No complicated flowcharts or juggling between Github and repositories. Publishing data or code is as easy as uploading a file or Github link.

Diamond Open Access

No paywalls. No author publication charges. DeSci Publish is Diamond Open Access as it should be - based on open source software that cannot be bought or shut down, all content stored on a peer-to-peer that protects against data loss and enables data sovereignty.

Open peer-review

The review process is customized to your needs and structured by verifiable badges that reflect your evaluation criteria, creating transparency and valuable meta-data. Peer-review and exchanges with authors happen publicly and directly in the context of the submitted materials.

Incremental publishing

Share your research progress early and often. Create a track record of your work. Start with sharing an idea, add data, code, and a draft manuscript later. Easily update your research over time and claim credit for your work long before it gets printed in a journal.

Publish code and data

Reach communities that care deeply about access to data and software. With DeSci Publish, digital artifacts can be imported and reused with a single line of code, tracking all citations.

Unlock new opportunities

Issue verified badges that attest to the properties of the research you curate. Make the value of your services visible. Offer new services such as reproducibility checks.

Indexed in CrossRef

Publish all the artifacts of your research, enable others to reproduce, re-use, and credit every component of your work. Let others import your artifacts with a single line of code.

Persistent identifiers for every file

Every version of every file receives an automatic, free persistent identifier that is derived from the content of the file (dPIDs). This makes all publications FAIR by design. DOIs are issued as synonyms for these persistent identifiers for indexing purposes and never need to be updated.

Option to participate in our incentive layer

We we launch a referee finder and a  token reward system for review services soon. This will enable you to get fast, independent reviews when you want them and create income opportunities for your community.

Create a home for your research


A better submission experience for your authors, finally

Authors can easily upload data, Github repositories, manuscripts, images or any other files. Author information, title, and abstract are automatically extracted from the paper into the submission form. Our AI analytics show authors related research and the novelty scores of their manuscripts.


Improve and accelerate peer-review

Experience granular multiplayer reviewing in context. Create interactive peer-review reports that extend beyond the manuscript. Decide which aspects reviewers should be focusing on. Explore new workflows for scientific validaiton. The system is designed to fast-track peer-reviews, eliminate cumbersome email exchanges, and give credit to every participant in the curation process.


Curate research for quality

You decide the evaluation and curation criteria of your community and the type of credit you want to offer. Talk to us to configure your community according to your needs.

Published Research Object on Desci Publish

Storage, taken care of

The data is securely stored on a distributed network, protected from content drift, and resilient against link rot.

PIDs and Metadata, solved

No more URI:DOI tables to maintain or complex metadata standards to comply with. This is taken care of.

Explore, create, publish

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