Yes, all Impression V Filters can be used with any of the 16 Signature Primes, the 4 Signature Zooms and the Signature Zoom Extender as well.

Impression Filters FAQ
Questions and answers on Impression Filters
Questions and answers on Impression Filters
Yes, all Impression V Filters can be used with any of the 16 Signature Primes, the 4 Signature Zooms and the Signature Zoom Extender as well.
A Signature lens with an attached Impression V Filter cannot be mounted to an ALEXA Mini or AMIRA because the filter protrudes into the lens port too deeply, and might lead to a mechanical collision between the camera and the filter. This could potentially cause damage to the Impression V Filter. Furthermore, a proper closing of the LPL mount cannot be ensured anymore.
However, ALEXA Mini and AMIRA cameras that have been converted for use with a Leica M mount are an exception. In this case, Signature lenses with Impression V Filters can be connected when using a corresponding ARRI LPL mount adapter.
Please check with the supplier of LPL-mounts for 3rd party cameras.
Diopters are traditionally positioned in front of a lens to reduce the minimum object distance (MOD). ARRI’s new Impression V Filters have a completely different purpose. Attached to the built-in rear magnetic filter adapter of Signature lenses they alter the aesthetic look of the lenses. Known as bokeh, these elements play a significant role in the emotional perception of images.
All bokeh is affected by the Impression V Filters, but it is particularly noticeable in background highlights, which get more of a ‘donut’ effect (bright around the edges) with negative filters, and more of a ‘bauble’ effect (brighter in the center) with positive filters. In general, the positive filters have a nostalgic, glamorous feel, with swirly bokeh, glowing skin tones, and softer backgrounds; while negative filters have a grittier look, with inward-pulling bokeh and intense, vibrant backgrounds.
Yes, the different looks of the Impression V Filters can be achieved for both large format and Super 35, as the filters affect the entire image (from the center to the edges of the frame). When using the Signature lenses on S35 cameras, only the center of the image circle of the lens is used. Optical effects that increase towards the edges of the frame are pronounced when using a large format camera. Depending on the strength of the desired effect, it makes sense to use a stronger filter type for S35 cameras compared to large format cameras.
To get a better understanding of how the different filters affect the image on large format compared to S35, please refer to our YouTube channel for the "Impressionists" films shot with ALEXA 35 and ALEXA Mini LF.
When using the Impression V Filters with Signature lenses, some basic parameters of the lens system will change. Similar to using a weak extender, the focal length of the base lens as well as the image circle and the aperture will be slightly altered. When using the strongest Impression V Filter, the change in focal length is about +/-10% of the actual focal length, while the impact on the aperture is about ¼ of a stop. The change of focal length and aperture gradually decreases with weaker diopters.
Currently, this will not be reflected in the metadata.
The rear magnetic filter adapter has 12 magnets which allows for 12 different mounting positions of the filter. However, since all Impression V Filters are rotationally symmetrical, the filters will produce the same effect, regardless of which orientation you choose to attach the filter to the lens. The witness marks on the filter and the mount of the lens are just a reference in case you intentionally want to alter the filter.
Signature lenses are very well corrected for of optical aberrations. Impression V Filters introduce a certain degree of spherical aberration to the lenses which make them look like vintage lenses. Also, other optical defects like coma and chromatic aberration are increased.
We are working with special coatings to control flaring, ghosting, and veiling glare. Just like with Signature Primes and Zooms, flares are subtle without becoming a distraction.
Yes, the effect is still visible even if the lens is stopped down. However, the effect is most obvious when working at open aperture. As soon as the lens is stopped down, the effect gradually decreases.
Yes, you can still use the Hi‑5 hand unit. Please make sure that the lens is properly shimmed, if necessary, to ensure that the lens scales remain accurate. For detailed information, please see the user manual.
Yes, there is a video guide on how to shim the lenses, presented by our Service Manager Joachim Jäger. You can click here to access this video.
In case you only use the positive filters at a T-stop of T1.8, you don’t have to shim the lenses at all. You can easily exchange between the different positive filter types with lens scales remaining accurate. In case you want to use the negative filters at a T-stop of T1.8, you only have to shim once with the included 2 mm shim. After shimming you can also easily exchange between the different negative filter types.
When working in a stopped down configuration, shimming will be required for the use of positive as well as negative filter types. Please see the user manual for detailed information on required shim thicknesses.
Unfortunately, this is not possible because the shims needed to work with the Impression V Filters have a minimum thickness of 1.85 mm. Shimming the camera mount with this thickness would lead to increased instability of the camera mount.
The use of additional glass elements on the rear side of the lens results in a shorter flange focal distance. We have managed to compensate for this back focus shift with a special optical design of the positive diopter filters.
If you don’t shim the lens, the focus scales won’t be accurate anymore and you won’t be able to reach infinity focus. But in case you don’t need accurate focus scales and you also don’t need to reach infinity, you can still use all 8 different filter types. However, just keep in mind that the diopter effect will be stronger than it would be if you shim the lens properly.
If the LDS contact block is not shimmed, metadata won’t be transmitted from the lens to the camera.
The clear filter you have to use would be relatively thick and loses its purpose of a “neutral” filter. Therefore, we recommend the use of the weakest negative filter instead of a clear filter. However, there is still a slight effect of spherical aberration visible in the image. If you want to get the original Signature look, you need to remove the shim.