Emily Cherkin

About the author

Emily Cherkin, M.Ed., The Screentime Consultant, is a nationally recognized consultant who takes a tech-intentional approach to addressing screentime challenges. A former middle school teacher, she has been featured for her work in the New York Times, the Washington Post, on the Today Show (twice), Good Morning America, Australia Weekend Today‚ the BBC, Sirius XM Radio, and numerous parenting websites, blogs, and podcasts. Chuck Norris has quoted her. Emily teaches parenting courses, offers private parent consultations, facilitates professional development training, and provides personalized school presentations built on her tech-intentional approach. As a parent to a twelve- and fifteen-year-old, Emily understands deeply the real-life challenges of parenting in the digital age. Emily is also the cofounder of The Student Data Privacy Project, an advocacy group focused on protecting schoolchildren’s data. More can be found at www.thescreentimeconsultant.com.

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