A symbol primitive represents a unique value that never collides with any other value, including the value of other symbol primitives. Two string primitives made up of identical characters evaluate as strictly equal:
String() === String()
> true
String( "My string." ) === String( "My string." );
> true
However, no two symbols created using the Symbol()
function can ever be
strictly equal:
Symbol() === Symbol()
> false
This trait lets you use symbols as unique property keys in an object, preventing collisions with keys any other code might add to that object.
const mySymbol = Symbol( "Desc" );
const myObject = {};
myObject[mySymbol] = "propSymbol";
> Object { Symbol("Desc"): "propSymbol" }
There are three types of symbols:
- Symbols created with
- Shared symbols that are set and retrieved from a global Symbol registry using
- "Well-known symbols" defined as static properties on the Symbol object. These symbols contain internal methods that can't be accidentally overwritten.
accepts a description (or "symbol name") as an optional argument.
These descriptions are human-readable labels for debugging purposes, and they
don't affect the uniqueness of the result. Any call to Symbol
returns a
completely unique symbol primitive, even if multiple calls have identical
Symbol( "My symbol." ) === Symbol( "My symbol." );
> false
As with other primitive data types, symbols inherit methods and properties from their prototype. For example, you can access a description as an inherited property of the created symbol:
let mySymbol = Symbol( "My symbol." );
> "My symbol."
But you can't create a symbol using the new
let mySymbol = new Symbol();
> Uncaught TypeError: Symbol is not a constructor
Symbols aren't enumerable, meaning that symbolic properties aren't available
when using standard methods to iterate over them. The getOwnPropertySymbols()
method gives access to an object's symbol properties.
Shared symbols
The Symbol.for()
method tries to look up any existing symbols in a
runtime-wide global symbol registry with a given string as the key, and returns
the matching symbol if one is found. If it doesn't find one, it creates a symbol
with the specified key and adds it to the global registry:
let sharedSymbol = Symbol.for( "My key." );
sharedSymbol === Symbol.for( "My key." )
> true
These keys share no functional overlap with the descriptions assigned to
author-created Symbol
primitives. To access a symbol in the symbol registry,
you must first create it using for()
Symbol( "String" ) === Symbol( "String" );
> false
Symbol( "String" ) === Symbol.for( "String" );
> false
Symbol.for( "String" ) === Symbol.for( "String" );
> true
To retrieve the key for any symbol from the symbol registry, use
let mySymbol = Symbol.for( "Key." );
Symbol.keyFor( mySymbol ) ;
> "Key."
"Well-known" symbols
Well-known symbols are static properties of the Symbol
object, each of which
is a symbol itself. Well-known symbols provide unique property keys for
accessing and modifying JavaScript's built-in methods, while preventing core
behavior from being unintentionally overwritten.
> function Symbol()
asyncIterator: Symbol(Symbol.asyncIterator)
for: function for()
hasInstance: Symbol("Symbol.hasInstance")
isConcatSpreadable: Symbol("Symbol.isConcatSpreadable")
iterator: Symbol(Symbol.iterator)
keyFor: function keyFor()
length: 0
match: Symbol("Symbol.match")
matchAll: Symbol("Symbol.matchAll")
name: "Symbol"
prototype: Object { … }
replace: Symbol("Symbol.replace")
search: Symbol("Symbol.search")
species: Symbol("Symbol.species")
split: Symbol("Symbol.split")
toPrimitive: Symbol("Symbol.toPrimitive")
toStringTag: Symbol("Symbol.toStringTag")
unscopables: Symbol("Symbol.unscopables")
<prototype>: function ()
Because symbols are a feature specific to ES6, these symbolic values are intended to be used as "extension points" for developers modifying JavaScript's behavior without introducing backwards-compatibility issues.
Well-known symbol values are often stylized with a
prefix or wrapped in %
differentiate their keys from their mutable prototypes. For example, @@match
(or %match%
) is a reference to the immutable Symbol.match
, not
Check your understanding
Can you use new
to create a symbol?
Which of the following describe `well-known` symbols?