Robot Operating System
Expanded Security Maintenance

Same great ROS.
More security updates.

What is ROS ESM?

Whether you want to be compliant with cybersecurity regulations like the CRA, win more time before your migration, or reduce operational expenses, ROS ESM is here to make your work easier.

Robot Operating System Expanded Security Maintenance (ROS ESM) is a service by Canonical that provides security maintenance for ROS Long Term Support (LTS) releases and the underlying Ubuntu distributions, starting with ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04.

This includes the underlying Ubuntu system and more than 23,000 packages from the Ubuntu Universe repository.

ROS ESM is available with your Ubuntu Pro subscription and it is compatible with amd64, arm64, and armhf architectures.

ROS ESM security coverage

  • Main

    2,300 packages in the Ubuntu Main repo supported for 5 years after EOL

  • Universe

    An additional 23,000+ packages in the Ubuntu Universe repository for 10 years

  • Security

    More than 600 packages across ROS 1 Kinetic, Melodic and Noetic and ROS 2 Foxy. Other ROS 2 distributions continue to be added.

ROS distributions available today in ROS ESM:

Kinetic Kane
Melodic Morenia
Foxy Fitzroy
Noetic Ninjemys

A few of the 23,000 packages included in Ubuntu Universe:

A few of the 2,300 packages included in Ubuntu Main:

Security maintenance
You can trust

Prevent the risks of running unpatched and unmaintained ROS versions for your robot, company and customers. Risks that increase when working with End-Of-Life (EOL) ROS distributions or dependencies.

With ROS ESM, you can count on backports for critical security updates, common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) fixes and bug fixes for ROS and the Ubuntu base OS. Our security experts follow a standardizsed process to identify vulnerabilities and create and test security patches.

With ROS ESM, keeping core ROS packages secure is a fast and straightforward process.

ROS ESM and more benefits with your Ubuntu Pro subscription

  Ubuntu LTS Ubuntu Pro (Infra-only) Ubuntu Pro
Kernel Livepatch No Yes Yes
Systems management at scale with Landscape No Yes Yes
Real time kernel No Yes Yes
NIST-certified FIPS crypto-modules No Yes Yes
USG hardening with CIS and DISA-STIG profiles No Yes Yes
Common Criteria EAL2 No Yes Yes


30-day trial for enterprises.
Always free for personal use.

Development stations?

If you have a few development stations to cover with ROS ESM, we recommend you purchase your Ubuntu Pro subscription directly through the store.

Get Ubuntu Pro

Deployed devices in the field?

If you have a fleet of devices or need to support deployments that grow over time, Ubuntu Pro for devices might be a better option.

It will not only grant you access to the Ubuntu Pro subscription but also apply a beneficial discount-based model and the option of a one-time-fee per device.

Get in touch

Using Ubuntu Core?

Ubuntu Core is an open source minimal, secure and strictly confined operating system for embedded devices.

Canonical customers using any of our enterprise IOT services get a Ubuntu Pro subscription for free as part of their contracts.


Read our FAQ about ROS ESM or contact us

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