TGUI 1.8
►Ntgui | Namespace that contains all TGUI functions and classes |
CGui | Gui class for GLFW + GLES2 backend (using FreeType for fonts) |
CGui | Gui class for GLFW + OpenGL3 backend (using FreeType for fonts) |
CGui | Gui class for raylib |
CGui | Gui class for SDL + GLES2 backend (using FreeType for fonts) |
CGui | Gui class for SDL + OpenGL3 backend (using FreeType for fonts) |
CGui | Gui class for SDL + SDL_ttf (using SDL_Renderer struct for rendering) |
CGui | Gui class for SDL + GLES2 backend (using SDL_ttf for fonts) |
CGui | Gui class for SDL + OpenGL3 backend (using SDL_ttf for fonts) |
CGui | Gui class for SFML (using sfml-graphics module for rendering and font) |
CGui | Gui class for sfml-window + OpenGL3 backend (using FreeType for fonts) |
CAbsoluteOrRelativeValue | Class to store the a value that is either a constant or a ratio |
CBackend | Base class for the backend |
CBackendFont | Base class for font implementations that depend on the backend |
CBackendFontFactory | Base class for the font factory that is responsible for creating a font object specific to the font backend |
CBackendFontFactoryImpl | Class that creates font objects of a given type |
►CBackendFontFreetype | Font implementations that uses FreeType directly to load glyphs |
CGlyph | |
CRow | |
►CBackendFontRaylib | Font implementations that uses Raylib to load glyphs |
CRow | |
CBackendFontSDLttf | Font implementations that uses SDL_ttf to load glyphs |
CBackendFontSFML | Font implementation that makes use of SFML |
CBackendGLFW | |
CBackendGui | Base class for the Gui |
CBackendGuiGLFW | |
CBackendGuiRaylib | |
CBackendGuiSDL | |
CBackendGuiSFML | |
CBackendRaylib | |
CBackendRenderer | Base class for the backend renderer, which is responsible for creating text and texture objects |
CBackendRendererGLES2 | Backend renderer that uses OpenGL ES 2 or 3 (depending on the loaded OpenGL ES context that you have to provide) |
CBackendRendererOpenGL3 | Backend renderer that uses OpenGL 3 or 4 (depending on the loaded OpenGL context that you have to provide) |
CBackendRendererRaylib | Backend renderer that uses raylib |
CBackendRendererSDL | Backend renderer that uses SDL_Renderer |
CBackendRendererSFML | Backend renderer that uses sfml-graphics |
CBackendRenderTarget | Base class for render targets |
CBackendRenderTargetGLES2 | Render target implementation that makes use of OpenGL ES |
CBackendRenderTargetOpenGL3 | Render target implementation that makes use of modern OpenGL |
CBackendRenderTargetRaylib | Render target implementation that makes use of raylib |
CBackendRenderTargetSDL | Render target implementation that makes use of SDL_Renderer |
CBackendRenderTargetSFML | Render target that uses SFML to draw the gui |
CBackendSDL | |
CBackendSFML | |
CBackendText | Base class for text implementations that depend on the backend |
CBackendTexture | Base class for texture implementations that depend on the backend |
CBackendTextureGLES2 | Texture implementation that makes use of modern OpenGL ES |
CBackendTextureOpenGL3 | Texture implementation that makes use of modern OpenGL |
CBackendTextureRaylib | Texture implementation that makes use of raylib |
CBackendTextureSDL | Texture implementation that makes use of SDL_Texture |
CBackendTextureSFML | Texture implementation that makes use of SFML |
CBaseThemeLoader | Base class for theme loader implementations |
CBitmapButton | Button widget with an image displayed next to the text (or centered in the button without text) |
CBoxLayout | Abstract class for box layout containers |
CBoxLayoutRatios | Abstract class for box layout containers |
CBoxLayoutRenderer | |
CButton | Button widget |
CButtonBase | Base class for button widgets |
CButtonRenderer | |
CCanvasBase | This class is used as base class for the backend-specific canvas widgets |
CCanvasGLES2 | CanvasGLES2 provides a way to directly render OpenGL ES contents on a widget |
CCanvasOpenGL3 | CanvasOpenGL3 provides a way to directly render OpenGL contents on a widget |
CCanvasRaylib | CanvasRaylib provides a way to directly render raylib contents on a widget |
CCanvasSDL | CanvasSDL provides a way to directly render SDL contents on a widget |
CCanvasSFML | CanvasSFML provides a way to directly render SFML contents on a widget |
►CChatBox | |
CLine | |
CChatBoxRenderer | |
CCheckBox | CheckBox widget |
CCheckBoxRenderer | Renderer for the CheckBox widget |
CChildWindow | Child window widget |
CChildWindowRenderer | |
CClickableWidget | Clickable widget |
CColor | Wrapper for colors |
CColorPicker | Color picker widget |
CColorPickerRenderer | |
CComboBox | Combo box widget |
CComboBoxRenderer | |
CContainer | Container widget |
CContextMenu | Context menu widget |
CContextMenuRenderer | Renderer for the ContextMenu widget |
CCopiedSharedPtr | |
CCursor | Class that allows the cursor to be changed |
CCustomWidgetForBindings | Class used by bindings to implement custom widgets withing these bindings (e.g. a custom C# widget in TGUI.Net) |
CDefaultBackendWindow | This class abstracts the backend-specific window and gui creation code |
CDefaultThemeLoader | Default implementation for theme loading |
CDeserializer | Deserializes a settable property |
CDualScrollbarChildInterface | Base class for widgets with both a vertical and horizontal scrollbar |
CDuration | Wrapper for durations |
►CEditBox | Edit box widget |
CValidator | Predefined input validators |
CEditBoxRenderer | |
CEditBoxSlider | Edit box slider widget |
►CEvent | |
CKeyEvent | KeyPressed event parameters |
CMouseButtonEvent | MouseButtonPressed/MouseButtonReleased events parameters |
CMouseMoveEvent | MouseMoved event parameters |
CMouseWheelEvent | MouseWheelScrolled events parameters |
CSizeEvent | Resized events parameters |
CTextEvent | TextEntered event parameters |
CException | |
CFileDialog | File dialog widget |
CFileDialogIconLoader | |
CFileDialogRenderer | |
►CFilesystem | Helper functionality for filesystem access |
CFileInfo | Information about a file or directory, used to return data from the listFilesInDirectory function |
CPath | Object to represent paths on a filesystem |
CFont | Wrapper around the backend-specific font. All copies of the font will share the same internal font resource |
CFontGlyph | Information about a glyph in the font |
CGrid | |
CGroup | Group widget |
CGroupRenderer | |
CGrowHorizontalLayout | Container that automatically positions children beside each other |
CGrowVerticalLayout | Container that automatically positions children below each other |
CGui | Gui class for GLFW + GLES2 backend (using FreeType for fonts) |
CHorizontalLayout | Container that automatically resizes children to fit the entire available space between children |
CHorizontalWrap | Container that automatically arranges children in lines, adding a new line when a horizontal line is full |
CImageLoader | Class that is internally used to load an image from a file or from memory |
CKnob | Knob widget |
CKnobRenderer | |
CLabel | Label widget |
CLabelRenderer | |
CLayout | Class to store the left, top, width or height of a widget |
CLayout2d | Class to store the position or size of a widget |
►CListBox | List box widget |
CItem | |
CListBoxRenderer | |
►CListView | List view widget |
CColumn | |
CItem | |
CListViewRenderer | |
CMenuBar | Menu bar widget |
CMenuBarRenderer | Renderer for the MenuBar widget |
►CMenuWidgetBase | Base class for MenuBar and ContextMenu |
CGetMenusElement | Used for return value of getMenus |
CMenu | |
CMenuWidgetBaseRenderer | Renderer for the MenuBar widget |
CMessageBox | Message box widget |
CMessageBoxRenderer | |
CObjectConverter | Implicit converter for settable properties |
COpenMenuPlaceholder | Widget that is added to a container when the user clicks on the menu bar. This widget will be added in front of all other widgets to ensure that the menus from the menu bar are always drawn in front of other widgets |
COutline | |
CPanel | Group of widgets that has a background color and optional borders |
►CPanelListBox | List of panels, which can be flexible changed |
CItem | |
CPanelListBoxRenderer | |
CPanelRenderer | |
CPicture | Picture widget |
CPictureRenderer | |
CProgressBar | Progress bar widget |
CProgressBarRenderer | |
CRadioButton | Radio button widget |
CRadioButtonGroup | Can be used as parent of radio buttons so that different groups of radio buttons can be isolated |
CRadioButtonRenderer | |
CRangeSlider | RangeSlider widget |
CRangeSliderRenderer | |
CRect | |
CRelativeValue | Helper class to create an AbsoluteOrRelativeValue object containing a relative value without using a string |
CRelFloatRect | FloatRect that can contain absolute values or values relative to the parent size |
CRendererData | Shared data used in renderer classes |
CRenderStates | States used for drawing |
CRichTextLabel | RichTextLabel widget |
CRootContainer | |
CScrollablePanel | Group of widgets that has a background color and optional borders |
CScrollablePanelRenderer | |
CScrollbar | Scrollbar widget |
CScrollbarAccessor | Class returned by widgets that have a scrollbar to let the user access scrollbar properties |
CScrollbarChildInterface | Base class for widgets with a single scrollbar |
CScrollbarChildWidget | Wrapper around scrollbar to be used inside widgets that need a scrollbar |
CScrollbarRenderer | |
CSeparatorLine | Widget that is drawn as a filled rectangle and can be used as a line to visually separate widgets from each other |
CSeparatorLineRenderer | |
CSerializer | Serializes an settable property |
CSignal | Signal to which the user can subscribe to get callbacks from |
CSignalAnimationType | Signal to which the user can subscribe to get callbacks from |
CSignalChildWindow | Signal to which the user can subscribe to get callbacks from |
CSignalFileDialogPaths | Signal to which the user can subscribe to get callbacks from |
CSignalItem | Signal to which the user can subscribe to get callbacks from |
CSignalItemHierarchy | Signal to which the user can subscribe to get callbacks from |
►CSignalManager | |
CConnectedSignalTuple | |
CSignalTuple | |
CSignalPanelListBoxItem | Signal to which the user can subscribe to get callbacks from |
CSignalShowEffect | Signal to which the user can subscribe to get callbacks from |
CSignalTyped | Signal to which the user can subscribe to get callbacks from |
CSignalTyped2 | Signal to which the user can subscribe to get callbacks from |
CSlider | Slider widget |
CSliderRenderer | |
CSpinButton | Spin button widget |
CSpinButtonRenderer | |
CSpinControl | Spin control widget |
CSplitContainer | Container that should contains exactly 2 child widgets which will be resized to fill the container together, with a splitter between them that can be dragged to change the amount of space each widget takes up |
CSplitContainerRenderer | |
CSprite | |
CString | Wrapper class to store strings |
CSubwidgetContainer | Base class for widgets that consist of subwidgets that act together as if they are a single widget |
CSvgImage | |
CTabContainer | TabContainer widget |
►CTabs | Tabs widget |
CTab | |
CTabsRenderer | |
►CText | Backend-independent wrapper around the backend-specific text class |
CBlueprint | Describes a text piece, before turning it into an actual Text object |
CTextArea | Text area widget |
CTextAreaRenderer | |
CTextStyles | Wrapper for text styles |
CTexture | Texture wrapper that internally reuses resources when multiple Texture objects are loaded from the same file |
CTextureManager | |
CTheme | This class can be used to manage the widget renderers |
CTimer | Executes callbacks after a certain amount of time |
CToggleButton | ToggleButton widget |
CToolTip | Interface to set the settings for the tool tips |
CTransform | Defines a transform matrix |
►CTreeView | Tree view widget |
CConstNode | Read-only node representation used by getNode and getNodes |
CNode | Internal representation of a node |
CTreeViewRenderer | |
CTwoFingerScrollDetect | |
CVariant | |
CVector2 | |
►CVertex | |
CColor | |
CVerticalLayout | Container that automatically resizes children to fit the entire available space between children |
CWidget | The parent class for every widget |
CWidgetFactory | |
CWidgetRenderer | Base class for all renderer classes |
CWindowsIMM | Dynamically loads and uses imm32.dll on Windows to control the IME |
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