The European Commission publishes documents and meeting reports from the different Comitology Committees and Expert Group meetings related to Taxation and Customs. In addition, DG TAXUD publishes minutes of meetings with the tobacco industry in accordance with the World Health Organisation Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC).
Comitology Committees
Documents from Comitology Committees are accessible through the Comitology Register. You can search for documents per committee, dossier, document number or service responsible.
Expert Group meetings
Documents from Expert Group meetings can be accessed through the Register of Expert Groups. The ‘advanced search’ function allows you to search by Expert Group name and other parameters. After selecting a specific group, you can see the available documents under the tab ‘Meetings’.
Tobacco industry meetings
DG TAXUD publishes minutes of meetings with the tobacco industry in accordance with the World Health Organisation Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC).
Meetings with the tobacco industry
Commission documents
The Commission maintains a register of documents such as proposals, impact assessments, communications, delegated and implementing acts and other Commission decisions, agendas and minutes of meetings held by the College of Commissioners.
Register of Commission Documents
Find the committees and groups which are frequently subject of access to documents on the Access to document page.
For documents not currently publicly available, please make a request via Electronic Access to Commission Documents (EASE).