Use caller ID & spam protection

When you make or get a call with caller ID and spam protection on, you can get information about callers or businesses outside your contacts or warnings about potential spam callers.

To use caller ID and spam protection, your phone may need to send information about your calls to Google.

If someone outside your contact list calls you, or you call them, that phone number is sent to Google to help identify its business Caller ID name or determine if the call is spam.

Google doesn’t get phone numbers from your Contact list. Learn how we help keep your data safe.

Important: Some of these steps only work on Android 6.0 and up. Learn how to check your Android version.

Turn caller ID & spam protection off or back on

Caller ID and spam protection is on by default. You can choose to turn it off.

To use caller ID and spam protection, your phone may need to send information about your calls to Google. It doesn’t control whether your number shows when you make calls.

  1. On your device, open the Phone app .
  2. Tap More options More and then Settings and then Caller ID and spam.
  3. Turn See caller ID & spam on or off.
  4. Optional: To block spam calls on your phone, turn on "Filter spam calls." You don't get missed call or voicemail notifications, but filtered calls are in your call history, and you can check your voicemail.

Tip: For devices that have an automatic Call Screen feature, there's no “Filter spam calls” option. Spam autoblocking is one of the automatic Call Screen options. Learn how to screen your calls before you answer them.

  • For Pixel 6 devices and higher: It’s equivalent to the Basic Protection level.
  • For Pixel 5 and lower: It’s equivalent to the “Silently decline” option for the “Spam calls” category.

To change the name on your work or school account, contact your admin.

To change the name or phone number of your business, update your business info.

Turn on Caller ID announcement

To announce a caller’s name or number, turn on Caller ID announcement.
  1. On your device, open the Phone app .
  2. Tap More options More and then Settings and then Caller ID announcement and then Announce caller ID.
  3. Choose an option:
    • Always
    • Only when using a headset
    • Never

Mark calls as spam

You can mark all calls from a number as spam to stop getting more calls from them and to report the spammer.

  1. On your device, open the Phone app .
  2. At the bottom, tap Recents .
  3. Tap the call you want to report as spam. 
  4. Tap Block or Report spam.

Tip: You can tap and hold the call you want to report as spam. Then, tap Block or Report spam.

Recognize spam
If you see "Suspected spam caller" or "Spam" as the caller ID, the call might be spam. You can answer the call, or block and report the number.
Report a mistake in spam protection

If a call from someone you know is marked as spam, you can report the mistake. Future calls to your phone from this number won't be marked as spam.

  1. On your device, open the Phone app .
  2. Tap Recent calls .
  3. Tap the call mistakenly labeled spam.
  4. To report the mistake, tap Not spam.
  5. To unlock the phone number, tap Unblock .

Verify or share caller ID

You can now share information about businesses you call or call you. That information can:

  • Include a business name or category
  • Be displayed on incoming calls
  • Help others learn more about the business, school, or organization calling
You can verify or suggest a new caller ID.
  1. On your device, open the Phone app .
  2. At the bottom, tap Recents .
  3. Tap Was this a business? or Caller ID feedback, then follow the instructions.
  4. Tap Submit.
    • If you verified the phone number isn't a business number, the information won't be sent to Google.
    • The information you submit won't reveal any personal information.

To change your selection after you submit feedback:

  1. In the Recents tab, touch and hold the call you want to use.
  2. Select Send feedback.
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