Set up Phone appDownload the Phone app & get startedMake & receive phone callsMake & receive phone callsMake calls over Wi-FiManage call history & do a reverse phone number look upHow to check your voicemailMake legacy video or voice calls with Google MeetShare your location during an emergency callUse more Phone app featuresUse caller ID & spam protectionScreen your calls before you answer themUse the Phone app to record callsUse Hold for MeUse Direct My CallUse Wait TimesBack up & sync device contactsLearn how your contact information stays private with Spam & Caller IDUse audio emoji in the Phone appUse Call Notes in Phone appGet started with Ask to Hold on Pixel WatchUse Scam DetectionChange Phone app settingsChange call settingsBlock or unblock a phone numberBeta test the Phone appPrivacy in Phone appLearn how smart features keep your data secureLearn about permissions on the Phone appHow the Phone app protects your privacy & keeps you in control