Final Cut Pro User Guide for Mac
- Welcome
- What’s new
- Intro to effects
- Intro to transitions
- How transitions are created
- Add transitions and fades
- Quickly add a transition with a keyboard shortcut
- Set the default duration for transitions
- Delete transitions
- Adjust transitions in the timeline
- Adjust transitions in the inspector and viewer
- Merge jump cuts with the Flow transition
- Adjust transitions with multiple images
- Modify transitions in Motion
- Add storylines
- Use the precision editor
- Conform frame sizes and rates
- Use XML to transfer projects
- Glossary
- Copyright

Use XML to transfer projects in Final Cut Pro for Mac
You can import and export XML (Extensible Markup Language) files in Final Cut Pro. FCPXML is a specialized format that uses XML elements to describe the data exchanged between Final Cut Pro and third-party applications and tools. You can use XML documents (plain ASCII text files with tagged elements) to transfer the details of your libraries, events, projects, and clips between Final Cut Pro and third-party applications, devices, and media asset management tools that don’t recognize Final Cut Pro documents and files.
The XML import and export options are described in detail in the Final Cut Pro XML developer documentation. See Exchanging Content and Metadata with Final Cut Pro at the Apple Developer website.
Import XML into Final Cut Pro
You can generate XML files with other applications and then import them into Final Cut Pro. When you import an XML file, Final Cut Pro generates clips, events, projects, and a library, depending on the contents of the XML file.
In Final Cut Pro, choose File > Import > XML.
Navigate to the XML file you want to import, then click Import.
Final Cut Pro processes the XML and generates the corresponding clips, events, projects, and library, depending on the contents of the XML file.
Tip: You can also import XML files by double-clicking them in the Finder or dragging them to the Final Cut Pro app icon.
Export XML from Final Cut Pro
You can export events, projects, and libraries as XML files.
In Final Cut Pro, select a library, or select one or more events, projects, or clips that you want to export as XML files.
To export the project currently open in the timeline, click in the timeline to make it active.
Choose File > Export XML.
In the window that appears, enter a name for the XML file in the Save As field.
Navigate to a folder on your Mac or storage device where you want to store the XML file.
Click the Metadata View pop-up menu and choose a metadata view.
By choosing a metadata view, you determine what information is included in the XML file and how it’s organized. See View and change clip metadata in Final Cut Pro for Mac and Modify metadata views in Final Cut Pro for Mac.
Select the XML version (Current or Previous) for the export.
Note: In most cases, you should choose the current version. You have the option to choose the previous version of the Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format if you have XML processing code or a third-party application that recognizes the previous version only.
Click Save.
With Final Cut Pro 10.3 or later and compatible third-party applications, you can incrementally update your libraries, events, projects, and clips simply by dragging them between the applications. For example, you might drag a set of events from Final Cut Pro to your media asset management (MAM) application. Or you might drag a library from your MAM application to Final Cut Pro to update it instantly. For more information about compatible third-party applications, visit the Final Cut Pro Resources webpage.
Note: Final Cut Pro XML version 1.10 or later is required for the object tracking and Cinematic mode video features introduced in Final Cut Pro 10.6. When you export FCPXML using version 1.10 or later, Final Cut Pro uses FCPXML bundles, which have the filename extension .fcpxmld.
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