General project settings in Logic Pro for iPad

Only load plug-ins needed for project playback switch: When turned on, only plug-ins needed to enable the full signal flow for playback (including auxes, busses, and outputs) are loaded when a project is opened. This includes:
The focused track
Audio tracks containing audio regions (not including frozen tracks)
Software instrument tracks containing MIDI regions, pattern regions, or Session Player regions (not including frozen tracks)
Audio tracks with input monitoring active
Audio and software instrument tracks with plug-ins that automatically generate sound without requiring any input
Any other tracks required for the complete signal flow
Plug-ins on tracks that are not required for project playback are dimmed, which indicates that they are currently inactive.
When you open a project with this setting turned on, all inactive plug-ins on a channel strip load any time you:
Select a track or channel strip with inactive plug-ins
Add a region to a track with inactive plug-ins
Unfreeze a frozen track
Add a plug-in to a channel strip with inactive plug-ins
Tap an inactive plug-in
Add an additional output to a multi-output software instrument on a channel with inactive plug-ins
Record enable one or more channel strips with inactive plug-ins
Set or change an input on an audio or aux channel
Note: Inactive plug-ins do not load for tracks that are turned off.
Loading the plug-ins only as needed can be a significant time-saver when opening complex projects with a large number of tracks and plug-ins, only some of which are used. It also more efficiently allocates your iPad’s resources, which can help guard against audio dropouts or other glitches.
To learn more about opening projects, see Open and close projects. To learn more about working with plug-ins, see Intro to plug-ins.
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