Recording project settings in Logic Pro for iPad

Count-in pop-up menu: Sets the length of the count-in that precedes a recording.
None: The recording begins with no count-in.
x Bars: The recording begins with a count-in of between one bar and four bars.
x/4: The recording begins with a count-in of between one beat (1/4) and nine beats (9/4). These settings are useful when the count-in falls across a bar change.
Automatically Colorize Takes: Assigns a take folder the color chosen from the Color palette for the first take recording, but different colors for each of the following takes in that take folder. All colors used in a take folder are chosen from the same color row in the Color palette, advancing by a predefined number of columns after each take. See Record multiple audio takes.
Note: The switch is only available in the Recording project settings if Region Color is set to Individual in the View settings.
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