Add and remove people in a shared album in Photos on Mac
If you’re the creator of a shared album, you can invite more subscribers to join the album. You can also remove subscribers from the album, manage album notifications and turn posting for subscribers off and on. If you have friends and family who don’t use iCloud, you can share the album with them by sending an iCloud URL.
WARNING: If you plan to remove a subscriber from a shared album, it’s a good idea to let them know in case they want to save any photos or videos from the shared album. When you remove the subscriber, they no longer have access to the shared album and its contents.
Invite or remove people
The creator of a shared album can invite new subscribers to join the shared album.
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Click a shared album under Shared Albums in the sidebar.
in the toolbar.
In the Invite People field, do one of the following:
Invite someone: Enter the name of the person you want to add, or type an email address or phone number.
Remove someone: Select the person, then press Delete.
Invite someone again: Click the pop-up menu next to a person’s name and choose Resend Invitation.
When you invite (or re-invite) someone to view a shared album, the person receives an email or notification asking them to subscribe.
Share an album with people who don’t use iCloud
The creator of a shared album can create a unique iCloud URL to share the album with people who don’t use iCloud.
Note: Not all features are available in all countries or regions.
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Click a shared album under Shared Albums in the sidebar.
in the toolbar.
Select Public Website.
Copy the link, then paste it into an email or text message and send it to the people you want to invite.
Note: Subscribers who view your shared album on the web can’t comment on the items in it or view new comments posted by you or others. To make comments visible to someone without a Mac, iPhone or iPad, post the comments before you invite the person to view the shared album.
Important: When Public Website is turned on, anyone with the URL can access the album.
Manage posts and notifications
The creator of a shared album can turn subscriber posting and album activity notifications off and on.
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Click a shared album under Shared Albums in the sidebar.
in the toolbar.
Do any of the following:
Only allow yourself to post photos and videos: Deselect Subscribers Can Post; select it to turn participant posting back on.
Turn off notifications: Turn off Notifications to stop notifications when subscribers like, comment or add photos and videos to the album; select it to turn album notifications back on.