Vintage Clav models in Logic Pro for iPad
The Model pop-up menu lets you choose a basic type of tone, or model. Each model offers a unique tonal characteristic and different harmonic structure, designed to create very different sounds. See Vintage Clav models.
The individual models are fully realized instruments and are immediately playable, without further modification. You can shape the tonal character of any loaded model with the string, click, pitch and other model editing parameters.
In some respects, you can view the choice of model as being similar to selecting an oscillator waveform in a synthesizer. As with raw synthesizer waveforms, parameters can affect the model quite differently. For example, using identical parameter settings can make one model more nasal sounding and another model more noisy.
Note: When playing, you may notice some points on the keyboard where the sound changes significantly between adjacent keys. This is intentional and reflects the behavior of some of the clavinet models emulated by Vintage Clav. The original D6 has some strong key-to-key timbral differences, the most obvious being between the highest wound string, and the lowest, non-wound string. If you like the sound of the original instrument but not the mechanical timbre jumps, try the Mellotone model.
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