spiffy-keen art and things




My dream for the election is that it’s definitive. I want a 2012-style Election Day where everyone built it up beforehand to possibly be close but then the results start rolling in and it was like “Oh, nevermind. It’s obviously Obama. Everyone go to bed.”

I just want voters to put a stake right through the heart of Trumpism so that it crumbles to ash before our eyes. That’s the dream.

like to charge, reblog to cast

like to charge, VOTE to cast

Reblogged from adelphicoracle | Originally from parentheticalaside
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    So... about it not even being close and everyone can go to bed...
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  23. parentheticalaside posted this
    My dream for the election is that it’s definitive. I want a 2012-style Election Day where everyone built it up...