Welcome to the Project Feline community. This community is the place to follow the development journey of the upcoming indie title, Project Feline.
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All Members must agree to and abide by our Community Guidelines to engage with the Community. Members found to be in violation of these Guidelines will be subject to administrative action based on the severity of the circumstances. These guidelines apply in addition to the Itch community rules.
Conduct yourself respectfully and strive to behave in a composed and civil manner. Members found repeatedly using strong language, grieving or harassing another Member will be subject to administrative action.
Posts/messages sharing spam, mature content, or advertising will be subject to removal without notice. Members sharing spam, mature content, advertising or call-to-action posts/messages in any thread/chat in the Community will have their account banned from the Community indefinitely.
Members engaging in discussion of sensitive or personal topics or posting links to content that is not Project Feline-related will be subject to administrative action.
Members must contact Moderators privately to discuss the moderation of the Project Feline Community. Members found publicly discussing the moderation of the Project Feline Community or arguing with Moderators will have their account banned from the Community.
Please read the full Guidelines before proceeding.