Functions that provide information about Steam Remote Play sessions, streaming your game content to another computer or to a Steam Link app or hardware.
Steam Remote Play for more information.
Member Functions
Member functions for
are called through the global accessor function
uint32 GetSessionCount();
Get the number of currently connected Steam Remote Play sessions
Returns: uint32The number of currently connected Steam Remote Play sessions
Example:bool BSteamRemotePlayActive()
uint32 unSessionCount = SteamRemotePlay()->GetSessionCount();
for ( uint32 iIndex = 0; iIndex < unSessionCount; iIndex++ )
RemotePlaySessionID_t unSessionID = SteamRemotePlay()->GetSessionID( iIndex );
if ( !unSessionID )
return true;
return false;
RemotePlaySessionID_t GetSessionID( int iSessionIndex );
Name | Type | Description |
iSessionIndex | int | The index of the specified session |
Get the currently connected Steam Remote Play session ID at the specified index
Returns: RemotePlaySessionID_tThe session ID of the session at the specified index, or 0 if the index is less than 0 or greater than or equal to
CSteamID GetSessionSteamID( RemotePlaySessionID_t unSessionID );
Get the SteamID of the connected user
Returns: CSteamIDThe Steam ID of the user associated with the Remote Play session. This would normally be the logged in user, or a friend in the case of Remote Play Together.
const char *GetSessionClientName( RemotePlaySessionID_t unSessionID );
Get the name of the session client device
Returns: const char *
The name of the device associated with the Remote Play session, or NULL if the session ID is not valid.
ESteamDeviceFormFactor GetSessionClientFormFactor( RemotePlaySessionID_t unSessionID );
Get the form factor of the session client device
Returns: ESteamDeviceFormFactorThe form factor of the device associated with the Remote Play session, or
if the session ID is not valid.
Example:bool BSteamRemotePlayToPhone()
uint32 unSessionCount = SteamRemotePlay()->GetSessionCount();
for ( uint32 iIndex = 0; iIndex < unSessionCount; iIndex++ )
RemotePlaySessionID_t unSessionID = SteamRemotePlay()->GetSessionID( iIndex );
if ( !unSessionID )
ESteamDeviceFormFactor eFormFactor = SteamRemotePlay()->GetSessionClientFormFactor( unSessionID );
if ( eFormFactor == k_ESteamDeviceFormFactorPhone )
return true;
return false;
bool BGetSessionClientResolution( RemotePlaySessionID_t unSessionID, int *pnResolutionX, int *pnResolutionY );
Name | Type | Description |
unSessionID | RemotePlaySessionID_t | The session ID to get information about |
pnResolutionX | int | A pointer to a variable to fill with the device resolution width |
pnResolutionY | int | A pointer to a variable to fill with the device resolution height |
Get the resolution, in pixels, of the session client device. This is set to 0x0 if the resolution is not available.
Returns: bool
true if the session ID is valid; otherwise,
Example:// This can return false if the remote device doesn't provide device resolution information
bool BGetSteamRemotePlayResolution( int *pnX, int *pnY )
int nMaxResolutionX = 0, nMaxResolutionY = 0;
uint32 unSessionCount = SteamRemotePlay()->GetSessionCount();
for ( uint32 iIndex = 0; iIndex < unSessionCount; iIndex++ )
RemotePlaySessionID_t unSessionID = SteamRemotePlay()->GetSessionID( iIndex );
if ( !unSessionID )
int nResolutionX = 0, nResolutionY = 0;
SteamRemotePlay()->BGetSessionClientResolution( unSessionID, &nResolutionX, &nResolutionY );
if ( nResolutionX > nMaxResolutionX )
nMaxResolutionX = nResolutionX;
nMaxResolutionY = nResolutionY;
if ( pnX )
*pnX = nMaxResolutionX;
if ( pnY )
*pnY = nMaxResolutionY;
return ( nMaxResolutionX > 0 && nMaxResolutionY > 0 );
bool ShowRemotePlayTogetherUI();
Show the Remote Play Together UI in the game overlay.
Returns: bool
true if your game is configured for Remote Play Together; otherwise,
bool BSendRemotePlayTogetherInvite( CSteamID steamIDFriend );
Name | Type | Description |
steamIDFriend | CSteamID | The Steam ID of the friend you'd like to invite, or create a guest invite if steamIDFriend is CSteamID() |
Invite a friend to join the game using Remote Play Together
Returns: bool
true if the invite was successfully sent; otherwise,
bool BEnableRemotePlayTogetherDirectInput();
Make mouse and keyboard input for Remote Play Together sessions available via GetInput() instead of being merged with local input.
Returns: bool
true if mouse and keyboard events are now available; otherwise,
void DisableRemotePlayTogetherDirectInput();
Merge Remote Play Together mouse and keyboard input with local input.
uint32 GetInput( RemotePlayInput_t *pInput, uint32 unMaxEvents );
Name | Type | Description |
pInput | RemotePlayInput_t | An array of input events that will be filled in by this function, up to unMaxEvents |
unMaxEvents | uint32 | The maximum number of events to read |
Get input events from Remote Play Together sessions. This is available after calling
Returns: uint32The number of events copied to pInput, or the number of events available if pInput is nullptr.
void SetMouseVisibility( RemotePlaySessionID_t unSessionID, bool bVisible );
Name | Type | Description |
unSessionID | RemotePlaySessionID_t | The session to affect. |
bVisible | bool | True to show the mouse cursor, false to hide it. |
Set the mouse cursor visibility for a remote player. This is available after calling
void SetMousePosition( RemotePlaySessionID_t unSessionID, float flNormalizedX, float flNormalizedY );
Name | Type | Description |
unSessionID | RemotePlaySessionID_t | The session to affect. |
flNormalizedX | float | The normalized X position of the mouse cursor. |
flNormalizedY | float | The normalized Y position of the mouse cursor. |
Set the mouse cursor position for a remote player. This is available after calling
BEnableRemotePlayTogetherDirectInput(). This is used to warp the cursor to a specific location and isn't needed during normal event processing. The position is normalized relative to the window, where 0,0 is the upper left, and 1,1 is the lower right.
RemotePlayCursorID_t CreateMouseCursor( int nWidth, int nHeight, int nHotX, int nHotY, const void *pBGRA, int nPitch = 0 );
Name | Type | Description |
nWidth | int | The width of the cursor, in pixels |
nHeight | int | The height of the cursor, in pixels |
nHotX | int | The X coordinate of the cursor hot spot in pixels, offset from the left of the cursor |
nHotY | int | The Y coordinate of the cursor hot spot in pixels, offset from the top of the cursor |
pBGRA | const void * | A pointer to the cursor pixels, with the color channels in red, green, blue, alpha order |
nPitch | int | The distance between pixel rows in bytes, defaults to nWidth * 4 |
Create a cursor that can be used with SetMouseCursor(). This is available after calling
Returns: RemotePlayCursorID_tSetMouseCursor
void SetMouseCursor( RemotePlaySessionID_t unSessionID, RemotePlayCursorID_t unCursorID );
Set the mouse cursor for a remote player. This is available after calling
These are callbacks which can be fired by calling
Sent when a client connected to a session.
Sent when a client disconnected from a session.
Name | Type | Description |
m_unSessionID | RemotePlaySessionID_t | The session ID of the session that just disconnected |
Sent when a guest invitation is created, and includes the guest invite URL.
Name | Type | Description |
m_szConnectURL | char * | The URL that can be used to connect to this guest session |
These are structs which functions in ISteamRemotePlay may return and/or interact with.
Mouse motion event data, valid when RemotePlayInput_t::m_eType is k_ERemotePlayInputMouseMotion.
Name | Type | Description |
m_bAbsolute | bool | True if this is absolute mouse motion and m_flNormalizedX and m_flNormalizedY are valid. |
m_flNormalizedX | float | The absolute X position of the mouse, normalized to the display, if m_bAbsolute is true. |
m_flNormalizedY | float | The absolute Y position of the mouse, normalized to the display, if m_bAbsolute is true. |
m_nDeltaX | int | Relative mouse motion in the X direction. |
m_nDeltaY | int | Relative mouse motion in the Y direction. |
Mouse wheel event data, valid when RemotePlayInput_t::m_eType is k_ERemotePlayInputMouseWheel.
Name | Type | Description |
m_eDirection | ERemotePlayMouseWheelDirection | The mouse wheel direction. |
m_flAmount | float | 1.0f is a single click of the wheel, 120 units on Windows. |
Key event data, valid when RemotePlayInput_t::m_eType is k_ERemotePlayInputKeyDown or k_ERemotePlayInputKeyUp.
Name | Type | Description |
m_eScancode | int | Keyboard scancode, common values are defined in ERemotePlayScancode. |
m_unModifiers | uint32 | Mask of ERemotePlayKeyModifier active for this key event. |
m_unKeycode | uint32 | UCS-4 character generated by the keypress, or 0 if it wasn't a character key, e.g. Delete or Left Arrow. |
Remote input events, enabled with
These are enums which are defined for use with ISteamRemotePlay.
The form factor of a device
Name | Value | Description |
k_ESteamDeviceFormFactorUnknown | 0 | The device form factor isn't available. |
k_ESteamDeviceFormFactorPhone | 1 | The device is a phone or other small handheld device with touchscreen. |
k_ESteamDeviceFormFactorTablet | 2 | The device is a tablet or other large handheld device with a touchscreen. |
k_ESteamDeviceFormFactorComputer | 3 | The device is a desktop computer or laptop. |
k_ESteamDeviceFormFactorTV | 4 | The device is a TV. |
The type of input in
RemotePlayInput_t Name | Value | Description |
k_ERemotePlayInputUnknown | 0 | Unknown input. |
k_ERemotePlayInputMouseMotion | 1 | Mouse motion event. |
k_ERemotePlayInputMouseButtonDown | 2 | Mouse button down event. |
k_ERemotePlayInputMouseButtonUp | 3 | Mouse button up event. |
k_ERemotePlayInputMouseWheel | 4 | Mouse wheel event. |
k_ERemotePlayInputKeyDown | 5 | Keyboard key down event. |
k_ERemotePlayInputKeyUp | 6 | Keyboard key up event. |
Mouse buttons in
RemotePlayInput_t Name | Value | Description |
k_ERemotePlayMouseButtonLeft | 0x0001 | The left mouse button. |
k_ERemotePlayMouseButtonRight | 0x0002 | The right mouse button. |
k_ERemotePlayMouseButtonMiddle | 0x0010 | The middle mouse button. |
k_ERemotePlayMouseButtonX1 | 0x0020 | The first extended mouse button. |
k_ERemotePlayMouseButtonX2 | 0x0040 | The second extended mouse button. |
Mouse wheel direction in
RemotePlayInput_t Name | Value | Description |
k_ERemotePlayMouseWheelUp | 1 | Mouse wheel scrolled away from the user. |
k_ERemotePlayMouseWheelDown | 2 | Mouse wheel scrolled towards the user. |
k_ERemotePlayMouseWheelLeft | 3 | Mouse wheel scrolled to the left. |
k_ERemotePlayMouseWheelRight | 4 | Mouse wheel scrolled to the right. |
Key scancode in
RemotePlayInput_tThis is a USB scancode value as defined for the Keyboard/Keypad Page (0x07). This enumeration isn't a complete list, just the most commonly used keys.
Name | Value | Description |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeUnknown | 0 | Unknown key. |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeA | 4 | A |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeB | 5 | B |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeC | 6 | C |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeD | 7 | D |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeE | 8 | E |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeF | 9 | F |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeG | 10 | G |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeH | 11 | H |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeI | 12 | I |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeJ | 13 | J |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeK | 14 | K |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeL | 15 | L |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeM | 16 | M |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeN | 17 | N |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeO | 18 | O |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeP | 19 | P |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeQ | 20 | Q |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeR | 21 | R |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeS | 22 | S |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeT | 23 | T |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeU | 24 | U |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeV | 25 | V |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeW | 26 | W |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeX | 27 | X |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeY | 28 | Y |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeZ | 29 | Z |
k_ERemotePlayScancode1 | 30 | 1 |
k_ERemotePlayScancode2 | 31 | 2 |
k_ERemotePlayScancode3 | 32 | 3 |
k_ERemotePlayScancode4 | 33 | 4 |
k_ERemotePlayScancode5 | 34 | 5 |
k_ERemotePlayScancode6 | 35 | 6 |
k_ERemotePlayScancode7 | 36 | 7 |
k_ERemotePlayScancode8 | 37 | 8 |
k_ERemotePlayScancode9 | 38 | 9 |
k_ERemotePlayScancode0 | 39 | 0 |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeReturn | 40 | Return |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeEscape | 41 | Escape |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeBackspace | 42 | Backspace |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeTab | 43 | Tab |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeSpace | 44 | Space |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeMinus | 45 | Minus |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeEquals | 46 | Equals |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeLeftBracket | 47 | Left Bracket |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeRightBracket | 48 | Right Bracket |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeBackslash | 49 | Backslash |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeSemicolon | 51 | Semicolon |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeApostrophe | 52 | Apostrophe |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeGrave | 53 | Grave |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeComma | 54 | Comma |
k_ERemotePlayScancodePeriod | 55 | Period |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeSlash | 56 | Slash |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeCapsLock | 57 | CapsLock |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeF1 | 58 | F1 |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeF2 | 59 | F2 |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeF3 | 60 | F3 |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeF4 | 61 | F4 |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeF5 | 62 | F5 |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeF6 | 63 | F6 |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeF7 | 64 | F7 |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeF8 | 65 | F8 |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeF9 | 66 | F9 |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeF10 | 67 | F10 |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeF11 | 68 | F11 |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeF12 | 69 | F12 |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeInsert | 73 | Insert |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeHome | 74 | Home |
k_ERemotePlayScancodePageUp | 75 | Page Up |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeDelete | 76 | Delete |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeEnd | 77 | End |
k_ERemotePlayScancodePageDown | 78 | Page Down |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeRight | 79 | Right |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeLeft | 80 | Left |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeDown | 81 | Down |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeUp | 82 | Up |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeLeftControl | 224 | Left Control |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeLeftShift | 225 | Left Shift |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeLeftAlt | 226 | Left Alt |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeLeftGUI | 227 | Left GUI (windows, command, meta, etc.) |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeRightControl | 228 | Right Control |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeRightShift | 229 | Right Shift |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeRightALT | 230 | Right ALT |
k_ERemotePlayScancodeRightGUI | 231 | Right GUI (windows, command, meta, etc.) |
Key modifier in
RemotePlayInput_t Name | Value | Description |
k_ERemotePlayKeyModifierNone | 0x0000 | No modifiers are active. |
k_ERemotePlayKeyModifierLeftShift | 0x0001 | Left shift is active. |
k_ERemotePlayKeyModifierRightShift | 0x0002 | Right shift is active. |
k_ERemotePlayKeyModifierLeftControl | 0x0040 | Left control is active. |
k_ERemotePlayKeyModifierRightControl | 0x0080 | Right control is active. |
k_ERemotePlayKeyModifierLeftAlt | 0x0100 | Left Alt is active. |
k_ERemotePlayKeyModifierRightAlt | 0x0200 | Right Alt is active. |
k_ERemotePlayKeyModifierLeftGUI | 0x0400 | Left GUI is active. |
k_ERemotePlayKeyModifierRightGUI | 0x0800 | Right GUI is active. |
k_ERemotePlayKeyModifierNumLock | 0x1000 | NumLock is active. |
k_ERemotePlayKeyModifierCapsLock | 0x2000 | CapsLock is active. |
k_ERemotePlayKeyModifierMask | 0xFFFF | A mask of all modifiers. |
These are typedefs which are defined for use with ISteamRemotePlay.
Name | Base type | Description |
RemotePlaySessionID_t | uint32 | A Steam Remote Play session ID. |
RemotePlayCursorID_t | uint32 | A Steam Remote Play mouse cursor ID. |