Important, if you can, please play the download version at the bottom of this page as the browser version has a few issues such as using 'escape' to access game menu and mouse capture being a bit flaky. Thank you.

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On a dark and stormy night you venture into an unusual and creepy mansion. Once inside a voice booms out echoing around.

"Welcome stranger, you are now cursed to forever perform the conga with the undead acquaintances you will make within this mansion!
The external doors have been locked, there is no escape ... well maybe ... If you can create a never ending conga line I will set you free. ha, ha, ha! 
But that will require every undead to follow you and only then could you join the start of the conga line to its end ... no ... an impossible task!
Have a happy conga time."

This is an in development/prototype game for the Synty Spooky game jam.


Your character in the game will always run forward in the direction the camera is facing, by rotating the camera you control your direction.

The objective is to collect all the zombies in the level by passing close by to them so each one follows you and joins your conga line. The purple bar at the top of the screen shows how many zombies you've collected. Don't run into a zombie as they will attack and if hit you will lose a heart! Get hit 5 times and its game over!

Once all the zombies are following you try to attach the first zombie at the head of the conga to the last zombie in the line, this will make a never ending conga line and allow you to escape the mansion! 

Currently you can't make the never ending conga line as the game is still in development!


Best played with a controller, but a mouse will do fine. 

Press escape to bring up the menu, where you can

  • Change the music volume.
  • Change the effects volume.
  • Change the speed the camera rotates.
  • Restart the game.
  • Exit


CongaCurse 52 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip, then unzip it. 

Ideally once downloaded, right-click on the zip file, select properties and at the bottom of the 'general' tab you'll see a security section, where you can 'unblock' it. Doing that prior to unzipping will help avoid Windows being a pain.


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What a great spin on snake! Sadly my browser kept dropping mouse capture at unfortunate times, but aside from that this was a fun one!

Thanks for the comment and for recognizing the inspiration of snake.

Sadly the browser version was a last minute idea that I didn't have time to test properly so it suffers compared to the downloadable version in a few ways such as 'escape' key not always working and mouse capture being a bit flaky.  Hopefully these can be fixed when the page unlocks after the jam is finished.