Re: Release Managers for PHP 8.4
2024年3月6日(水) 0:41 Jakub Zelenka <>:
> Hi all,
> It's time to start the process of finding and electing RMs for the next minor
> PHP release.
> We are looking for three souls to take on this role. Whomsoever is elected will be
> guided and helped by the current, as well as previous RMs and the excellent documentation
> in [1].
> Candidates should have a reasonable knowledge of internals, be confident about
> merging pull requests without breaking backward compatibility, doing triage for bugs,
> liaising with previous release managers, and generally getting the branch in good shape,
> as these are among the activities you will be undertaking as release manager. Ideally, at
> least one of candidate should be a core developer that can assess more technical
> PR's. Other candidates do not necessarily need to have deep knowledge of internals
> but should understand above mentioned points.
> Notably, at least one of the volunteers must be a "veteran" release
> manager, meaning they have participated in at least one release of PHP in the past. The
> other may be an additional veteran, or more ideally, someone new to the RM role (in order
> to increase our supply of veteran RMs).
> Please put your name forward here if you wish to be considered a candidate. An
> initial TODO page has been added to the wiki and contains provisional dates for GA and
> pre-releases [2].
> [1]
> [2]
> Let's all make PHP awesome!
> Jakub Zelenka, Eric Mann & Pierrick Charron
Hello, all.
I would like to candidacy to Release Manager for PHP 8.4.
I created mb_trim functions for since PHP 8.4.
There may also be mb_ucfirst and mb_lcfirst functions add to them.
I also have other ideas, such as the grapheme_str_split function, and
I would like to take care of them if they are included in PHP 8.4.
I'm not necessarily familiar with the internals of Zend Engine, but
I'm proud that I've taken particular care in maintaining versions.
Also, My company (Cybozu Inc.) I currently work for understands my PHP
Internals activities and gives me time, so I would like to contribute
Yuya Hamada
Yuya Hamada (tekimen)
Thread (7 messages)