A downloadable game

Hedgerow RPG Preview

A Role Playing System designed to capture the feel of skill based character design of d100 games like Mythras but with a dice pool system closer to that of Forgotten Lands.

Characters have 6 main Abilities each ranked in a Die Size from d6 to d12 as well as 80 Skills ranked from 0 to 5. When committing to an Action, build a Dice Pool by choosing the relevant Ability to determine the size of the dice and a Skill which decides how many dice of that size you’ll roll. Any single die with a result of 6 or higher is a success. Typically, if the roll is not contested, one success is all you need for the action to succeed.

While the game is still in development, these core rules are ready to be played. 

In Development and Temp Rules:
Beyond Skills the intended design for character customization is acquiring Talents as you progress through a campaign. Talents will open up dedicated actions for special kinds of attacks, the ability to cast spells or use psionic powers, to call upon an animal companion, and more. 

Until Talents are formally introduced, while using these Preview Rules a player wanting to run a supernatural character whether that be a Cleric, Druid, Wizard, etc. can spend 1 Willpower Point or take 2 damage to Clarity to substitute one Skill roll for another at the GMs discretion. 

For example: A character intended to be a Mage wants to make a ranged spell attack, Instead of using the Thrown or Projectile Skills, the player may spend 1 Willpower to roll Spellcraft for that action.

GMs may allow for more complex actions in lieu of Talents by having players spend 1, 2, or 3 Willpower or taking 2, 4, or 6 damage to a certain Health Values depending on the impact of the desired result. This could be for a combat maneuver affecting multiple targets or a spell or psionic ability that accomplish more than just replacing a skill roll.

Digital Character Sheet;
I've made a Google Sheet for Hedgerow Characters, more Function than Fancy. All of the Skills are listed with checkbox that automatically tally up in an "XP Spent" box so long as you check boxes from left to right. There is also an example pre-made character!

Click Here to check out the Character Sheet

Digital Dice:

I highly recommend the Genesys Dice App for use with this game. The Apps dice roller uses the dedicated Genesys Symbol dice by default but you can select traditional numbered polyhedral dice, set dice pool presets, and it allows you to re-roll individual dice in a pool.


Hedgerow RPG Preview.pdf 1.3 MB

Development log

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