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Public sector open source software projects - How is development organized?
The adoption of Open Source Software (OSS) in Public Sector Organizations (PSOs) is on the rise, driven by benefits such as enhanced interoperability...
User feedback in continuous software engineering: revealing the state-of-practice
Organizations opt for continuous delivery of incremental updates to deal with uncertainty and minimize waste. However, applying continuous...
Exploring data management challenges and solutions in agile software development: a literature review and practitioner survey
Managing data related to a software product and its development poses significant challenges for software projects and agile development teams. These...
Assessing the adoption of security policies by developers in terraform across different cloud providers
Cloud computing has become popular thanks to the widespread use of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools, allowing the community to manage and configure...
Design pattern recognition: a study of large language models
As Software Engineering (SE) practices evolve due to extensive increases in software size and complexity, the importance of tools to analyze and...
Understanding security tactics in microservice APIs using annotated software architecture decomposition models – a controlled experiment
While microservice architectures have become a widespread option for designing distributed applications, designing secure microservice systems...
Enhanced code reviews using pull request based change impact analysis
Code reviewing is an essential yet challenging activity due to the potential repercussions associated with changes to the codebase. While version...
Come for syntax, stay for speed, write secure code: an empirical study of security weaknesses in Julia programs
Practitioners prefer to achieve performance without sacrificing productivity when developing scientific software. The Julia programming language is...
Developer reactions to protestware in open source software: the cases of
color.js andes5.ext There is growing concern about maintainers self-sabotaging their work in order to take political or economic stances, a practice referred to as...
Negativity in self-admitted technical debt: how sentiment influences prioritization
Self-Admitted Technical Debt, or SATD, is a self-admission of technical debt present in a software system. The presence of SATD in software systems...
An empirical study of business process models and model clones on GitHub
Business process management entails a multi-billion-dollar industry that is founded on modeling business processes to analyze, understand, improve,...
Explainable automated debugging via large language model-driven scientific debugging
Automated debugging techniques have the potential to reduce developer effort in debugging. However, while developers want rationales for the provided...
Governing the commons: code ownership and code-clones in large-scale software development
In software development organizations employing weak or collective ownership, different teams are allowed and expected to autonomously perform...
Collaboration failure analysis in cyber-physical system-of-systems using context fuzzy clustering
A cyber-physical system-of-systems (CPSoS) facilitates the achievement of high-level goals, such as efficient traffic management on roads, by...
An extended study of syntactic breaking changes in the wild
Libraries assist in accelerating the development of software applications by providing reusable functionalities. Libraries and applications that...
Large scale reuse of microservices using CI/CD and InnerSource practices - a case study
Contemporary practices such as InnerSource (adopting open source practices within an organization), continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), and...
The well-being of software engineers: a systematic literature review and a theory
For decades, software engineering research and practice has focused primarily on technological and process-related factors. Today, there is a growing...
Applying bayesian data analysis for causal inference about requirements quality: a controlled experiment
It is commonly accepted that the quality of requirements specifications impacts subsequent software engineering activities. However, we still lack...
Can search-based testing with pareto optimization effectively cover failure-revealing test inputs?
Search-based software testing (SBST) is a widely-adopted technique for testing complex systems with large input spaces, such as Deep Learning-enabled...