1 Introduction

Open Source Software (OSS) has since its inception, more than twenty years ago (although present as a phenomenon even longer), evolved from a community approach of scratching itches to becoming an established way for the industry to collaborate on common functionality (Robles et al. 2019b). Across industry sectors, competitors are pooling resources and leveraging communities to solve common problems, allowing innovation to be focused at the top of the stack. The result is that OSS is now present in a large majority of companies’ internal code bases, as well as in products and services, and in our common digital infrastructure at large (Tidelift 2018; Synopsys 2020; OSI 2022). While Public Sector Organizations (PSOs) could also leverage OSS projects and collaboration to make better use of resources in developing government services, OSS uptake in the public sector has not gained the momentum that many anticipated (Kovács et al. 2004). Even though many administrations at the local, regional, national, and even supra-national levels have carried out a large amount of initiatives to develop their software projects as OSS and benefit from its advantages, the impact of such initiatives has so far been moderate.

In this study, we are interested in exploring this context, and what we refer to as public sector OSS projects, i.e., those that are initiated, developed, and governed by one (or multiple) PSOs, either through internal or commissioned resources. Specifically, we aim to explore how the development and social structures of this type of projects compare to the more extensively explored community and industry-driven types of OSS projects (Capra and Wasserman 2008).

A common means for characterizing the social structure of OSS projects is through the so-called “onion” (Crowston and Howison 2005) model: the main contributors are the core of the project (the “core” developers), surrounded by a new layer of occasional contributors. In an outer layer, we can find the end users. The further from the center, the less input and influence an individual has on the project. In large OSS projects, the outer layers of the “onion” are orders of magnitude superior in terms of individuals compared to the inner ones. This periphery of individuals commonly consists of users and casual contributors to the OSS project.

Projects that manage to grow an active and vibrant community commonly characterize as a bazaar, as proposed in Eric Raymond’s well-known The Cathedral and the Bazaar essay (Raymond 1999), with light development and communication processes, fluid management, and open to everybody to contribute. The cathedral, in contrast, is a model that follows a traditional setting commonly found within commercial development organizations (and in some OSS projects), which, contextualized in an OSS project, implies that a few individuals undertake planning and development rather detached from the community (Capiluppi and Michlmayr 2007). While these models generalize two states for how development may be organized, they are not to be considered as fixed but rather two points on a spectrum between which projects may transition as they evolve (Capiluppi and Michlmayr 2007).

In this study, our overarching research goal is to investigate how the development is organized in public sector OSS projects, and by extension where on this spectrum they may be positioned relative to the bazaar development model (Raymond 1999; Capiluppi and Michlmayr 2007), or if new metaphors may be needed. We conjecture that after more than 20 years of initiatives around OSS in the public sector, development in public sector OSS projects to a large extent are organized in ways that diverge from the commonly-adopted bazaar model. By extension, we assume that the extent to which the onion model applies is fundamentally different for public sector OSS projects (Nakakoji et al. 2002) compared to bazaar OSS projects (Raymond 1999) as exemplified by those originally investigated by Mockus et al. (2002).

These conjectures carry significant implications, as public sector OSS projects may not fully capitalize on the advantages of a large developer community associated with bazaar-style development. Moreover, it suggests that insights drawn from research and practice for community and industry-driven projects do not apply to public sector OSS projects. Should this hypothesis be confirmed, it underscores the necessity to explore and evaluate alternative managerial, technical, and process-oriented approaches. To the best of our knowledge, we are not aware of any research study that has explored this conjecture.

We address this gap by comparing and contrasting the characteristics of public sector OSS projects with a set of previously reported OSS projects where development was carried out in line with the bazaar model (from now on referred to as bazaar OSS projects). We specifically look at the seminal work by Mockus et al. who studied the Apache web server (Mockus et al. 2000) and Mozilla browser OSS projects (Mockus et al. 2002). Their study was first replicated (and findings to large extent confirmed) on the community-driven FreeBSD OSS project (Dinh-Trong and Bieman 2005), and later on in the industry-driven JBossAS, JOnAS, and Apache Geronimo OSS projects (Ma et al. 2010). To enable comparable results, we replicate the methodology, and a relevant subset of research questions from the original study by Mockus et al. (2002). In accordance with our pre-registered report (Linåker et al. 2023a), we adhered to the specified hypotheses and methods.

Based on investigated cases, we find that there is no one form of development in public sector OSS projects but that they deviate from what is commonly found in the bazaar OSS projects as exemplified by Mockus et al. (2002), thereby largely confirming our conjecture. Across the cases, the majority of the development (80%) is typically concentrated on a limited set of developers (<15), using formalised processes and predominantly relying on externally procured development resources. Notably, development is to a large extent planned top-down by the involved PSO(s). We do, however, note distinctions in how the development is sponsored either centrally by one or a few main PSOs, or decentralized by a wider group PSOs that depend on the mutual funding and pooling or resources to secure the sustainability of the OSS. Further work is needed to explore how development is organized and enabled and how challenges and solutions need to be tailored for each context.

Our study makes the following contributions:

  • An in-depth investigation and characterization of how development in organized in public sector OSS projects.

  • A comparative analysis how this development deviates from the more informal and community-driven development exemplified by the bazaar model.

  • A framework for future research to take point from in the continued exploration of how the public sector can leverage OSS as a tool in their digital transformations.

  • Design knowledge for practitioners to use when designing development and governance practices for new or existing public sector OSS projects.

Next, we provide further contextualization to this study. Following, we describe in detail our hypotheses and research questions, and their underpinning rationale. This is followed by the research design for the study overall and for each research question in detail. We then present our findings for each case per research question using a similar structure as Mockus et al. (2002). Afterwards we discuss our hypotheses by contrasting between the earlier reported bazaar OSS projects and our findings for the six public sector OSS projects. Finally, we conclude by synthesizing our findings, and by providing implications for practice and research.

2 Background and related work

2.1 Development practices in open source software projects

The cathedral and bazaar models were introduced early as two perspectives on how OSS development may be generalized (Raymond 1999). On the one hand, a formal and structured approach with limited to no external collaboration, and on the other, a community-driven and open collaborative type of peer-production, commonly characterized by meritocracy and self-selection of development tasks (Capiluppi and Michlmayr 2007). Since then, OSS development practice has evolved along with the increased involvement of companies.

The type and level of the companies’ engagement depend on multiple factors (Butler et al. 2018; Lundell et al. 2022), including their strategic interest in the OSS project (Munaiah et al. 2018) and ability and need to contribute (Linåker et al. 2019). Moreover, for companies developing and providing standards-based technologies there may be a stark need to engage with OSS projects that implement specific ICT standards (Lundell et al. 2022). On-boarding employees to the projects or hiring existing contributors with the projects are common practice (Munaiah et al. 2018). The companies collaborate with each other to address common needs (Zhang et al. 2020), even in cases where they may be considered competitors (Linåker et al. 2016). Their general involvement in the OSS projects varies from active and intentional collaborations to more passive and isolated participation (Li et al. 2024).

Alongside the commercial involvement in OSS, a high degree of the development and maintenance of OSS projects is still being done on an individual basis (Salkever 2023; Tidelift 2024), motivated both by intrinsic and extrinsic incentives (Gerosa et al. 2021). Growing sustainable communities is a challenge (Linåker et al. 2022), although still an aspiration for maintainers of the OSS projects (Linåker et al. 2024). Fostering an open collaborative development and community culture is pivotal (Constantino et al. 2023) to manage and grow the numbers of both episodic volunteers and the more long-term contributors (Barcomb et al. 2018). Several studies (Majumder et al. 2019; Avelino et al. 2016; Pinto et al. 2016) show how a significant majority of development is commonly concentrated to a limited few who in alignment with the early observations by, e.g., Mockus et al Mockus et al. (2002).

The collaborative development commonly occurs ”in the wild” through the use of social coding platforms (Constantino et al. 2023), while increasingly being facilitated in the confines of OSS foundations (Riehle and Berschneider 2012). The Apache Software Foundation provides one example originating from the Apache Web server OSS project (Mockus et al. 2000). The foundation has, since its inception, emphasized an open and collaborative development and governance model (Fielding 1999), still in force today (Gharehyazie and Filkov 2017; Foundation 2024).

2.2 Public sector adoption and collaboration on open source software

It has been reported that the scale of Europe’s institutional capacity related to OSS is disproportionately smaller than the scale of the value created by OSS (Blind et al. 2021). Several factors contribute to this circumstance, including the potential for economic growth, innovation, and competition (Hoffmann et al. 2024; Nagle 2019; Blind et al. 2021). OSS has also been shown to bring benefits that are particularly salient in the public sector context, among them improved interoperability (Lundell et al. 2017), transparency (Europe 2022), and digital sovereignty (Nagle 2022).

The adoption, on the other hand, is dampened by challenges such as lacking technical capabilities and competency regarding software development (Borg et al. 2018), and issues related to public procurement regulations and procurement practices which impact on conditions for how OSS can be procured by PSOs (Lundell et al. 2021). General knowledge of OSS is another concern, both within the PSOs and its vendors, e.g., in terms of how to successfully create and orchestrate an OSS community (Bacon 2012), and adopt the principles of open collaboration (Feller and Fitzgerald 2002), both on a managerial and developer level (Linåker and Runeson 2020).

Extant research reports several examples on the adoption of OSS (Hollmann et al. 2013; Ven et al. 2006; Fitzgerald and Kenny 2004), the benefits of adopting OSS in governments (Kovács et al. 2004; Huysmans et al. 2008), and how OSS technologies can be used to restructure the public sector (Hautamäki and Oksanen 2018) and to develop new e-government services (Kalja et al. 2007). Studies have also been reported on the risks and critical factors related to the adoption as well as the release of OSS (Kuechler et al. 2013; Scanlon 2019; Linåker and Regnell 2020). However, research regarding the topic of how development and maintenance by PSOs are performed and organized, and how PSOs can (and should) engage with OSS projects has not received as much attention, even though highlighted as a topic in the research community since long (Lundell et al. 2009). One notable exception regards a study of the organization of the X-Road project (governed by the Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions) which has been launched by Estonia and Finland (Robles et al. 2019a).

It should be noted that for both private organizations and PSOs which consider strategic engagement with OSS projects, which goes beyond “ad-hoc” adoption and use of OSS, there are several challenges to address. Several strategies on how an organization may engage with different OSS projects have been conceptualized in previous research (Lundell et al. 2017). Considering these strategies in a commercial (company) context implies rather different conditions compared to a public sector context which lacks short-term commercial goals. For example, a PSO may initiate a public procurement project through which OSS from an externally provided OSS project will be adopted and deployed for internal use (Shaikh 2016). Moreover, a PSO may decide to strategically engage with specific OSS projects which are of particular relevance to their organization, e.g., by providing bug reports or by seeking to establish a long-term symbiotic relationship between the own organization and an external OSS project  (Lundell et al. 2017). A PSO may be engaged with some type of association (e.g., OS2 in Denmark (Frey 2023)) through which a group of PSOs join forces, in a similar way as foundations have been established for the governance of specific OSS projects, e.g., the Eclipse Foundation and The Document Foundation.

2.3 Summary

In sum, the development practices have evolved greatly from the simplified models of the cathedral and the bazaar that were introduced in the early days of OSS. The literature illustrates how the boundaries between closed and open development have blurred while still emphasizing the presence and importance of open, collaborative development. The cathedral and the bazaar should accordingly not be seen as a binary state for classifying OSS projects but rather as two points of reference on a spectrum characterizing the collaborative nature of development activities inside OSS projects. For public sector OSS projects specifically, reports are limited in terms of how the development is organized and, accordingly, where they reside on the spectrum. Considering their limitations in resources and capabilities and confinement to public procurement frameworks (among other things), we expect that the level of collaborative development is less than what is referenced in the bazaar model. Accordingly, we use the bazaar model (based on earlier reports (Mockus et al. 2002; Dinh-Trong and Bieman 2005; Ma et al. 2010)) to position our exploratory investigation of how development in public sector OSS projects is organized.

3 Hypotheses and research questions

In line with our conjecture, and informed by our previous investigation of the X-Road project (Robles et al. 2019a), we anticipate that public sector OSS projects involves a set of users who preside over economic, decisional, and strategic power. In contrast to a bazaar OSS project, this set of users does not (at least related to most OSS projects) actively perform any development themselves. Instead, the development is commissioned through public procurement projects to a set of developers (mainly contractors) who have limited power beyond the ability to provide technical input to the planning and direction of the OSS project. The developers may further consist of other stakeholders and users of the OSS project, yet they may have limited abilities to influence the planning and direction of the project. We, therefore, expect a top-down planning and communication flow from decision-makers at PSOs to developers and other users where a mix of open and closed communication channels are used.

With this background, we define a set of hypotheses in line with Mockus et al. (2002) to enable us to compare and contrast between public sector OSS projects identified through this study, and the bazaar OSS projects reported by Mockus et al. (2002) and following replications (Dinh-Trong and Bieman 2005; Ma et al. 2010). It should be noted that a subset of the original hypotheses have been excluded as these focused on highlighting benefits of OSS projects compared to closed source (proprietary) software in terms of defect density and release pace.

  1. H1a

    OSS developments will have a core of developers who control the code base, and will create approximately 80% or more of the new functionality. If this core group uses only informal, ad-hoc means of coordinating their work, it will be no larger than 10-15 people.

  2. H1b

    Approximately 95% or more of OSS developments will be performed by developers commissioned by the users of the OSS project (i.e., PSOs).

  3. H2a

    Projects, independent of the number of commissioned developers, coordinate their work using other mechanisms than just informal, ad-hoc arrangements. These mechanisms may include one or more of the following: explicit development processes, individual or group code ownership, and required inspections.

  4. H2b

    Projects are planned top-down by a set of users (i.e., decision-makers at PSOs) who commission the development and communicate using open and closed communication channels.

  5. H3

    In successful OSS developments, a group larger by an order of magnitude than the set of users (i.e., the PSOs that commission the development) will report problems, and in other ways partake in planning activities and communication concerning the OSS project.

  6. H4a

    OSS developments that have a strong set of users (i.e., the PSOs that commission the development) but never achieve large numbers of general users engaged will experience limited to non-existent reuse, and a decrease in quality because of a lack of resources devoted to finding and repairing defects.

  7. H4b

    The community of a project will primarily consist of commissioned contractors, and PSOs using, or with an interest in using, the OSS.

To test our hypotheses, we use the same research questions as Mockus et al. (2002), but for our analyzed public sector OSS projects:

  1. RQ1

    What was the process used to develop the identified public sector OSS projects?

    • Addresses H1-4

  2. RQ2

    How many people wrote code for functionality in the public sector OSS projects? How many individuals reported problems? How many individuals repaired defects? What were their affiliations and roles?

    • Addresses H1, H3-4

  3. RQ3

    Were these functions carried out by distinct groups of individuals, i.e., did individuals primarily assume a single role? Did large numbers of individuals participate somewhat equally in these activities, or did a small number of individuals do most of the work?

    • Addresses H3-4

  4. RQ4

    Where did the code contributors work in the code? Was strict code ownership enforced on a file or module level?

    • Addresses H3-4

In Section 4.3, we describe how we answer the research questions and address the related hypotheses.

4 Methodology and execution plan

Below we provide a detailed description of our research design, including the case selection criteria, underlying rationale, as well as details on our quantitative and qualitative method.

To ensure transparency and reduce bias, this study was pre-registered as a Registered Report (Linåker et al. 2023a) after being peer-reviewed at the 2023 Mining Software Repositories Conference. Registered Reports commit researchers to a specific research plan and analysis approach, reducing the potential for bias and increasing the transparency and reproducibility of research findings.

4.1 Overall research design

To be comparable with Mockus et al.’s findings, we design our research method as close as possible to their method. It should be noted that Mockus et al. selected two OSS projects, Apache and Mozilla, that had certain characteristics, basically that they had a large community of developers (and users). In other words, they did not randomly sample the selected OSS projects, as a vast majority of them are small in size and impact (Krishnamurthy 2002; Munaiah et al. 2017), but instead larger and established projects with active and vibrant developer communities (in line with the bazaar model (Raymond 1999; Capiluppi and Michlmayr 2007)). Thus, we would first need to identify OSS projects promoted by PSOs that have a high development activity.

Hence, to pursue our research goal and address the RQs, we utilise purposeful sampling (Patton 2014) and report on six case studies of public sector OSS projects. The sample size is in line with Miller (Miller 1956) and motivated by the richness each case brings to the investigation and comparison we perform. We find that the case study methodology is the most appropriate one, as Benbasat et al. consider that “[a] case study examines a phenomenon in its natural setting, employing multiple data collection methods to gather information from a few entities. The boundaries of the phenomenon are not clearly evident at the outset of the research and no experimental control or manipulation is used” (Benbasat et al. 1987). So, as in Mockus et al., a mixed-methods approach is used in this research (Creswell et al. 2003), combining qualitative and quantitative data sources. This offers a more complete perspective of the projects, i) based on the analysis of publicly available sources and ii) by means of obtaining feedback from relevant stakeholders of the public sector OSS projects.

Consequently, we divide our design in three phases (see Figure 1):

In the first phase

we identify catalogues with OSS by PSOs. These catalogues are the result of PSOs creating spaces for collaboration. In them, software created for and by PSOs at local, regional, national, and sometimes international levels are listed, and links to the source code and documentation are offered. In some cases, general-purpose software, such as LibreOffice, can also be found in those catalogues, which although widely used in PSOs does not fulfill the definition of an OSS project promoted by PSOs. Through over networks with PSOs active in OSS on with EU, we have identified and selected a set of seven such catalogues based on convenience and purposeful sampling as we aimed cover a wide geographical area. We do not believe they cover the whole population of OSS adopted by PSOs in the respective countries, nor is it our intention to cover the whole population either.

We collect projects in those catalogues (which sum up to more than 20K projects), include those that are driven by a PSO, and categorize them for relevant characteristics, such as the number of collaborators (in terms of committers and bug reporters) and amount of activity (in terms of commits, bug reports and pull requests). The output of this phase is a list of projects ordered by community size and activity. The list is provided as supplementary material for the study in the reproduction package (to be found at the end of the conclusions section).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Execution plan in a nutshell

In the second phase

we select six projects through purposeful sampling (Patton 2014) out of the resulting list from the first phase. Our intention is not to choose the first six in terms of size (in number of developers and commits), but also to have a diverse set of projects (regarding nationality, level, and if developed in-house or not). We investigate these projects quantitatively by mining relevant software repositories. We further contact representatives for projects and ask them if they are willing to provide feedback on our investigation, thereby helping to triangulate findings from our quantitative analysis. A relevant aspect for being selected to be further studied is that they respond positively.

In the third phase

observations from the sample of public sector OSS projects are qualitatively compared and contrasted with the bazaar cases of Apache web server and Mozilla browser OSS projects as reported by Mockus et al. (2002), together with the replicated cases of the FreeBSD (Dinh-Trong and Bieman 2005), JBossAS, JOnAS, and Apache Geronimo projects (Ma et al. 2010). As a frame of reference when contrasting public sector and bazaar OSS projects, we use the onion model (Nakakoji et al. 2002), classically used to illustrate the relationship between an active and influential core of developers and a less so periphery of users in a project (Crowston et al. 2006).

Below, we elaborate on the methodology and its phases in further detail.

4.2 Datasets & Selection of cases

We have identified several catalogues of OSS projects for and by PSOs used in different countries. These include ItalyFootnote 1, FranceFootnote 2, CanadaFootnote 3, U.S.Footnote 4, SwedenFootnote 5, DenmarkFootnote 6, and FinlandFootnote 7.

Figure 2 shows a screenshot of the Italian portal. The projects contained in these catalogues provide the input for our first phase. The catalogues were identified through personal networks and online searches, and are to be considered as a sample of potentially relevant public sector OSS projects rather than a complete data set.

The study seeks to identify six specific public sector OSS projects. For the selection process we use four inclusion criteria (IC) for identifying these six projects:

  1. IC1

    First, OSS that has been provided as an outcome of a software project and which has been used by at least one PSO during the time frame of the investigation (during 2023). This criteria includes software projects which have been initiated as a public procurement project irrespective of whether the provision of the OSS to the PSO (from the commercial supplier) has taken place via a public development platform for the OSS project. However, a prerequisite for the fulfillment of this criteria is that an OSS project exists on a public platform even if no representative for any PSO has been directly engaged with the development and maintenance of the software project (which may have been initiated as an OSS project on a public platform as part of a procurement contract).

  2. IC2

    Second, OSS projects provided on public development platforms for which there is some activity during the last year. This criteria seeks to exclude OSS projects for which there is inactivity on public development platforms that host the project.

  3. IC3

    Third, OSS projects for which the complete source code and related development information is publicly available which allows for inspection of the source code and for creating a running instance of the OSS from the OSS project through use of OSS licensed development tools. Even if it is possible that PSOs provide source code under an OSS license for which there is a lack of OSS licensed development tools, such projects would be of limited relevance to other PSOs. For this reason such projects would fail to fulfill this inclusion criterion.

  4. IC4

    Fourth, OSS projects for which commercial support and services related to the project may be obtained (and have been obtained) by PSOs. This criteria presupposes that there exists at least one PSO which has obtained a commercial contract with service providers related to the OSS project.

IC1-2 are applied through mining process described in the first phase of our study, while IC3-4 are manually verified in the second phase when identifying the six projects to be investigated (see Figure 1).

The output of the selection process is a set of projects that have certain characteristics (as discussed above) and which we analyze more in-depth using their respective source code repositories.

4.3 Variables

Below, we list the variables that we analyze to address the RQs. We follow the same method (and thus collect the same variables) as in Mockus et al. (2002), to make the comparison in the third phase possible (see Figure 1).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Snapshot of the developers.italia.it public sector OSS web catalogue from the Dipartimento per la Trasformazione Digitale (Italian Digital Transformation Department). Provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, see https://developers.italia.it/en/legal-notice

To gather information, we utilized the GrimoireLab Perceval tool (Dueñas et al. 2018). As individuals can have multiple identities (Robles and Gonzalez-Barahona 2005) that need to be merged into a single one, we employed the gambit (Gote and Zingg 2021) disambiguation tool; we further expanded its capabilities to include data from pull requests and issues. Additionally, we identified and removed numerous bots from the analysis (Chidambaram and Mazrae 2022). Tools and data can be found in the reproduction package linked at the end of the manuscript.

4.3.1 RQ1: Development process

To produce an accurate description of the OSS development processes, one of the authors of Mockus et al. wrote a draft description of the process for each project (i.e., Apache and Mozilla), then had it reviewed by members of the core OSS development teams. The scope of the description includes information on:

  • Roles and responsibilities

  • Identifying work to be done

  • Assigning and performing development work

  • Pre-release testing

  • Inspections

  • Managing releases

We replicate this process by first creating our own understanding of the project’s development process by studying evidence found on the project’s web page and repositories, and asking related question to members of the project to validate, and enrich our understanding. A copy of our interview questions is found in Appendix A of this study.

4.3.2 RQ2: Community size

To address this question, as in Mockus et al., we identify those who have submitted code (discriminating between those who add functionality and those who fix bugs) and those who file bug reports to the bug tracking system.

We considered that commits fixed a bug when their commit message contained at least one of the following keywords (after Porter-stemming and removing stopwords): close, hotfix, incorrect, bug, buggi, bugfix, correct, typo, resolv, issu, fix, error, debug, fail, repair, crash, broken, miss. We considered every other commit as adding functionality. This set of keywords is extended from a state of the art set that was used in past studies to identify bug-fixing commits (Capilla et al. 2024).

4.3.3 RQ3: Involvement & roles

Mockus et al. plotted the cumulative proportion of code changes and bug reports against the number of contributors and accounted for the share of contributions of the top 15 developers (what they called the core group, following the onion model). We also examine whether the size of commits by the most active developers is statistically larger than those done by the rest, and how the participation is in terms of adding new functionalities. We measure as well the tenure of most active developers and the rest.

For bug reports, we investigate the distribution of those who have reported the bugs, and how much of the total share has been done by the most active developers.

We have identified the affiliation of the core group developers by analyzing the domain of the emails that these developers use in their commits to the release repository. In the event that they used general service domains (e.g., gmail.com) or used personal domains (e.g., joesmith.com), a manual search has been carried out to find out the affiliation of the developer. If the situation arises that you have had several employers in recent years, the dates of the commits have been taken into account when making the assignment. The core group has been defined for the affiliation analysis, as has been done in the rest of the paper, as the group composed of the minimum number of developers to reach at least 80% of the activity in the repository.

4.3.4 RQ4: Code ownership

To address this question, we track those who have made modifications to files and see if only one developer is in charge of them or if code ownership is shared among more developers.

4.4 Qualitative analysis

As highlighted in Section 4.1, we validate our investigation through interviews with individuals within the communities of the respective cases. This regards both the process description as highlighted by RQ1, but also our general findings in terms of RQ2-4. Individuals are sampled based on their social and technical activity, and their (potential) organizational affiliation. Two individuals are sampled per project as noted in Table 1. Further context on the respective cases are provided in the results section.

Online interviews lasting about 60 minutes each are conducted by two of the authors, with one leading the interview and the second taking notes. The interview questions used were prepared a-priori and based on the research questions and hypotheses defined in this study. Interviews are recorded and transcribed, and structurally coded (Saldaña 2021) based on the respective RQs. The coded data is then used to triangulate our previous findings and used in our analysis of each project. The data further provide input to our synthesis and comparison between the bazaar projects investigated by Mockus et al. (2002) and replicated works (Dinh-Trong and Bieman 2005; Ma et al. 2010), and the public sector OSS projects investigated in this study.

The authors abide by the ethical guidelines provided by the Swedish Research Council (Council 2017). In terms of data management specifically, interviewees’ identities and affiliations are anonymized in transcriptions and any reporting based on the data. Each interviewee is provided with a copy of the transcript and encouraged to address any misunderstanding or mentions of sensitive information. All recordings will be destroyed after the reporting of this study.

Table 1 Overview of interviewees from the respective projects investigated in the study

4.5 Deviations from the pre-registered report

There have not been any significant deviations from the pre-registered report.

5 Study 1: EnergyPlus

EnergyPlusFootnote 8 is a simulation program that can model a building’s consumption regarding heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, and water. Target users include engineers, architects, building auditors, and researchers. It was initiated in 1996 and published under a BSD-3 clause OSS license in 2012 to improve adoption. Today, the software is widely used primarily by software vendors as a component in end-user applications. The OSS is also commonly used in academic research for experimenting and implementing simulation models related to energy consumption.

5.1 RQ1 - The energyplus development process

The project is mainly developed and governed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, together with four other national research labs affiliated to and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. Each research lab has general ownership of different parts of the software related to their expertise. The University of California, e.g., specializes in energy transfer through and around windows, which is why they maintain ownership of related models. In total, about 30 individuals are working professionally with the development and maintenance of the project, of which four are working full time on the project.

The individuals are spread out across the labs, and about 20 are procured resources with expertise within one or two areas of the project not available inside the labs. While contractors are estimated to perform a majority of the development, about 10 percent of the development is estimated to be contributed by the general community. One reason is that the OSS is considered technically complex and requires subject matter expertise, which is why the potential contributors are limited.

The main responsibility for governance, coordination, and maintenance of the OSS project is managed by the lab employees. A core group of six developers manages the main planning and prioritization of features to be developed. Requests come indirectly via the project’s issue tracker, where the community is continuously asked to vote on features. Requests coming from software vendors are given priority as they provide a multiplier effect in terms of impact through their distributions integrating EnergyPlus.

The development process follows a two-week agile cycle and is considered very rigid, with detailed processes for how a feature may be proposed and contributed. Contributions that do come in are reviewed thoroughly according to the process, and a dialogue is maintained with the contributor throughout the process. Minor releases are made via GitHub frequently, typically once or twice a month, with sometimes longer periods in between. Larger releases are typically made twice a year.

The 30 developers meet once every week in a joint meeting to discuss ongoing work, issues, and prioritizations. Asynchronous communication is facilitated through GitHub’s issue tracker and PR functionality, while synchronous communication is managed through a Slack instance. Slack and the weekly meetings are closed but open for community members on request, although seldom asked for.

End-users of the OSS project can procure service, either through the software vendors integrating the OSS in their products, or by a smaller set of service providers that provide training, technical support, and integration of the OSS based on the customer’s use case. The service providers generally contribute through feature requests, bug reports, and documentation, although two providers are also procured to provide development through the research labs. The procurement follows a standard procedure where a tender is published, followed by a bidding, selection, and contracting process. New applicants are screened thoroughly as the OSS project is highly complex. Procurement is mainly carried out by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

5.2 RQ2 - Community size

RQ2 explores how many people wrote code for functionality in the public sector OSS projects, how many individuals reported problems, how many individuals repaired defects, and what their affiliations and roles were.

We have found development activity in the software repository of the EnergyPlus project for 9.73 years. We report the contributions that authors have provided in that time in Table 2. We observe that EnergyPlus received many more commits than it did issue reports (about 3 times as many). However, many more people participated reporting issues than they did committing code (also about 3 times as many). We expected both of these observations, since software development involves more activities than just resolving issues, and the potential audience for issue reporting is also larger than that of developers (i.e., both developers and uses likely reported issues). Also naturally, much fewer (about 20%) commits targeted bug fixing as opposed to other development. The community of developers fixing commits was also a subset of all developers that performed commits, but only by a small margin (80 out of 90 developers). It is worth noting that the number of authors reported in Table 2 are not exclusive. That is, the same developer may both report issues and perform commits, and may perform both bug-fixing and non-bug-fixing commits.

Table 2 RQ2. Contributions to the EnergyPlus software project

Table 3 offers information on the affiliations of the members of the core group (i.e., those that have performed at least 80% of the commits) of the EnergyPlus project. As can be seen, the members of the core group are widely distributed, belonging to 9 different organizations. Four of these organizations are government organizations and two are educational institutions. There are two companies on the list: i) Gard, a small business corporation that provides energy, environmental and economic R&D services and ii) Effibem, a one-man company specialized on energy efficiency.

Table 3 RQ2. Affiliations of the core group of the EnergyPlus project
Fig. 3
figure 3

RQ3. EnergyPlus project. Cumulative proportion of contributions performed by the top authors (ranked by their number of contributed commits)

5.3 RQ3 - Involvement and roles

RQ3 asks whether these functions were carried out by distinct groups of individuals, i.e., did individuals primarily assume a single role? Did large numbers of individuals participate somewhat equally in these activities, or did a small number of individuals do most of the work?

To study this research question, we measured the contributions of each individual author. We plot the CDF (i.e., cumulative distribution function) of author contributions, measured by multiple metrics, in Figs. 3 and 4. Figure 3 represents all the code changes in the repository and Fig. 4 represents only those that fixed bugs (i.e., PR commits). In these figures, we only show contributions for the top-50 authors (in terms of number of commits). This allows us to study a reasonable number of developers while still observing very close to 100% of the code changes (for all our studied projects). It also allows us to keep our analysis consistent for all our studied projects.

Fig. 4
figure 4

RQ3. EnergyPlus project. Cumulative proportion of contributions performed by the top authors (ranked by their number of contributed commits), when only issue-fixing commits are considered

In these figures, the X axis represents the cumulative number of authors considered. As more authors are considered, their cumulative proportion of contributions increases (seen in the Y axis). We sort authors in the X axis by their contributed number of commits, in descending order (as Mockus et al. originally did). Note that we keep this order for other metrics, e.g., for the added_lines metric, authors in the X axis are still sorted by their contributed number of commits. In the Y axis, we measure contributions in terms of five cumulative metrics: number of commits performed, number of changed files, number of added lines, number of removed lines, and number of reported issues (including both issue reports and pull requests).

Finally, we also plot two straight lines in Figs. 3 and 4, two capture the set of “top authors”. We apply two different methods to identify the set of “top authors”. The straight vertical line captures the top-15 authors in terms of their performed commits (as Mockus et al. originally did). The straight horizontal line captures the top authors that provided 80% of the contributions in each metric (which is how Mockus et al. originally identified the number 15 for their classification of top authors).

We make multiple observations in Figs. 3 and 4. First, all the metrics that measure code changes in different ways show very similar trends, i.e., the curves of number of commits performed, number of changed files, number of added lines, and number of removed lines grow very similarly to each other. Note that the curves for metrics other than number of commits are “jagged”. This is because we sort the X axis in terms of number of commits, so each newly considered developer may or may not be the next highest contributor in the other metrics (i.e., if it is not, the curve may “plateau” for a bit, or grow more slowly than number of commits).

Second, the two methods for identifying “top authors” provide very similar results. Figures 3 and 4 show that the top-15 authors in terms of number of commits provided very close to 80% of commits. The CDF for number of commits crosses the vertical line representing the top-15 authors at a very close point to the one in which it crosses the horizontal line representing 80% of contributions.

Third, the community of authors contributing code and that of authors contributing issue reports are different. The top-15 authors, who contributed most commits (approximately 80%), only provided approximately 40% issue reports. This is represented by the points at which our plotted metrics cross the vertical straight line. Furthermore, when we consider up to the top-50 authors in terms of commits who contributed close to 100% of commits), they still provided only \(\sim \)45% issue reports. This is shown in the whole of Figs. 3 and 4. The remaining issue reports (from \(\sim \)45% to 100%) were provided by authors that contributed little to no code (only \(\sim \)2% of commits remain). If we continued our plot to include the remaining authors in the X axis, we would observe the curve for issues reported grow with each additional author, eventually reaching 100%, while the other metrics also very slowly reach 100% (since they have little space left to grow).

In conclusion, for the metrics related to code changes, we obtained very similar observations than Mockus et al.: a small set of 15 top developers performed \(\sim \)80% of the code changes (in various metrics). However, in terms of issue reporting, these top developers provided a sizable proportion of contributions (\(\sim \)40%), but it was not the majority of the work. The majority of issue reporting was performed by authors who contributed little to no code.

5.4 RQ4 - Code ownership

RQ4 looks into where the code contributors worked in the code, and if there was a strict code ownership enforced on a file or module level.

To answer this research question, we plotted the distribution of contributions by different authors over different files in the software project in Fig. 5. The X axis represents each one of the top 100 files of the project with the highest number of commits. The Y axis represents the number of commits made over the file, in a logarithmic scale (for easier display, since it follows a long-tail distribution). Inside each bar in the plot, we use a separate color to represent each author. The area covered by each color represents the proportion of commits that were performed by that author.

We can clearly see in Fig. 5 that EnergyPlus did not follow a strict code ownership policy. None of the represented files had a single author performing most commits in it, i.e., none was clearly “owned” by a single author. Instead, most of our represented files received commits from multiple different authors, in proportions that were not too different to each other. A final observation that we can make is that many authors did not commit changes to this top-100 files (i.e., not all colors are represented). But this is unsurprising, given the large number of possible authors, i.e., not all of them can commit changes in every file.

In conclusion, EnergyPlus did not follow a strict code ownership policy, since we observed a relatively balanced proportion of commits being contributed by many authors over many files.

Fig. 5
figure 5

RQ4. EnergyPlus project. Number of commits performed over the 100 most modified files (in logarithmic scale), by each author (in different colors).

6 Study 2: OS2forms

OS2formsFootnote 9 is an e-service platform that enables self-service and automation to citizens and public servants through the creation and management of online forms, and the data communicated through the forms, and integrates with services such as single sign on, and digital mailboxes. The project was initiated in 2019 and released under the GPL-2.0 license. The OSS is used by 11 municipalities in Denmark.

6.1 RQ1 - The OS2forms development process

The development and maintenance of the project is facilitated through OS2, an association consisting of 80+ of Denmark’s 98 municipalities, along with single regions and state agencies. Members pay membership to finance a core team of individuals that in turn facilitate an overarching collaboration between the members, enabling them to initiate, develop and use OSS addressing common needs. The 11 municipalities using OS2forms, one out of 25+ OSS projects under OS2 in total, pay an additional fee that sponsors common development needs.

About half of the development is sponsored by the pooled budget, while the other half is sponsored directly by single members who have specific needs and want these implemented in a faster pace than would otherwise have been allowed due to limits in the pooled budget. Any new feature is, however, brought up for discussion and decided on jointly in the project’s coordination group where representatives from five municipalities preside. The group convenes biweekly to discuss the project’s road-map and backlog, and specific issues.

A Jira Issue tracker is used to manage the backlog and ongoing development of the projects, enabling interaction between the users of the project and the vendors. The tracker also enables users of OS2form who are not member of OS2 to report issues and contribute feedback on requirements discussions. There is currently an initiative to integrate the Jira issue tracker with GitHub in order to connect ongoing development by the vendors, and create greater transparency into the development for those users who are accustomed to the GitHub user interface.

In addition, there is a governance board with chief digital officers from four municipalities that discuss mores strategic decisions regarding the project. The governance and coordination is facilitated by a product coordinator from OS2’s core team with the mission to grow and mature the project’s community to be self-managed and sustained, after which he will move on to other projects within OS2. The coordinator has no formal mandate or vote in terms of deciding on the direction of the project.

Except for smaller contributions from two larger municipalities, the development is primarily procured through three vendors, either from OS2 or from single municipalities directly. The goal, however, is to be able to choose between additional vendors although there is a preference to those who are already familiar with the project and its processes. Such dynamics should ideally be present as the source code and all the necessary boundary resources should be available under an OSS license, and processes across OS2 projects are standardized.

Procurement is typically performed on a task-by-task basis where the vendors are contacted based on expertise for the task at hand. Based on price the vendor is contracted to perform the task and release its implementation to the public repository of the project on GitHub. The task-by-task approach is preferred before larger procurement procedures as it allows for a more cost-efficient and agile development approach. New releases are typically made monthly via GitHub.

6.2 RQ2 - Community size

RQ2 explores how many people wrote code for functionality in the public sector OSS projects, how many individuals reported problems, how many individuals repaired defects, and what their affiliations and roles were.

OS2Forms has been developed for 3.67 years. OS2Forms is the smallest of our studied projects, with low values in all our studied metrics. As with our other studied projects, OS2Forms also received much fewer contributions in terms of issue reports than in terms of commits. Also, although this time the number of contributors to each category is not that different, still more people contributed commits than reported issues. Again, this time much fewer commits were dedicated to bug-fixing than to other activities, with substantial difference (about 5x). Finally, only 9 developers created bug fixing commits, as opposed to 15 developers writing commits for other purposes. This time, the set of developers that fixed bugs represented a smaller proportion of the whole set of committers, differently than, e.g., in EnergyPlus (Table 4).

Table 4 RQ2. Contributions to the OS2Forms software project

Table 5 shows the affiliations of the members of the core group of the OS2Forms project. As it can be observed, three of the four core group members are affiliated to Bellcom, a Danish consultancy firm with business in development, hosting, and support of OSS, while the fourth one works at Magenta, a Danish software development company.

Table 5 RQ2. Affiliations of the core group of the OS2Forms project

6.3 RQ3 - Involvement and roles

RQ3 asks whether these functions were carried out by distinct groups of individuals, i.e., did individuals primarily assume a single role? Did large numbers of individuals participate somewhat equally in these activities, or did a small number of individuals do most of the work?

We plot two figures to answer RQ3 for OS2Forms: Figures 6 and 7 In them, we make similar observations as we did for our previous studied project (EnergyPlus).

First, all the metrics measuring code contributions show very similar trends, i.e., most code contributions were performed by a small number of authors. The curves for the “files”, “added_lines” and “removed_lines” are again slightly jagged, showing that some authors performed slightly different ratios of commits than modified files or lines.

Second, this time, the set of “top” contributors is much smaller than for EnergyPlus. For OS2Forms, 4–5 authors are responsible for 80% of the code contributions.

Third, also differently than for EnergyPlus, we capture 100% of code contributions and bug reporting with much fewer authors: 21. This allows us to observe the phenomenon that we described for EnergyPlus, but were not able to observe, because we limit the X axis to 50 authors. OS2Forms had a maximum of 21 contributors, so we can see all contributions reaching 100% in our figure for this project. A few authors (authors 1–5) contribute commits and bug reports. Then, other authors contribute only commits and no bug reports, i.e., the observable plateau of “bugs_reported” from authors 5–15. Then, other authors contribute only bug reports and no commits, i.e., authors 15–21. However, differently this time, the top 5 authors that made both commits and bug reporting covered the majority of contributions in both dimensions, accounting for \(\sim \)90% commits and \(\sim \)75% bug reports.

In summary, in OS2Forms, a few (5) authors performed the majority of commits and bug reporting.

Fig. 6
figure 6

RQ3. OS2Forms project. Cumulative proportion of contributions performed by the top authors (ranked by their number of contributed commits)

Fig. 7
figure 7

RQ3. OS2Forms project. Cumulative proportion of contributions performed by the top authors (ranked by their number of contributed commits), when only issue-fixing commits are considered

Fig. 8
figure 8

RQ4. OS2Forms project. Number of commits performed over the 100 most modified files (in logarithmic scale), by each author (in different colors)

6.4 RQ4 - Code ownership

RQ4 looks into where the code contributors worked in the code, and if there was a strict code ownership enforced on a file or module level.

Figure 8 shows the distribution of commits that different authors performed over the top modified files. This time, we do see some code ownership over many files, i.e., many files show a single color in their corresponding bar. However, we cannot conclude that code ownership was strictly enforced, since we also see other files that were modified by many authors (i.e., have bars with multiple colors), particularly those files that received most commits. However, OS2Forms has a substantially lower size and age than the other projects that we study. Therefore, the clear separation that we observe of some files being modified only by a single developer may simply be due to the project having limited resources, i.e., with only a few authors to contribute, they may be better focused only certain areas of the code, until they become more familiar with the whole codebase over time.

7 Study 3: Oskari

OskariFootnote 10 is a platform for constructing web-based mapping applications with an agnostic data layer, enabling the integration of various kinds of data sources. The OSS can run both in the cloud and internally, serving several use cases among its international community, mainly consisting of PSOs. The project was initiated in 2013 by the National Land Survey of Finland (NLSF) as part of a general effort towards publishing open map-based data and a general adoption of an open, collaborative mindset.

7.1 RQ1 - The Oskari Development Process

Initially, the project served as a release of the NLSF’s national geoportal. When external interest grew, the Oskari project was generalized and improved in terms of customizability and usability. Today, the project is relatively mature, where development mostly concerns smaller improvements and bug corrections. The national geoportal is still the driving use case for the development of Oskari and is performed by NLSF that has an IT staff of 100+ individuals of which five are dedicated to the Oskari project.

The NLSF estimates that they perform about 95 percent of the development. The rest typically originates from suppliers commissioned by PSOs with no or limited technical resources. Many accordingly expect the NLSF to perform most of the development while they try to continuously encourage external contributions. The modular architecture allows for others to contribute whenever their request is considered too specific or not prioritized. Any external contributions are peer-reviewed and supported by the NLSF staff.

NLSF manages an informal group within the community, the Joint Development Forum (JDF), which currently consists of eight members, most of whom are Finnish PSOs. These pay a membership fee of 5000 Euro a year to NLSF, which sponsors the employment of a community manager, the organization of a yearly community gathering, and technical community support provided by the project’s lead architect. The support and activities are still open for the wider community, though.

Representatives from the JDF members, together with NLSF, form the technical steering committee, although anyone can request to join. The committee convenes monthly to make technical decisions, e.g., in prioritizing the backlog and overseeing ongoing development. Besides, there is also a governance board that discusses the more general direction of the project in terms of its roadmap.

Feature requests and bug reports can be posted on the project’s GitHub site. Continuous communication and technical support are managed mainly through a chat room on Gitter or via issues and pull requests on GitHub. There is also a mailing list, which is mainly used for communicating general updates and release notes. In addition, there is a yearly physical meetup for the community during the Oskari days, where users share knowledge on new and existing use cases.

NLSF highlights the importance of having a diversity of suppliers in the community to ensure sustainability and technical support for users, both in terms of development, implementation, training, and hosting of the OSS. Another reason is to avoid the risk of creating lock-in effects, although the NLSF sits on core competencies related to the project. NLSF, for example, tries to source developers from different consultancies to enable them to grow technical expertise on the project, which can be used to serve others in the community later on.

7.2 RQ2 - Community size

RQ2 explores how many people wrote code for functionality in the public sector OSS projects, how many individuals reported problems, how many individuals repaired defects, and what their affiliations and roles were.

Oskari was developed for 11.32 years at the point of our study. We show in Table 6 the values of our various measurements for the contributions that the authors made. We observe a stronger difference between the number of commits and issue reports in this project than we did for the previous projects. EnergyPlus and OS2Forms had respectively about 2x and 5x commits than issue reports. Oskari shows about 10x commits than issue reports. In terms of authors now, the difference is not that substantial. In that respect, Oskari is more similar to OS2Forms than it is to EnergyPlus. The Oskari is very similar to our other studied projects, in terms of how many commits it used to fix bugs when compared to commits with other purposes. As we observed for other projects, Oskari used about 4x commits for other purposes than for fixing bugs. Also similarly to other projects, the number of authors involved in fixing-bug commits was very similar to the number of authors involved in other kinds of commits.

Table 6 RQ2. Contributions to the Oskari software project

Table 7 shows the affiliations of the members of the core group of the Oskari project. As it can be observed, all but one core developers work at NLSR (maanmittauslaitos.fi), while the other developer has worked in the private sector in several companies during the last years.

Table 7 RQ2. Affiliations of the core group of the Oskari project

7.3 RQ3 - Involvement and roles

RQ3 asks whether these functions were carried out by distinct groups of individuals, i.e., did individuals primarily assume a single role? Did large numbers of individuals participate somewhat equally in these activities, or did a small number of individuals do most of the work?

Fig. 9
figure 9

RQ3. Oskari project. Cumulative proportion of contributions performed by the top authors (ranked by their number of contributed commits)

Fig. 10
figure 10

RQ3. Oskari project. Cumulative proportion of contributions performed by the top authors (ranked by their number of contributed commits), when only issue-fixing commits are considered

Figures 9 and 10 show the CDF of contributions for the top 50 authors of Oskari. We make similar observations for Oskari as we did for other projects. First, all the metrics for code contributions follow similar distributions. The exception in this case is the metric for “added_lines”, which represents a lower proportion of the total added lines, until we reach developer 20. The likely explanation for this observation is that developer 20 (ranked in terms of commits performed) made some commits that added a relatively very high number of lines. Second, as in EnergyPlus, the two strategies to capture “top” authors return almost the same set, i.e., the top 13 authors performed \(\sim \)80% of contributions, and the top 15 authors performed approximately 85% of contributions. Third, Oskari is more similar to OS2Forms in the proportion of bugs reported by the top authors, since the top 15 authors reported about \(\sim \)70% of bugs. Finally, also as in other projects, the bug reporting activity plateaus for the authors ranked after the top developers.

7.4 RQ4 - Code ownership

RQ4 looks into where the code contributors worked in the code, and if there was a strict code ownership enforced on a file or module level.

Figure 11 shows the distribution of commits contributed by different authors within the 100 most changed files in Oskari. We observe here that the contribution of commits to files is relatively distributed among multiple authors for most of the represented files, as we observed for EnergyPlus. However, there are still a few files that get few contributors, as it happened in OS2Forms.

Still, we conclude that there was no strict code ownership enforced in Oskari, because we cannot observe in this graph a clear assignment of authors to files, i.e., there is no clear assignment of individual colors to individual bars.

Fig. 11
figure 11

RQ4. Oskari project. Number of commits performed over the 100 most modified files (in logarithmic scale), by each author (in different colors)

8 Study 4: Geotrek

GeotrekFootnote 11 is a platform for managing and publishing tracks, signages, and interventions within national parks. The OSS was created collaboratively between two of the national parks in France in close collaboration with a supplier where the development was procured from. The OSS, created in 2013, is today estimated to have about 150 mainly PSOs as its users.

8.1 RQ1 - The geotrek development process

The initial supplier has cared for the majority of the development yet kept the OSS project open and community-driven, avoiding turning it into a single-vendor OSS project. They have further provided an important source of knowledge for the national parks in terms of best practices for setting up and collaboratively developing an OSS project. Automatic test cases, peer-reviewing, thorough documentation, and agile development processes have been present since the beginning. Releases are performed via GitHub with irregular intervals (between 2-3 times a month to once every two months) when new features are accumulated, or when addressing critical bugs. Customers procuring development are enabled to perform acceptance testing either after a release in their own instance, or pre-release in a sand-boxed environment at the supplier.

The user base of PSOs typically has limited technological capabilities and has to procure services from the main supplier specialized in the OSS. Some additional suppliers have emerged specializing in hosting and training related to the software. Some contributions has been provided by these and some of the PSOs using the OSS, although such contributions are typically of minor complexity. The main supplier typically has an open discussion via GitHub, supporting and reviewing the contributor’s work. Generally, though, PSOs contact the main supplier directly with feature requests, who then posts it on GitHub. When enough PSOs have hinted interest towards the supplier, the PSOs are encouraged to collaborate on the procurement of the feature from the supplier who then implements and releases the feature to the OSS project.

After the initial development, which was carried out through a specified tender, additional features are continuously added through direct procurement from the main supplier. After six years, however, a larger budget was pooled in 2019 from 12 PSOs using the OSS. A collaboratively defined requirements specification was used for the tender, which attracted multiple suppliers. Two were selected to share the contract, including the historically main supplier. This was seen as important in order to increase the availability of technical support while also decreasing the dependence on a single supplier. The new supplier, however, abandoned the project after having provided the requested deliverables, including a mobile app, leaving its source code to be maintained by the the first supplier who maintains the rest of the project. A new procurement is currently being planned with a budget pooled from 22 PSOs.

Parc national des Ecrins, one of the two national parks initiating the project, through the interviewee (I7), has served the role as the main coordinator of the project in collaboration with the historically main supplier. The park has also acted as the main procuring body and contractor for the larger procurements. There are, however, talks about establishing a common foundation to enable more independent facilitation of the planning and procurement of development.

Although the development through the suppliers has been structured, the continuous governance is described as rather informal and decentralized. Smaller working groups help to drive continuous discussions on needs and knowledge sharing. A common steering committee coordinated by I7 helps to coordinate the overarching discussions. The modular architecture enables each PSO to procure development independently. Requirements discussions are typically managed directly with the main supplier, along with I7, who thereby aligns any request with the overall development of the project.

Communication typically occurs through a mailing list or through the development infrastructure on GitHub. Physical community meetups are facilitated twice a year to further encourage interaction and knowledge sharing.

The community has grown organically. One success factor highlighted was that the OSS was developed to be general from its inception as it had to consider the settings of multiple national parks. Another is that there were only two national parks that were part of the collaboration initially, simplifying communication and requirements engineering.

8.2 RQ2 - Community size

RQ2 explores how many people wrote code for functionality in the public sector OSS projects, how many individuals reported problems, how many individuals repaired defects, and what their affiliations and roles were.

Geotrek is the project for which we analyzed the longest history. Its software repository contains 11.52 years of data. We show our measurements for it in Table 8. The relationships between different metrics are similar to the other projects that we studied, Geotrek contains many more commits than issue reports, in this case about 4x. It also had about 2 times the number of authors reporting bugs as it did performing commits to the code. Other projects had other proportions, but all of them had many more authors of bug reports than of commits. Geotrek also had about three times the number of commits for other purposes than for fixing bugs, but both actions were carried out by very similar numbers of authors. This is also consistent to what we observed in the other projects that we studied.

Table 8 RQ2. Contributions to the Geotrek software project

Table 9 shows the affiliations of the members of the core group of the Geotrek project. As it can be observed, 9 out of the 12 core group members work at Makina Corpus, a French software engineering services company, relying exclusively on free software, 2 are affiliated to BAM, a French mobile application design and development startup, and one at one of the two French national parks that lead the project.

Table 9 RQ2. Affiliations of the core group of the Geotrek project

8.3 RQ3 - Involvement and roles

RQ3 asks whether these functions were carried out by distinct groups of individuals, i.e., did individuals primarily assume a single role? Did large numbers of individuals participate somewhat equally in these activities, or did a small number of individuals do most of the work?

We show in Figs. 3and 4 the CDF of contributions to Geotrek. We again observe very similar trends as we did in the other projects.

First, all metrics for code change follow similar trends, this time even more closely than for other projects. Second, we again observe the two criteria for “top” developers providing similar answers, although this time a bit less similarly than we observed for other projects. That is, 80% of the commit contributions were performed by the top 11 authors, where as the top 15 authors contributed about 85% of the commits. Finally, we again observe the top 15 developers contributing both commits and bug reporting, and then the bug reporting activity plateaus at about 55% of bug reports. In this regard, Geotrek is similar to EnergyPlus. Its top authors in terms of committing code only contributed about half of the bug reporting activity.

In conclusion, Geotrek had 11 top authors who contributed about 80% of the commits, but who only contributed 45% of the bug reports (Figs. 12 and 13).

8.4 RQ4 - Code ownership

RQ4 looks into where the code contributors worked in the code, and if there was a strict code ownership enforced on a file or module level.

Figure 14 shows the commit activity of Geotrek’s authors over its top 100 modified files. We again see most bars being multi-color, that is, most files being modified by many different authors, with a few exceptions. Some authors restricted themselves to only a few files, i.e., we can see the purple and pink colors appear only sporadically over a few files. But, at the same time, those sporadic authors were not the only authors modifying those files, so they did not show “ownership” over them.

In conclusion, Geotrek showed some developers committing code in only some files, but most files contained commits from multiple authors (even though different files were modified by different sets of authors). Therefore, Geotrek did not show a clear code ownership policy.

9 Study 5: Démarches simplifiées

Démarches simplifiéesFootnote 12 is a platform for generating forms to be integrated into public online services and managing and automating data processing. The project is hosted, developed, and managed by the Interdepartmental Administration for Digital (DINUM) and provided as a service to all PSOs in France. Today, the project has about 1000 PSOs using the platform.

9.1 RQ1 - The Démarches simplifiées Development Process

The project was initiated in 2015 as an innovation project through the government entrepreneurial program Beta.gov.fr, where projects are selected and developed in iterations as OSS. When and if a project is considered mature enough, it is brought out from incubation and integrated into the PSO, acting as its sponsor. Démarches simplifiées was brought into production by the French Interministerial Digital Directorate (Direction interministérielle du Numérique - DINUM) in 2018.

Fig. 12
figure 12

RQ3. Geotrek project. Cumulative proportion of contributions performed by the top authors (ranked by their number of contributed commits)

Fig. 13
figure 13

RQ3. Geotrek project. Cumulative proportion of contributions performed by the top authors (ranked by their number of contributed commits), when only issue-fixing commits are considered.

Half of the development budget is provided by DINUM, and the other half is funded through 10-15 national ministries, pending the number of form submissions processed relating to PSOs under each ministry. Currently, there are ten engineers working on the development of the project inside DINUM, of which nine are contracted as freelance contractors. They are procured with six-month contracts through a broader frame agreement that covers all Beta.gov.fr projects.

Fig. 14
figure 14

RQ4. Geotrek project. Number of commits performed over the 100 most modified files (in logarithmic scale), by each author (in different colors)

The development team follows a structured agile development process with continuous requirements management where items on the backlog are prioritized based on need. The project is developed openly on GitHub but uses an external platform for the community to suggest and vote on new features. Continuous deployment is used with new release available, typically each day.

DINUM has additional resources working with technical support, onboarding, customer relations, and community management. These more non-technical roles maintain relations with end-users and civil servants using the OSS and collecting feature requests continuously. Virtual events such as webinars, together with physical meetups, workshops, and trainings, are facilitated on a reoccurring basis nationwide. On the strategic level, key contacts are maintained with process owners and managers at the different ministries, providing high-level input on the roadmap of the project.

While most development is perceived to originate from DINUM, there are external code contributions coming in on a regular basis. Of the about 70 code contributors to the project recorded on GitHub, about 15-20 are assessed to have or have had affiliation with DINUM. The rest originates from the PSOs using the platform.

ADDULACT, a municipal association for sharing and collaborating on public sector OSS projects, is one of the main contributors. At the moment of writing, the association is working on a larger feature contribution related to accounts management, a feature that is not prioritized by DINUM but of high value for the municipalities. Developers within DINUM are supporting ADDULACT with the feature implementation through technical discussions and code review. Beyond the specific feature, there is a continuous communication with weekly calls between DINUM and ADDULACT developers, as the latter also provides the OSS as a service for all of its members, i.e., the municipalities.

While ADDULACT contributes directly to the main repository hosted by DINUM, a number of PSOs have chose to fork the project, e.g., due to security or practical reasons. The French Army and Ministry of Health, e.g., have special requirements in terms of how data is collected and stored due to national security and personal integrity, while the Department for French Polynesia have practical reasons and need for specific tailoring. Most customizations from those PSOs that fork the project contributed upstream to the main project hosted by DINUM.

9.2 RQ2 - Community size

RQ2 explores how many people wrote code for functionality in the public sector OSS projects, how many individuals reported problems, how many individuals repaired defects, and what their affiliations and roles were.

The software repository for the Démarches project contains 8.32 years of development activity. We report our measurements for the contributions of its authors in Table 10 The number of commits and the number of issue reports in Démarches are closer to each other than they are in our other studied projects. Démarches still has many more commits than issue reports, but only about 1.5x. This means either that the authors that produce issue reports are much more active than in other projects, or that its authors that produce commits are much less active (or they produce much larger commits). However, Démarches shows a more pronounced difference in the number of authors reporting issues (many more) than those committing code, as it happened in the EnergyPlus project. This may be a contributing factor to why it received so many issue reports, when compared to commits. In consistency with these other observations, Démarches also shows a relatively large number of bug-fixing commits, when compared to those used for other purposes. All other project showed a much larger proportional gap between these two numbers, with the exception of Geotrek. Finally, similarly to most projects, the number of authors performing bug-fix commits and non-bug-fix commits were very similar to each other.

Table 10 RQ2. Contributions to the Démarches software project

Table 11 shows the affiliations of the members of the core group of the Démarches simplifiées project. As it can be observed, 7 core group members are affiliated with the public administration leading the project, two are part of Octo, a French software development company, one at a Sharypic, a one-man company focused on software development, and another one at Innovative Digital Technologies, a small software solutions and iOS development company based in New Zealand.

Table 11 RQ2. Affiliations of the core group of the Démarches simplifiées project

9.3 RQ3 - Involvement and roles

RQ3 asks whether these functions were carried out by distinct groups of individuals, i.e., did individuals primarily assume a single role? Did large numbers of individuals participate somewhat equally in these activities, or did a small number of individuals do most of the work?

Fig. 15
figure 15

RQ3. Démarches project. Cumulative proportion of contributions performed by the top authors (ranked by their number of contributed commits)

Fig. 16
figure 16

RQ3. Démarches project. Cumulative proportion of contributions performed by the top authors (ranked by their number of contributed commits), when only issue-fixing commits are considered

Figures 15 and 16 show similar the distribution of changes by authors in the Démarches project, for all changes, and for bug-fixing changes only, respectively. We make multiple observations. First, all the metrics measuring code changes grow very similar to each other. The exception this time is very similar to what we observed in Oskari: Developer #20 may have made some commits that added an unusual number of lines, making the metric for “added_lines” also jump unusually at that point. Second, this time the two methods of measuring “top” authors are a bit different: 80% of the commits were performed by the top 10 authors, while the top 15 authors contributed about 90% of commits. Third, we again see a large difference between the sets of developers contributing commits and issue reports. While the top 10 authors contributed 80% of commits, they only contributed about 21% of issue reports. Furthermore, the curve representing the cumulative contributed issue reports grows much more slowly than the remaining ones (that capture code changes).

In conclusion, we again observed a small set of developers contributing most commits, but who only contributed very few issue reporting (this time with a very large difference).

9.4 RQ4 - Code ownership

RQ4 looks into where the code contributors worked in the code, and if there was a strict code ownership enforced on a file or module level.

Figure 17 shows the number of commits performed to each one of the top 100 modified files in Démarches, in a logarithmic scale. The different areas of color within each stacked bar shows the author who made those commits. We again observe that all files were modified by multiple authors, and thus were not the sole ownership of a single author. In fact, this graph shows a relatively even distribution of commits by authors over files. That is, most developers made commits to most files, and also in similar proportions within each file.

It seems clear that Démarches did not follow a strict code ownership policy. Many authors performed commits over the most-modified files, and did so in similar proportions.

Fig. 17
figure 17

RQ4. Démarches project. Number of commits performed over the 100 most modified files (in logarithmic scale), by each author (in different colors)

10 Study 6: IO-app

The IO appFootnote 13 provides a single point of entry for Italian citizens when communicating and interacting with public online services. The app was created in 2017 as an initiative by the the three year Digital Transformation project. The project was an experiment by the Italian government in bringing engineers with diverse skillets together in-house, with the ambition of becoming supplier-independent, and increasing speed and innovation in development. In 2020, the experiment ended and PagoPA was created, a government owned company focused on developing, maintaining, and providing software services for the government. The development of the IO app was then transferred to PagoPA.

10.1 RQ1 - The IO-app development process

Table 12 RQ2. Contributions to the IO-app software project

The app consists of multiple OSS projects related to the back- and front-end. The source code is almost exclusively developed by an internal team of 25 engineers. The code base is considered very complex, why no source code contributions are expected, or commonly occur. The development is performed openly on GitHub where pull requests are made and discussed openly before being merged. The requirements management with specification and prioritization is, however, done internally up until a pull request is created. Releases are done continuously several times a month using the infrastructure for continuous integration and release on GitHub.

The issue tracker on GitHub is actively used by the community of end-users (i.e., citizens using the app), and other PSOs integrating services into the app. The development team inside PagoPA is frequently overseeing and participating in the discussions. On occasions there have been contributions by issue reporters, e.g., in terms of translation to local languages, or easier front-end fixes. The decisions, and general governance of the project is, however, made internally by the PagoPA development team.

Beyond the issue tracker and pull request discussions there is no public communication channels used, nor any community events held (physical or virtual). One reason is because PagoPA does not expect the IO app to be reused as the app is tightly integrated to the Italian government’s general digital infrastructure and public services, and because the project is considered too technically complex for others to onboard. The rationale for keeping the IO app available as OSS is in one part due to legal requirements, and in one part for transparency, e.g., into how the app collects and manages user data, and by extension create trust among its end-users.

10.2 RQ2 - Community size

RQ2 explores how many people wrote code for functionality in the public sector OSS projects, how many individuals reported problems, how many individuals repaired defects, and what their affiliations and roles were.

IO-app was developed in our studied repository for 6.8 years. Table 12 shows our measurements for the contributions of its authors. IO-app shows very close numbers of commits and issue reports. This is the project for which we observed the closest numbers. However, the issues were reported by a much larger number of authors than the authors that performed commits. Again, this is expected in open source projects, where more people may want to contribute issuing report than performing commits. Interestingly, despite the similar number of commits and issue reports, only a small number of commits were dedicated to fixing bugs, when compared to the number of commits dedicated to other purposes. Finally, the number of authors performing bug-fixing commits and performing other kinds of commits were very close to each other, which we also consistently observed in our other studied projects.

Table 13 shows the affiliations of the members of the core group of the IO-app project. As it can be observed, 16 core group members are affiliated to the PagoPA company, 2 to Wellnet, an Italian digital agency, one at the Italian Ministry of Governance (governo.it), one at Progetto P.A., an Italian software development company, and finally one at the Italian branch of IBM, the American multinational technology company.

10.3 RQ3 - Involvement and roles

RQ3 asks whether these functions were carried out by distinct groups of individuals, i.e., did individuals primarily assume a single role? Did large numbers of individuals participate somewhat equally in these activities, or did a small number of individuals do most of the work?

We show in Figs. 3 and 4 the CDF for the metrics that we measured for IO-app. We again observe that all the curves that represent code changes evolve very similarly. We also again see the curve representing bug reports evolving differently from the other metrics. However, this time, we observe that commits in IO-app were distributed among a larger number of top authors than in previous projects. To reach 80% of commits, we would have to consider the top 20 authors. The top 15 authors only contributed 72% of commits. Finally, as we observed for Démarches, IO-app’s top commit authors only contributed a low proportion of issue reports. The top 20 commit authors contributed only 23% issue reports.

In conclusion, IO-app has a larger number of top authors who commit code (about 20), but who still report a minority of issues (about 23%) (Figs. 18 and 19).

10.4 RQ4 - Code ownership

RQ4 looks into where the code contributors worked in the code, and if there was a strict code ownership enforced on a file or module level.

Figure 20 shows the distribution of commits performed by authors in IO-app’s 100 most modified files, in a logarithmic scale. Each color in a bar is an author performing commits on a file. As we observed for other projects, the majority of files received commits from many authors. Also, while some authors restricted their commits to only some files (e.g., see the pink author), such files were not owned by them, i.e., multiple other developers performed commits on those files too.

In conclusion, authors in IO-app also did not follow a strict code ownership policy, since the most-modified files were modified by multiple authors .

Table 13 RQ2. Affiliations of the core group of the IO-app project
Fig. 18
figure 18

RQ3. IO-App project. Cumulative proportion of contributions performed by the top authors (ranked by their number of contributed commits)

Fig. 19
figure 19

RQ3. IO-App project. Cumulative proportion of contributions performed by the top authors (ranked by their number of contributed commits), when only issue-fixing commits are considered

Fig. 20
figure 20

RQ4. IO-App project. Number of commits performed over the 100 most modified files (in logarithmic scale), by each author (in different colors)

11 Hypotheses revisited

Below, we discuss our hypothesis (as earlier defined in section 3) based on the qualitative and quantitative data collected from our purposeful sample of six public sector OSS projects. We conclude whether each hypothesis can be confirmed or rejected in relation to our sample. Any conclusion is limited to the sampled cases and should not be seen as a generalization to all public sector OSS projects. However, by considering the characteristics and context of the six investigated cases observations and findings related to the six OSS projects may, to some extent, transfer to other OSS projects that operate under similar conditions.

For each hypothesis, we also contrast the bazaar OSS projects as investigated by Mockus et al. (2002), Dinh-Trong and Bieman Dinh-Trong and Bieman (2005), and Ma et al. (2010). For all but one hypothesis (H1a), these have been modified to the context of public sector OSS projects. We are, hence, limited in the extent to which we can leverage the reported cases in our comparison.

11.1 Hypothesis H1a

  1. H1a

    OSS developments will have a core of developers who control the code base and will create approximately 80% or more of the new functionality. If this core group uses only informal, ad-hoc means of coordinating their work, it will be no larger than 10-15 people.

Observations of public sector OSS projects

The investigated public sector OSS projects partly confirm the hypothesis that a smaller group with less than 15 developers carries out the main part (about 80 percent) of the overall development, both through the quantitative and qualitative analysis. However, as found from the interviews, the development teams (despite their limited size) in all of the cases use established work practices for development and procurement activities. All investigated OSS projects use publicly available platforms (e.g. GitHub) during development and maintenance of software. This includes use of public version control repositories and issue trackers via such publicly available platforms. For PSOs based in the EU work practices use also include the need to comply with EU regulations for public procurement.

Contrasting to bazaar OSS projects

The rationale behind the original hypothesis is that there are strong dependencies between each individual’s work items when working on a common code base (Mockus et al. 2002). If these groups are smaller in size, as in the case of the Apache HTTP server OSS project, means of coordination can be informal and ad-hoc, while more structured processes and strictly enforced code ownership will be needed to enable an effective coordination with larger groups of developers as in the case of the Mozilla OSS project. The replicating case studies of the FreeBSD, JBossAS, JOnAS, and Apache Geronimo support, to large extents, the original hypothesis (Dinh-Trong and Bieman 2005; Ma et al. 2010).


Public sector and bazaar OSS projects share similarities in that a limited core group of developers typically produces the main development. A primary difference lies in the more formalised development processes adopted in the public sector OSS projects despite the size of the core group. It is worth recognizing, however, that the studies of bazaar OSS projects referenced in the comparison were performed in the early 2000s and that the level of formality among these may have increased since.

11.2 Hypothesis H1b

  1. H1b

    Approximately 95% or more of OSS developments will be performed by developers commissioned by the users of the OSS project (i.e., PSOs).

Observations of public sector OSS projects

The investigated public sector OSS projects differ somewhat related to the stated hypothesis, although a large part of the development is carried out through commissioned resources. In OS2forms and Geotrek, almost all development is performed by 2-3 main service suppliers. In the cases of Oskari and Démarches simplifiées, a similar situation can be found regarding procured consultants positioned in-house of NLSF and DINUM, respectively. In EnergyPlus, the development is more distributed among scientists and developers at several research labs, although 12 out of the 17 identified core developers are reported as having procured resources via the main research lab. The IO-app project stands out as PagoPA almost exclusively develops it by a team only consisting of internally hired engineers with the explicit rationale to maintain internal capabilities to deliver software services to PSOs and the citizens while not being reliant on any supplier.

Contrasting to bazaar OSS projects

The original hypotheses by Mockus et al. do not consider the affiliation of the developers in an OSS project. As reported, however, there is no description of their contributors as mainly being commissioned by PSOs. Rather, they are more diverse, including individuals representing both commercial and personal interests. For the Apache web server OSS project, “the Apache Group (AG), the informal organization of core people responsible for guiding the development [...] consisted entirely of volunteers, each having at least one other "real" job that competed for their time.” (Mockus et al. 2002). For Mozilla, specifically, it was noted that “while the external participation (beyond Netscape/AOL) has increased over the years, even some external people (e.g., from Sun Microsystems) are working full time, for pay, on the project.” (Mockus et al. 2002).


The public sector OSS projects more or less confirm the hypothesis that most of the development is carried out through publicly procured resources, in contrast to the contributor populations as reported by Mockus et al. (2002).

One project from our sample that stands out is the IO-app, where the publicly owned PagoPA was created explicitly to develop public services through their resources, making up a tech company and service provider internally for the government. In other cases, the development is either managed directly through vendors with a dedicated focus on the OSS projects or through consultants. In the case of Oskari, an explicit rationale was that onboarding new consultants would enable new service suppliers to emerge that could provide support for the OSS project to the rest of the community, thereby increasing sustainability and offloading the NLSF in their work.

11.3 Hypothesis H2a

  1. H2a

    Projects, independent of the number of commissioned developers, coordinate their work using other mechanisms than just informal, ad-hoc arrangements. These mechanisms may include one or more of the following: explicit development processes, individual or group code ownership, and required inspections.

Observations of public sector OSS projects

All the public sector OSS projects confirm, to various degrees, the hypotheses based on the interview reports. EnergyPlus, for example, has a very formal and rigid development process facilitating planning, design, implementation, testing, and release among a distributed team of 30 developers. Inspections are required and structured. National research labs typically own part of OSS based on expertise. In the cases of OS2forms and Geotrek, the development is carried out internally among the suppliers through their ordinary processes, while the PSOs in both cases have their internal planning and collaboration processes through which they interact with the vendors. This communication is, to various degrees, carried out or reflected in open communication channels. In Geotrek, e.g., many PSOs contact the main vendor directly, who publishes an issue reflecting the request on the public development platform. In Oskari, Démarches simplifiées, and the IO-app OSS projects, the development is in similar ways carried out internally by the concerned PSOs through their processes.

Contrasting to bazaar OSS projects

H2a differs from the original hypothesis of Mockus et al. (2002), which considers that some form of formal mechanisms is needed when there is a larger core group (more than 15) performing most of the development, with reference to the Mozilla OSS project. Replicating works by Dinh-Trong and Bieman Dinh-Trong and Bieman (2005), and Ma et al. (2010) mostly confirms this view.


All the investigated public sector OSS projects report some level of formality despite the size of the core group of developers, thereby confirming the hypothesis. The surveyed studies of the bazaar OSS projects report these projects as mainly having formalised development processes when there are larger core groups of developers present (Mockus et al. 2002; Dinh-Trong and Bieman 2005; Ma et al. 2010). The public sector OSS projects, thereby, generally share more similarities to the cathedral than to the bazaar development model (Capiluppi and Michlmayr 2007).

11.4 Hypothesis H2b

  1. H2b

    Projects are planned top-down by a set of users (i.e., decision-makers at PSOs) who commission the development and communicate using open and closed communication channels.

Observations of public sector OSS projects

The investigated projects generally align with the hypothesis, although the form differs from project to project. In EnergyPlus, prioritization is performed top-down by a core group of six developers positioned in the research labs. In OS2forms, coordination is managed by a coordination team with representatives from five of the 11 paying member municipalities. In the Geotrek project, the development is planned top-down both through a larger set of PSOs in structured procurements and continuously by direct requests from single PSOs to the main supplier. When enough PSOs have shown interest in the supplier, these are brought together to discuss a potential joint tender of the commonly requested functionality. In Oskari, the development is mainly defined by the roadmap for the national geoportal developed by the NLSF. The technical steering committee does, however, make the overall decisions together. Finally, in Démarches simplifiées and the IO-app projects, the development is planned top-down by the internal development teams but with continuous input from the respective communities.

All cases use some form of open communication, e.g., mailing lists, chat rooms, or issue trackers, while also employing different sorts of closed communication, e.g., internally in the cases of Oskari, Démarches simplifiées, and the IO-app project. In Geotrek, some communication is managed directly between commissioning PSOs and the main vendor, who openly record requests on the project’s open issue tracker. The main vendor, in turn, has an internal communication process among its own developers.

Contrasting to bazaar OSS projects

This hypothesis is not considered in the reports by Mockus et al. (2002), Dinh-Trong and Bieman Dinh-Trong and Bieman (2005), and Ma et al. (2010). The report by Mockus et al. (2002) does, however, describe a top-down planning approach by the core group of developers within the Apache HTTP server OSS project. In this project, core group developers are voted in place by active participants of the community. This core of developers is then able to “vote on the inclusion of any code change, and has commit access to CVSFootnote 14. (if they desire it)” (Mockus et al. 2002), aligning with the more general Apache way of working (Fielding 1999). For Mozilla, “decision-making authority for various modules is delegated to individuals in the development community who are close to that particular code.” The latter signals a more decentralized approach, which, however, may could still potentially reflect a top-down approach on a modular level.


The public sector OSS projects investigated generally confirm the hypothesis, having a top-down decision process by a set of users (i.e., decision-makers at PSOs) who commission the development, where some communication is managed in the open while some is done internally inside of the development teams. On the other hand, the bazaar OSS projects may also be described as generally having a top-down decision model, although decision-makers are appointed among the contributors based on merit and proven experience of contributing to the code base.

11.5 Hypothesis H3

  1. H3

    In successful OSS developments, a group larger by an order of magnitude than the set of users (i.e., the PSOs that commission the development) will report problems, and in other ways partake in planning activities and communication concerning the OSS project.

Observations of public sector OSS projects

The investigated public sector OSS projects do not confirm the proposed hypothesis. The communities are typically limited in the number of PSOs that report issues and, in other ways, contribute to the projects. In OS2forms, issues are reported by the member municipalities, and to some extent, also others, but they are limited. In Oskari, there is a broader community of PSOs nationally and internationally who help report bugs or provide feature requests. This is also seen from those who fork the project and do not contribute their changes upstream. For Geotrek, a larger set of users partake in the reporting of issues, yet far from all of the 150 PSOs are reported to use the OSS. In Démarches simplifiées, feature requests and bug reports are provided from a wide community of end-users within the about 1000 PSOs using the platform. For the IO app, there is an external community of end-users (i.e., citizens) and engineers from other PSOs that occasionally (monthly) report issues on the issue trackers across the different OSS projects that the IO app consists of.

Contrasting to bazaar OSS projects

The original hypothesis by Mockus et al. (2002) states that in successful OSS developments, a group larger by an order of magnitude than the core will repair defects, and a yet larger group (by another order of magnitude) will report problems. This illustrates a core-periphery relationship, as in the onion model, with different layers of engagement where the number of individuals engaged increases further to the periphery. While the FreeBSD project aligns with this visualization, the three industrial OSS projects investigated by Ma et al. (2010) do not follow this pattern due to having smaller communities than FreeBSD, the Apache web server, and Mozilla OSS projects.


The public sector OSS projects investigated are typically characterized as having communities with limited contributors and users. The users outnumber the contributors, but not necessarily by the order of magnitude proposed in our hypothesis or as by the original hypothesis in the study by Mockus et al. (2002). The relation between these characteristics and whether an OSS project may be considered successful, however, depends on what characterizes successful OSS developments. Considering that many of the investigated public sector OSS projects have been around for some time and are reported by interviewees as stable in terms of functionality, quality, and user base, these may be considered successful to certain extents.

11.6 Hypothesis 4a

  1. H4a

    OSS developments that have a strong set of users (i.e., the PSOs that commission the development) but never achieve large numbers of general users engaged will experience limited to non-existent reuse, and a decrease in quality because of a lack of resources devoted to finding and repairing defects.

Observations of public sector OSS projects

The public sector OSS projects all have robust sets of users (i.e., PSOs that commission the development), while the set of other PSOs or organizations reusing the OSS is limited. On the other hand, the number of end-users can be much greater. Démarches simplifiées, for example, has a limited reuse of the platform, with only a few other PSOs deploying it on their own environments, including the Army and Ministry of Health. Still, the number of end-users is very high, of which the majority consists of end-users to the version hosted by DINUM.

OS2forms is used mainly by the 11 municipalities that are working to grow the collaboration. An issue with the limited membership is sustainable funding for the project, meaning that many municipalities need to fund their own contributions directly through the vendors. The Oskari project has a wide user base internationally, although there is a core of eight organizations in Finland, most of which are PSOs that participate in the active discussions of the project. In the IO app project, there is no experienced or expected reuse as the OSS is specific to the context of the Italian government’s public services, and the code base is considered to be very complex.

Contrasting to bazaar OSS projects

The original hypothesis by Mockus et al. (2002) has a similar wording but considers whether there is a strong core of developers and the presence of contributors rather than users. They were, along with Dinh-Trong and Bieman Dinh-Trong and Bieman (2005), and Ma et al. (2010), however, not able to test the hypothesis. The rationale for the original hypothesis is that the core group of developers, with time, would be overburdened and unable to maintain the project to a consistent level of quality, thereby impacting its overall sustainability.


The investigated public sector OSS projects do not fully confirm the hypothesis. The projects generally experience a limited amount of reuse, while the number of end-users can be much greater as they may typically be deployed as part of a public service. Yet, the stated decrease in quality from the hypothesis may be contested as many of the projects are reported as being stable, both in terms of functionality and quality by the interviewees. The OS2forms and Geotrek project does, however, signal some issues regarding sustainability as the co-financing of involved PSOs limits the projects’ development. In the other cases, the funding comes from a strong entity from which the OSS project originated, such as the U.S. Department of Energy for EnergyPlus and the NLSF for the Oskari project.

11.7 Hypothesis H4b

  1. H4b

    The community of a project will primarily consist of commissioned contractors, and PSOs using, or with an interest in using, the OSS.

Observations of public sector OSS projects

The hypothesis aligns well with the investigated projects. PSOs constitute the primary users of the projects or with a strong interest in using them, as exemplified by the municipalities in OS2forms, national parks in Geotrek, and diverse set of national and international PSOs in Oskari. Service suppliers also have a strong role in all three projects.

Démarches simplifiées has a somewhat more narrow community, with only a limited set of additional PSOs reusing the OSS, due to DINUM being the main provider of the public service the OSS underpins. The IO app project also stands out as its community mainly consists of PagoPA, the PSO developing and providing the OSS as a service to the general public in Italy.

The EnergyPlus exemplifies a broader community. While it mainly consists of the Department of Energy and its research labs (considered PSOs), there are also other actors in the community, including software vendors, service providers, and researchers.

Contrasting to bazaar OSS projects

This hypothesis was not part of the original set defined by Mockus et al. The report on the Apache HTTP Server and Mozilla OSS projects does, however, describe the types of contributors and users as spanning from voluntary contributors to those sponsored by companies (Mockus et al. 2002).


Our investigation of the investigated cases confirms the hypothesis that the communities will primarily consist of PSOs using the OSS (or with an interest thereof), along with commissioned contractors with an interest in providing services related to the OSS. The bazaar OSS projects surveyed by Mockus et al. (2002) deviate in terms of the reported demographics, including both volunteers and commercially sponsored developers.

12 Threats to validity

As this is a replication study, the method used must be as aligned as possible with that of the original study (Mockus et al. 2002) for results to be comparable. All six authors have therefore independently reviewed and compared the methodology of the current and the original studies, and together discussed any misalignment that could be identified.

Certain differences in design decisions do however apply, e.g., in terms of case sampling. Beyond the fact that the two cases of the original study (Mockus et al. 2002) had large and vibrant communities, the authors chose their cases also because they had personal experience and rootings in their respective communities. In our study, we are specifically interested in characterizing public sector OSS projects, and how these may differ from bazaar OSS projects, such as those investigated in the original study. To avoid any bias in our sampling, we have mined software catalogues listing OSS projects used and developed by PSOs in different countries. Six different types of projects have been selected based on our defined inclusion criteria

As the sample is limited, we do not claim that the results are generalizable. Rather, we have provided a contextual description of what we refer to as public sector OSS projects and exemplify how their development model (may) differ from that of bazaar OSS projects in general and the commonly used and associated onion model. Through both our qualitative and quantitative investigations of the projects, we have offered in-depth characterisations of the six projects to enable transferability to cases with similar characteristics. Considerations of generalization is an open topic for future work.

In contrast to the original study, we do not expect to have in-depth knowledge of the six cases to be sampled. Hence, to limit the risk of research bias and misinterpretations of observations, we have allowed community representatives to review and criticize our findings (RQ1 specifically, and RQ2-4 in general).

Another threat regards the construct validity of our study - if what we consider as bazaar projects instantiated in the cases of the Apache web server and Mozilla browser OSS projects is still valid today. The report by Mockus et al. (2002) dates from 2002, and practices and processes may have evolved, why it may be considered relevant to revisit the two communities and how they currently work. However, as this is a replication study, we are limited to using the reporting by Mockus et al. (2002) as our baseline. Further, we note that the study by Mockus et al. (2002) has been replicated and generalized by several studies through the years (see Dinh-Trong and Bieman (2005); Ma et al. (2010)) since its reporting. Thus, we still consider it a valid representation of what we consider as a bazaar project. Further, we have included these replications of Mockus et al. (2002) into the comparison between the public sector and bazaar OSS projects to get further nuance of what characterizes a bazaar project.

It should be further noted, that our comparative analysis has focused on the public sector OSS projects sampled, and the bazaar model as represented by the replicated case studies (Mockus et al. 2002; Dinh-Trong and Bieman 2005; Ma et al. 2010). Any statements in regards to the cathedral model is anecdotal and left for the analysis and discussion of our findings.

Continuing, we do not claim that the bazaar and cathedral model are represents a binary state for how OSS projects may be categorized. Rather they represent a two points on a spectrum where projects may transition between as they evolve (Capiluppi and Michlmayr 2007). This study has focused on characterizing public sector OSS projects, taking point from the conjecture that they deviate from the bazaar development model as exemplified by replicated case studies (Mockus et al. 2002; Dinh-Trong and Bieman 2005; Ma et al. 2010). Our findings indicate support for this conjecture, and also shows how development also differs between public sector OSS projects. Generalizations should, also in this regard, be considered as points of reference on a spectrum from which we can continue our research and advice practitioners.

13 Discussion and conclusions

In this study, we explored the phenomenon of public sector OSS projects and how code development is organized in this subset. Our original conjecture was that the developments are, to a large extent, organized in ways that diverge from the open collaborative approach illustrated by the bazaar model, and taking point from the case studies by Mockus et al. (2002) and replicating studies (Dinh-Trong and Bieman 2005; Ma et al. 2010). Our study is based on a Registered Report (Linåker et al. 2023a) where we specified our research goals, hypotheses, and design, ensuring transparency and reproducibility. Below, we discuss and conclude our findings in terms of this conjecture.

13.1 Development organized outside of the bazaar

Based on our mixed-methods analysis of six cases of public sector OSS projects, we observe significant deviations from the characteristics typically associated with the reference bazaar OSS projects (Mockus et al. 2002; Dinh-Trong and Bieman 2005; Ma et al. 2010). Instead, the organizational aspects of public sector OSS projects appear to align more closely with earlier descriptions of the cathedral model (Capiluppi and Michlmayr 2007).

Concentrated development with external resources

The major part (80 percent) of development is typically concentrated on a group of 5-15 developers, something which is in line with research on the broader OSS ecosystem (Pinto et al. 2016; Avelino et al. 2016; Majumder et al. 2019). These developers are, for the most part, originating from national and local service providers, which may indicate a preference for suppliers with whom PSOs can have a more personal and trusted relationship, something that was especially highlighted in the cases of OS2forms and Geotrek. This national and local preference aligns with investigations highlighting how increased public investment into OSS contributes to increased growth and competition of business and entrepreneurship in OSS (Nagle 2019; Blind et al. 2021).

Formal development methods and high quality software

Another general note was the use of formally defined development and quality assurance processes and means of coordination commonly found in professional settings, including OSS projects with high levels of commercial involvement (Li et al. 2024), and again characteristic to the Cathedral model (Capiluppi and Michlmayr 2007). Explanations can be found in the reports on how the development in all cases was performed within or between PSOs and service suppliers by professional developers sponsored by the involved PSOs. By extension, this may also provide explanations for the high quality and stability of the OSS developed in the respective projects despite the limited size and contributions from their respective communities.

Deviation in sponsorship of OSS development

We did, however, note some important deviations among the cases. Specifically, we observe two clusters of public sector OSS projects in terms of how the development is sponsored by the involved PSOs: Centralized or Decentralized sponsorship (see Table 14). While these two clusters represent generalizations based on our sampled projects, these can be considered part of a continuum in terms of how development is funded or performed among the involved PSOs.

Table 14 Overview of how the organization of development of public sector OSS projects differs and overlaps among the investigated cases

13.1.1 Centralized sponsorship:

Oskari, Démarches simplifiées, the IO app, and EnergyPlus, represent different nuances of public sector OSS projects with a centralized sponsorship, implying that the main development is carried out or sponsored by, and in extension dependent on, one or a few resourceful PSOs. The OSS typically also originates from these main PSOs, showing similarities to vendor-led OSS projects. In the latter, the development is steered and sponsored mainly by software-intensive organizations aiming to employ OSS as a building block or platform for commercial products and services (Yavuz et al. 2022). In the context of our surveyed cases, however, the OSS would rather serve as an input for public products and services developed and provided by the respective PSOs.

Business-critical for the main sponsor

In all cases, the OSS serves a business-critical use case warranting the dedicated development and sponsorship of the projects to ensure their sustainability. In the Démarches simplifiées and the IO app OSS projects, DINUM and PagoPA, respectively, use the OSS as a foundation for public services, in each case directed to public servants and citizens in the concerned countries. The Oskari OSS serves as the foundation for the national geoportal provided by the NLSF in Finland, and EnergyPlus as a tool for enabling simulation and research on a building’s consumption regarding heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, and water. Hence, the two PSOs have dedicated funding and resources to ensure the sustainability and quality of the respective OSS projects.

Community size dependent on use case and complexity

The size and role of the community, however, differs somewhat between the projects. When the codebase complexity and use case of the OSS are limited, as in the case of the IO app, community size is limited. The IO app is reported as being complex and specific for the infrastructure of PagoPA, where the main use case is tied to the public service provided by the PSO. In contrast, the Oskari and EnergyPlus projects both have a more general use case where the sponsoring PSOs see a value in the potential for open innovation an active community can bring (Munaiah et al. 2018).

Rationale for open sourcing connected to reuse and community size

The rationale for releasing the software as OSS differs across the cases, and relates to the potential for reuse and community growth of the OSS project. The release and public development of the IO app is mainly due to legal requirements and to provide transparency into how the application, e.g., uses and collects data. Similar rationales can be found across policies in several countries (Blind et al. 2021), implying that there is less focus on enabling general reuse. For Oskari and EnergyPlus, there are more explicit intentions of growing a community to enable collaborative development and reuse.

Sustainability dependent on a central PSO

From a sustainability and community point of view, the high level of dependence on a central PSO poses a risk for the communities of Oskari and EnergyPlus. A refactoring or change in business scope may imply that the OSS projects risk becoming unmaintained (Linåker et al. 2022).

13.1.2 Decentralized sponsorship

OS2forms and Geotrek represent cases where multiple PSOs collaborate through the pooling of resources that sponsor the development, commonly procured from service providers. Similarities can be found in the user-driven foundations as characterized by Yavuz et al. (2022) where development is mainly directed and sponsored by software-intensive organizations addressing internal use-cases, or the building of non-commercial (e.g., public) services.

Development through collaborative procurement of suppliers

In OS2forms, 11 municipalities collaborate and co-fund the development from a smaller set of service suppliers. The OSS project is hosted under the Danish national OS2 association (Frey 2023), which serves as a steward for 25+ public sector OSS projects, with various participation among 80+ municipal members. In Geotrek, a smaller set of national parks and PSOs (of about 150 users) collaborate through joint or direct procurement of development from a main service supplier.

Sustainability dependent on collective funding

In terms of sustainability, there is a dependency among the PSOs in the respective communities in collecting the necessary funds to sponsor the development. While both projects are reported as stable, there is still an expressed need to scale the community in terms of paying members to ensure the sustainability of the projects. Observations align with general literature where funding is a generally highlighted challenge for the health and sustainability of OSS projects (Linåker et al. 2022). A difference is, however, that there already exists an incentive among the users of the OSS to pay for its development, whereas many smaller projects maintained by individuals struggle to achieve any form of sponsorship for their work (Linåker et al. 2024).

Sustainability dependent on the presence of service suppliers

A second factor is the dependence on service suppliers, which can threaten sustainability should they stop providing services for whatever reason. The threat can be compared to sensitivity if OSS projects are maintained by a single organization or individual who abandons a project, e.g., due to internal re-factorization or change of interest (Linåker et al. 2022). Here, the general lack of internal capabilities (Borg et al. 2018) and dependence on outsourcing (Marco-Simó and Pastor-Collado 2020) becomes a liability

13.1.3 Addressing sustainability challenges

Addressing the sustainability challenges highlighted across the surveyed cases is critical for the PSOs. Below, we discuss potential actions based on findings and literature that may help.

Sharing and disseminating critical knowledge for development

When development is limited to a few PSOs or service providers, it is critical to ensure that all the necessary knowledge and tools needed to develop and deploy the OSS are openly available (Linåker et al. 2024). The presence of the necessary documentation concerning how to develop, build, and deploy the OSS; a development and build environment based on OSS tools; presence and high coverage of test cases; and overview of and access to dependencies are critical to enable others to potentially take over the maintenance (Persson and Linåker 2024).

Facilitating development through Open Source Stewards

Another means of improving robustness is through the organization of concerned PSOs through associations such as OS2, comparable to the foundations commonly used for hosting and collaborating on OSS projects in the broader OSS ecosystem (Riehle and Berschneider 2012). These make up a type of Open Source Steward (a term recently introduced by the European Cyber Resilience Act) that may help to create standardized development processes and governance structures and maintain a broader ecosystem of potential users and service suppliers that join communities as they grow beyond early adopters and prove value and potential. The X-Road provides a successful example of how such stewardship can be set up in a cross-border context (Robles et al. 2019a).

Growing institutional capabilities through Open Source Program Offices

Growing and providing internal capabilities and expertize within PSOs for OSS adoption within PSOs is another approach for increasing robustness, also highlighted in literature (Van Loon and Toshkov 2015; Shaikh 2016). This is commonly performed through the creation of dedicated support functions referred to as Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs) (Munir and Mols 2021). For less resourceful PSOs, associations (or stewards) such as OS2 can be a source of corresponding support (Linåker et al. 2023b).

Growing a competitive ecosystem of service suppliers

Availability of multiple service providers increases robustness (Koloniaris et al. 2018), while decreasing the risk of ending up in a vendor lock-in (Persson and Linåker 2024). Limited availability of support is, however, a commonly reported challenges (Koloniaris et al. 2018; Deller and Guilloux 2008). OS2 presents an approach where they have organically grown an ecosystem of 60+ service suppliers, working actively to enable sustainable business models, e.g., through conscious license selection and open collaboration Frey (2023).

Growing community and collaborative culture

Funding is a general sustainability challenge for OSS project maintainers (Linåker et al. 2022), where various models ranging from sponsorship to entrepreneurship and employment have been proposed (Linåker et al. 2024). For the public sector OSS projects, however, funding is dependent on the PSOs using the OSS. Hence, there is a need to minimize the (potential) “free-riding” and grow a collaborative culture where PSOs are inclined to contribute to the common development.

13.2 Concluding remarks and future work

Our investigation largely confirms our initial conjecture that the development in public sector OSS projects to a large extent are organized in ways that diverge from the open collaborative and community-driven approach illustrated by the bazaar model as reported in earlier case studies (Mockus et al. 2002; Dinh-Trong and Bieman 2005; Ma et al. 2010). However, rather than one consistent model we observe several nuances in how development in public sector OSS projects is organized.

The development (80%) is typically centered to a limited set of developers (<15). Formal methods are predominantly used through externally procured development resources, while the development is largely planned top-down by the involved PSO(s). A distinction is made between centralized and decentralized sponsorship of the development is sponsored. In the former, development is mainly funded centrally by one or a few main PSOs, and in the latter by a wider group PSOs that depend on the mutual funding and pooling or resources to secure the sustainability of the OSS.

13.2.1 Implications for research

Our study contributes i) an in-depth investigation and characterization of how development in organized in public sector OSS projects, ii) a comparative analysis how this development deviates from the more informal and community-driven development exemplified by the bazaar model, and iii) a framework for future research to take point from in the continued exploration of how the public sector can leverage OSS as a tool in their digital transformations (see table 14).

Still, our investigation is only a partial characterization of all public sector OSS projects as we have investigated a limited sample of six projects, with a relatively limited investigation of two interviews per project. Further data collection could have provided a richer interpretation of the projects and their communities. This is an essential aspect as the projects cannot only be defined by our quantitative analysis of the respective software repositories used by the communities in developing the OSS. As interviews showed, much communication is carried out among and between PSOs and service suppliers, and not always turning up in the open infrastructure and software repositories of the concerned projects.

Future work should expand on the quantitative and qualitative investigation of public sector OSS projects. The repositories we leveraged to identify our sample of cases can provide a starting point to gain a greater understanding of the organization, development, and output of these projects. Further, more in-depth qualitative studies are needed to understand the complexities and challenges experienced by these projects. Based on our own analysis, we conjecture that such complexities and challenges will differ based on how the development is organized in the public sector OSS project at hand. Therefore, any solutions and guidelines may also need to be tailored to the specific context. Further research will probably also identify additional ways in which development is organized that may need to be considered, distinct from or overlapping with those identified in this study.

13.2.2 Implications for practitioners

Our study contributes design knowledge for practitioners to use when designing development and governance practices for new or existing public sector OSS projects. Specifically, PSOs and service suppliers in any way leading or partaking in the collaboration on a public sector OSS project, should consider how development is organized in their context and contrast with the investigated cases.

The case investigations highlight several areas that guidelines and practical support for practitioners need to consider. For example, the potentially limited community support and reuse for public sector OSS projects due to complexity and limited use case. Dependencies and the willingness of PSOs to fund the development and maintenance of the OSS projects need care to ensure long term sustainability, and by extension attractiveness of the OSS projects. Guidelines should specifically consider how public procurement process and collaboration possibilities can integrate across PSOs and with service suppliers due to the reliance on external development resources. Governance structures, co-funding models, and organization of the collaborations between public and private entities further need practical consideration. Open Source Stewards as the Danish OS2 can provide neutral grounds for hosting and facilitation of collaborations between PSOs and bridge gaps toward service suppliers. The creation of Open Source Program Offices can help to grow the internal capabilities of the PSOs so that they can adopt and collaborate on the OSS as needed.

While our investigation is brief, each case reports on several means of collaborating and organizing the development within a project that can help guide practice. Further investigation should, however, be put into evaluating different development practices as those reported in the investigated cases. Such evaluation has been beyond the scope of this study.