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A Bridge Between Geometric Measure Theory and Signal Processing: Multifractal Analysis
We describe the main features of wavelet techniques in multifractal analysis, using wavelet bases both as a tool for analysis, and for synthesis. We... -
p-Leader Based Classification of First Stage Intrapartum Fetal HRV
Interpretation and analysis of intrapartum fetal heart rate, enabling early detection of fetal acidosis, remains a challenging signal processing... -
Comprehensive multifractal analysis of turbulent velocity using the wavelet leaders
The multifractal framework relates the scaling properties of turbulence to its local regularity properties through a statistical description as a...
Wavelet expansions, function spaces and multifractal analysis
The purpose of this tutorial is to describe the interplay between three subjects: function spaces, wavelet expansions, and multifractal analysis.... -
Singularity spectrum of multifractal functions involving oscillating singularities
We give general mathematical results concerning oscillating singularities and we study examples of functions composed only of oscillating...
Oscillating singularities on cantor sets: A grand-canonical multifractal formalism
The singular behavior of functions is generally characterized by their Hölder exponent. However, we show that this exponent poorly characterizes...
Some open problems about multifractal functions
We review some results concerning multifractal functions and emphasize the limitations of these results and the open problems that are related. -
Identification of Elliptic Gaussian Random Processes
We consider the identification of the relevant parameters of the symbol of the pseudo-differential operator defining an Elliptic Gaussian Random... -
Morphology of the mixing layer in the Rayleigh-Taylor instability
The passive convection of Lagrangian points by a 2D compressible two-fluids flow is investigated numerically on a massively parallel computer. This... -
Construction of Wavelets on Open Sets
We shall describe a way to construct wavelets on an open set Ω of R n (this construction is a joint work with... -
Construction of Wavelets on Open Sets
We shall describe a way to construct wavelets on an open set Ω of Rn (this construction is a joint work with Y.MEYER and can be found in (1);the... -