This game was made for the Pirate Software Jam 16

Theme: You Are The Weapon.


Guardian Demon is an endless runner bullet hell-style game.

You play as a Demon who has pledged allegiance to a lost peasant. 

Use your shapeshifting ability to transform into a sword or shield.


The adventure ahead will test your dexterity and endurance as you fight to protect the poor peasant.        



Game Design: Kyan & Jake

Character/Weapons & VFX Art: Jake

Sound Design: Kyan

Known Issue:

Weapon switch stops working

Assets Used: 

Fantasy RPG Adventure 25 Tracks!:

Pixel Art Top Down - Basic:


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I really liked the moments when the sword made combos xD


Yeah! If you click multiple enemies before the sword hits them it'll pursue them all in order of being clicked! You can use this to your advantage to take out larger packs of enemies at once by clicking two enemies that have a large group on the path between them.