I have just finished Soichi's route C and decided to arrange all my saves in order of routes A, B and C in save points 1-3, Jun's in 4, Keisuke's in 5 and Haruki's will eventually be in 6.
How does everyone put their saves in order?
Honestly when the Day 5 and Day 10 choices (Shoichi/Keisuke/Jun choice) appeared I initially picked only Shoichi (FeelsBadMan) and put all Prologue Saves in the Shoichi Block. After that I just played the other 4 picks without saving any. So whenever I want to go back and look at something I just *try* to find a save close to the day the choice appears and use the Skip button.
There's A, B and C split on Day 26.
A: Picked "Keep pushing" and convinced Shoichi to meet his mom (depends on the choices made during Day 22, 24 and 26).
B: Picked "Let it go".
C: Picked "Keep pushing", but failed to convince Sho to meet his mom.
Later on on Route A (Day 30) and B (Day 29) there will be a choice in conversation with Saya that will have an impact those routes and cause another split on Day 38(A)/37(B):
1) Bad: Route B + "College advice" during Day 29.
2) Best: Route A/B + "Relationship advice". Or Good: Any other combination.
One feature I wish Renpy would add is save grouping, imagine having the standard saves pages that can count up infinitely. then them imagine above the page number, are a group option, thus allowing users to freely make as many saves as they want within a route without the need to worry about overwriting, but still be able to group them according to route.