Since the release of the first game I've welcomed feedback and criticism. I'm only one person, so it's impossible for me to find every bug or glitch, run the game under every circumstance, or play the game in every way someone might. As a result, I NEED to be able to hear from people with bug reports, thoughts on gameplay and so on, and I'm incredibly grateful for the people who have, and continue to spend time to share information to help me make the game better.
Unfortunately, there a few people online who are a They develop vendettas against games (and any number of other things) and then pursue those vendettas passionately. The goal is not to improve the thing in question, but just to try to attack and destroy something they have an irrational amount of negative emotion tied up in.
Now, unfortunately, Cruel Serenade is popular enough that I have to start dealing with these people.
I want to be crystal clear here, because there are unfortunately a lot of content creators that hide behind the excuse of "Oh my God the Trolls!" to silence or avoid any criticism of what they make, especially at times when that criticism is most needed. I have always, and will always welcome discussion of the games, even (especially in some cases) if it's discussing their flaws. If your attitude is "Hey, this is frustrating, this is a little broken, this is less than ideal, can we do something about it?" I'm glad to talk. My response might be "Oh shit yeah, let's get that right away." It might be "Mmm, I'll have to think about that," or "Probably not right now, but maybe eventually." It might even be "Sorry, probably won't be making that change, for these reasons." But I want to hear your concern, and will do my best to respond in a timely way.
But if your intention is clearly just to attack me, my games, or the people that enjoy them, you will be banned. If you aggressively advocate piracy on my discussion pages or comments, you will (probably) be banned. Unlike some creators, I'm not really that worried about piracy; it's a force of nature, for better and for worse. It's the attitude that such a post indicates that's the problem.
In short: Meaningful and constructive feedback is not only allowed, but needed and encouraged. Being an asshole is not.
Oh, and if you're thinking "oh shit, did I overstep-" chill. The fact that thought would even occur to you means you're probably fine. 99% of the stuff posted since the game's release has been great, and I'm grateful to have fans that are willing to spend the time to give such high quality feedback. Unfortunately, I just need to make some things clear on that last 1% now.