An amazing game, I won with 6 coins! (I feel like this is a bad score...)
Anyway, I loved it. 🤩
By the way, can you DM me on Discord? I would love to talk to you a bit more about the game. toyuu.peut_etre
Thanks for your feedback !
I will work on theses issues as soon as the voting period for the jam end ! Thanks for your help !
In case you want to be an official playtester for the game, or jus twant to follow its progress, you can join this server:
Nice little game, i did't got the chance to play it as it has no web version (and i don't want to download anything sry)
But by reading the comments and looking at the images i can say its a nice game with interesting and unique graphics, and loved that the background color and music change based on the selected colors.
I don't quite understand why its so centered about colors, but my guess is that its more of an artistic experience rather than a game, very well done in this case !
Everyone is doing it, so lets do it too.
Play my game and rate it, then give me feedback if you want, and then send me a message here with your game link and i will play it, rate it, and give feedback (only browser games, i don't download games).
Also if you send a message on my game submission, please don't mention your game asking for feedback, this is a message you need to send here, not on my game submission.
If you need specific feedback (ex: how could i improve the difficulty curve of the game), then just tell me in your message here and i will try my best to give you constructive feedback.
My game:
Iam excited to play your games !
Thanks you a million times for your very helpfull and creative feedback !
I noted all theses ideas for later. Thanks for your support !
If you want to become a playtester for the future versions of the game (that would be amazing) here is the server:
Thanks for playing my game ! An update based on everyone feedback is in the making, and will be released shortly after voting end.
In case you want to be a playtester for future updates, you can join this Discord server:
This is nice, i love the idea, but its not very clear how many oxygen you have, how many your fishes consume, etc...
I did't felt any consequance of my actions, i just placed fishes and nothing change. The atmoshpere slowly get better but it does't feel like there is a balance to keep between oxygen, food, etc...
So, to conclude on a positive note: good concept ! Continue working on it and it will become better !
Very good job ! I highly suggest you continue working on it, as this is the type of game i could play for hours !
I liked it a lot, homever i think an option to disable the time limitation completly and instead loose when you don't have any fish left would be better, as it could make the game last a lot longer.
Overall a very very good game ! I will follow this game closely in case you made any updates !
Done, please try my game =)
Feedback is highly needed.
Thanks ! Yeah there is definitely some improvements needed. Do you want to be a playtester for the game future updates ?
By the way, if you know people that can help with programming in Godot, or art, and would be interested in contributing to this game, let me know !
Here is my discord in case you want to be a playtester: toyuu.peut_etre