Thank you for the extremely kind words!
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First of all, thank you for playing!
This game was made a jam submission so we didn't have time for a traditional final boss as we would have liked. You get a score at the end based on your remaining health, oil, and sanity which all deal "damage" to the skull. Your total score across all runs should be visible in the starting room after you have completed a single run.
Once again, thank you so much for playing! Great work at beating the game!
Thank you for the feedback, another user expressed similar concerns which is why the fullscreen button is enabled despite not having great support for fullscreen play.
One suggestion I have is if you press control and scroll up or down (In Chrome, not sure about other browsers) you can zoom the window to make the game screen smaller so it can be played on your monitor.
Thank you for playing! I really appreciate the feedback!
The lamp kills all enemies and lights all torches on its path after you throw it. Originally the plan was to have an AOE tied to it but this went along with some other ideas we had to cut and didn't end up making it into the final product.
You gain more sanity than you lose oil when you light a torch. I think the main issue is how fast you lose oil as you play. When you hit zero sanity the blue ghost appears and begins pursuing you. Its not a definite death sentence but you are forced to play much faster than you'd like to.
The blue ghost isn't killable but you can push him away with a lantern throw though you probably aren't getting it back at that point.
I agree that the game is a bit difficult in its current form. Because it was made for a jam, we did not have too much time for balance testing unfortunately! Originally you were going to have to choose between regaining oil or sanity in between levels with no pickups to be found on the floors. Thankfully we decided against that!
Throwing the lamp was meant to be a high risk and high reward as its the only way to kill multiple enemies in one action. Getting blocked by enemies is definitely a frustrating way to die. The pathfinding was a bit of a rush job since our programmer had to write an A* algorithm from scratch which ended up being more trouble than we anticipated.
Thank you for playing and giving your feedback!
Huh, weird. I see what you mean when I reduce my window size how the banner overlaps the screen area. I've enabled the full screen button but the game has no rescaling built in so it will go to the top right of your window and probably not take up the whole screen. It should be good otherwise though and I'll look into getting it working properly in full screen. Thanks for the heads up and thank you for playing!
I'm glad you're having fun with it! The editing process may be a bit messy at parts since the game was made during a game jam. If you want to email your file to, I can give it a look and try to fix things on our end.
Double quotes may actually cause an issue with gamemaker since it loads the text file into an array when the game starts. Something that didn't come up in testing unfortunately. Try putting a \ character before the quote since that's the gamemaker escape character. If that doesn't work for you I can give it a look tonight!
The game definitely isn't in a place where I would call it "Finished". There are a lot of systems I had to cut to make the deadline. I'm not sure how much you played but there is a bit of progression in the game. As you catch more souls, you begin to catch ones which reward more points and you also receive emails which progress the narrative.
Either way, thank you for playing my game!