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A member registered Nov 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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Did you unzip the file first?

Very silly. Love it

This is really fun!

GMTK jam games tagged 'furry' fistbump

This apparently just appeared on the list! So, I'll be the first to rate it. Pretty good! Don't usually see an FPS at a game jam

Thank you so much!

(2 edits)

Evidence I need to actually learn Unity myself. I told people at least twice, RAISE HIT POINTS! RAISE HIT POINTS! Hit points did not get raised. Whoops! (I don't blame Miller, programming took up all his time and he'd been up like 24 hours at that point. I mean I should learn Unity so I can take responsibility myself)

Yeah unfortunately we didn't have a lot of room to playtest. We will be making a post-jam version that should increase the strategy more!

This game was pretty funny, high marks!

Thank you! Sorry about the softlock, I don't think it came up in other playtesting. And yes, making the dice more chaotic is one of the things we're hoping to do in the post-jam edition--we want you to be able to throw a dice into another dice to change its result, but not like, sit it down on the number you wanted

Well... I guess it works but I had to open up the file on the Scratch Project Editor website to get it to run

Imma be honest: we made the dice rolling janky on purpose because we thought it was funny. (Okay, it was supposed to be a LITTLE more elegant than it turned out, but there's only so much you can refine in 48 hours when you're determined to shove as much into a single game as you possibly can)

Since we didn't have a lot of time to tutorialize everything, we were trying to make it into a kind of sandbox where you discover mechanics. For instance: it is possible to throw a die at the enemy to hurt them. (You kinda have to REALLY heave it). It's not mentioned in the tutorial screen I don't think.

How to get me to play your game: A good pun in the title

Love the artwork in this

The blocks have an awful lot of friction on them. Then I got glitched into the sky when I stood on a block and transformed it. Still! Pretty interesting idea for a puzzle game!

This is an interesting idea! I could have used some labels at the start besides the list on the main menu, but its hardly overwhelming so it's not a huge problem. I kinda wanted to see some more varying builds and abilities.

That was actually an interesting mechanic once I figured out what to do

I'm not sure what the link is between rolling a die and the rooms generated? It says roll a d4 and I get a choice of like... 30 rooms

This game's pretty cute. I'm glad it appeared in my queue

(2 edits)

Currently using v2.0. Some UI issues/requests:

1) some indication which layer each image is on, currently they're just stacked, which is much more helpful than it used to be, but I still have to do some trial and error to arrange the sprites correctly. (also would be nice if there were a few more layers--currently 5 is working fine but the image order may not always play nice)

2) the add image button is named "create layer" -- this is ambiguous, since a layer is a different thing in this program. Should be called "add image" or "add sprite"

3) For the emotes, I have to recreate mouth movements every time I want a different idle mouth. Being able to duplicate a sprite would be helpful.

4) being able to name the emote layers would be nice. I need to make a physical cheat sheet so I can actually remember them while making them.

EDIT 5) I think "emote on/off" indicator is backwards, it says "emote on" when I turn it off on a layer

EDIT 2: 6) Another feature request for a bit of aesthetics: an FPS limiter on the image? It looks like it's doing 60 FPS sometimes and that's great but allowing to adjust down to 24 FPS or 16 FPS MIGHT help it look less inconsistently rapid

(2 edits)

Also... your program really needs to ask to save on close

Also also... I was asked if there was an easy way to flip the image just in case facing needs to be changed. Though I would like some simple way to swap characters on the fly (without refocusing window) in order to change moods.

Also also... asynchronous blink timer. I have some other elements set to blink for subtler movement right now, but they all move at the same time as the eyes.

My use case: I need a rotate-on-talk to have subtler movement options, the currently lowest setting is too bouncy. Also, being able to link two objects together so they have rotate at the same time would be nice. Maybe be able to tag objects so they share properties?

This is something I need too. In order to keep the image consistent, I made all the elements of the picture the exact same size, but I can't click them individually. If there was a list to select elements instead, it would be significantly simpler.

Weird, that didn't work through the installer but it did with the manually downloaded version. Thanks!

Got this error when attempting to load this game





action number 1

of Alarm Event for alarm 1

for object oUIControl:

Data structure with index does not exist.

at gml_Object_oUIControl_Alarm_1


gml_Object_oUIControl_Alarm_1 (line -1)"

Technically, I think the rules are that you have to at minimum only require keyboard to play... which I mean technically you can for about a minute. But it's okay, we had a bunch of last-minute issues ourselves, including no time to test and ended up leaving in a crash bug. It happens!

[Team secondary artist/level designer] The intent for the rogue is to have them attack behind you. That definitely would have helped if we'd managed to get in range indicators! There's a lot of other ideas we've had for this--for instance, powering up character attacks could add in all sorts of options for gauntlet-y style arenas. Thanks for the comment!

Although I would have liked at least a score counter, it's still a very fun control system

Oh, yeah! I participated in a game this jam -

Always weird when someone notices me but thanks a bunch!

Having a tether between two objects is pretty played out... but a tether dragging a wrecking ball is a fun. I like how chunky it feels when hitting objects

The camera kinda drags really far off screen. But! It definitely got a laugh out of me so good work

Interesting idea! Though the actual controls were so floaty there wasn't really any reason to use the cling mechanic. Still, nice design

"WASD to move, C to crouch" You realize what the problem with this control scheme is, don't you?

That said, crouching doesn't even factor in. I thought having mace hands meant I was gonna be punching monsters, but no, I bop em like Mario. It works for a lark, though.

Wow, a full game! I appreciated the controls being entirely responsive.

"Uses two controllers to play". You know that most people rating games are playing on their own, right? This game feels like it could have, at least, been a two-player-one-keyboard setup.

That said, the design is very cute, and I get the idea!  But also, woof, 417 MB.

Hey a complete game as a submission! That's a rarity! Really nice ideas you had here. I wonder if it was intentional that the enemy had to kill you at the end so you respawn nearer to the exit.

[Team secondary artist/level designer] Thanks a bunch! Yeah there's a crash bug in there somewhere (Somehow, I managed to avoid it altogether when I tested it, despite not even building it on my computer?). We were intending to have a few more tutorials and more visuals to indicate where/how characters attack, but this game was pretty complicated to build as it was to get in under 48 hours

It works well! It certainly feels polished, at least for a browser game, though it does have a bit of that indie "no grace period when jumping from the edge of a cliff"; I think it would make the controls feel more responsive. That's just a tiny polish nitpick though, it's very solid as it is!