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A member registered Nov 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the encouraging feedback!

Sounds good. I had idea where you just upload an image and can manipulate it like a card. So no title, description, etc, but just the image. This could cover some more generic use cases than a card, but maybe could work for you as well?

Just to confirm, are you using this on mobile or desktop? I just tried the same on mobile and got a similar crash, but it seems to be working fine on desktop. I'll debug this further.

I've setup a Discord for more detailed conversations and feature requests for this:

Many thanks for your patience and responses :)

Thanks! That's motivating :)

You mean having the image cover the whole card, and not have a description?

Ah, that's unfortunate. Can you tell me at which point it crashes, or else if you're able to reproduce the error, a screen recording would be great so I can try to debug. And when you mean crash, what exactly happens?

I've added the option to upload an image to a card. Do let me know your feedback.

Thanks! The Load is implicit right now. Once you Save it loads automatically when you open the tool. And hence there's only one project as such. Planning to implement Save and Load of multiple projects.

Regarding images, you mean something like upload a custom image? I'll plan for that.

Good to know, thanks!

(1 edit)

That's not unreasonable at all! Very encouraging in fact :) Thanks so much. I will reply here again when I update the game.

Change Weapon: I would say skip character selection, and just trigger it for the character whose turn it is now.

Font size: Not sure what the standard is. Sometimes I've seen all capitals being used to indicate shouting. Whispering, not so sure.

Further feedback:

  • The student who says. “Oh Edwin! I ran into Arthur earlier…” Since Angel is the one that engages him, shouldn’t he greet Angel first?
  • Scan spell name and especially animation seems more Sci-Fi-like than Fantasy.
  • Change weapon is a bit unintuitive. I have to click on "Change Weapon" and then on the character I want to change weapon for. You could consider having the "Change Weapon" just for the character whose turn it is now. Also the character selection has to be done even when there’s only a single character on my team. And the menu goes back to the higher level. Tech, Magic, etc. So initially I thought the screen had got stuck after clicking on "Change Weapon".
  • After finishing a combat, or using teleport etc, Angel and Edwin appear one behind the other, which seems a bit odd. Upon clicking to go somewhere, they become separate again.
  • Quest text needs a darker panel background as well, for readability.
  • In the interaction with Professor Slominsky, the font size keeps changing between small and big.

I was delighted to find a small card game: Monstrocards. I’d like to know about it and play more :) Did you design it as a mini-game for Verloren?

Nice game. Love the intro, artwork and story context (get home before dinner!). The music seemed a bit eerie and I felt it didn't fit the story. The platforming was tough, although this is one of the few games where I actually pulled off a wall jump and it felt good :) All the best!

Thanks for playing and the feedback!

  • There's two things here: an indication on hover, and having to click twice to select an option.
  • Regarding hover, I'm not suggesting an option. It's not too big a deal. But I would prefer some response on hover.
  • Having to click twice is a pain though. You can decide whether to change this based on feedback from other folks as well.
  • Idle animation for the player character, mainly. Again I haven't played many RPGs so I don't know the standard. Once I came back to the game screen after a while from another window, and I had to look hard to figure out where I am on screen. I don't know if idle animation is the way to solve this, but something to think about in general.

Thanks for the feedback!

  • Regarding terrain cells, I'll put that in a tutorial in future versions.
  • Yeah, there are quite a few things happening upon card placement. Sure, I'll consider an event log that you can refer to as the game is going on.

Thanks for playing and the detailed and encouraging feedback!

Thanks for playing and the feedback! Hope you beat it :)

(1 edit)

Fun game :)

  • Nice energetic music track!
  • Liked the upgrade system and the different upgrades offered.
  • Auto-gun is cool!
  • Auto-gun vanishes when there’s no enemy around. Once added it should be visible at all times.
  • Also if take more than 2 auto-guns what happens? I can only see 2 on the screen.
  • More variety in enemies and missiles would be good. (This answers your feedback question on what to add).
  • Sometimes the upgrade choice is repeated while selecting. That is, you get the same upgrade choice in two slots.
  • Wasn’t sure what the repair system is doing. Do you lose when a building is damaged completely?
  • The game exited with an error in wave 11.

Well done overall!

(1 edit)

(This is a partial review… Will spend more time on this.)

  • The game looks good! Can’t point out all of the changes, but there definitely seem to be a lot of enhancements over the previous version.
  • The new cursor is nice. (Although maybe it’s a bit big, especially compared to the character in-game).
  • The zoom in for the hidden passage in the first scene is a good touch. Can’t remember if it was there earlier.

Again, game feel is great as always. Lots of stuff going well here, won’t repeat myself from the FQ7 feedback. I’ll focus on points of improvement:

  • In the menus, I have to click twice, once to get the cursor onto an option, and then again to register the click.
  • There should be some hover indication for the menu options.
  • “Here we’re, sweetheart, we’re finally out of…” I think the first “we’re” should be expanded: “we are”.
  • “encode your name” => “enroll your name”?
  • When you click on a location, the repeated square expanding effect until you reach there is a bit jarring. Maybe reduce the size of the square (or circle may work better?), the intensity of the effect, and make it happen only once.
  • You should consider adding some idle animation for the character, even if it’s very minimal.
  • History of the Tower of Knowledge excerpt: hard to read as the text colour is similar to the background colour.

Also if you have ideas on a suitable mechanic/effect for it that would be cool :) I'm not too knowledgeable in fairies. But considering they're into magic and such it should suit a bunch of effects.

Hmm... would that be a structure? Or could be a terrain?

I've made some changes to the game. One of them is to reduce the turn limit to 15 (and target score is reduced to 150). This should address the lack of slots problem, and hopefully make the Clock Tower more usable. Quite a few more cards as well. Thanks again and cheers!

I've now made it so the cards are not selectable during draw. Also added a "Ready" indicator for when the player can make their move. Along with quite a few more cards and changes. Thanks again and cheers!

(2 edits)

I remember you had suggested on the stream a building that destroys other buildings. Just FYI I've included such a building now. The Castle (repurposed), it now absorbs a random nearby building upon placement. It's live on the current build, with quite a few more cards and changes. Cheers!

(1 edit)

Just FYI, I made the terrain layout randomized, and I'd say it's working well. Although there a few imbalanced combos, it seems to be fun overall. It's live on the current build, with quite a few more cards and changes. Cheers!

Thanks, I'll work on rephrasing that.

Oh yes, the fairy. The game only has buildings/structures right now. But if there's something associated with fairies I'll be happy to include it in the game :) I already have Tree-House. Or Mushroom-House. Can call either of these Fairy-House. Or Fairy Castle, etc.

Nice clicker game.

Cool aesthetic. Especially liked the minute capture graphics.

Hour capture was a bit painful as you have to move the mouse to the updated  hour hand position each time.

Good work overall!

Completed the game in about 30+ minutes and a ton of clicks.

Thanks for playing and the encouraging feedback!

I'll work on expanding the game further.

  • Glad to know you liked the gameplay :)
  • I'll work on adding more cards, specially terrain.
  • Swamp and Obelisk/Longhouse is a powerful combo.
  • Grassland explanation is a bit long. Is it easier to follow once it is triggerred? Will work on making the explanation more intuitive.
  • Yeah nuclear plant can be played on the last turn bypassing the turn penalty. I felt the value of 15 was reasonable for that, since playing on the last turn is also a restriction of some sort.
  • I considered the running out of buildings situation, but didn't give it too much thought as I felt it was unlikely. But clock and castle combo is a good one! If that happens maybe the player should lose?
  • For the Pagoda, I had more mechanics to refresh the hand, making it more likely to draw it again. But it was a bit excessive so I removed them. Will add in some stuff to assist Pagoda in future.

Thanks so much for playing and the detailed feedback!

Haha! Nice :)

Unique concept. Caused quite a bit of a traffic pile up. Good fun overall!

Your game has nice artwork! Unfortunately can't play it as I don't have Windows. If you make a Web or Mac build sometime I'll be happy to check it out. All the best!


Thanks for playing and the feedback! Nice to see your city  :)

Also I'd like to play your game, but can't right now as I don't have a Windows machine. If you happen to make a Web or Mac build sometime I'd be happy to check it out.

(1 edit)

Cool tactical battle game! One of the best games of the jam for me.

  • I like grid battle and also card games. Nice combination here.
  • Having all actions cost the same simplifies things and makes it easier to plan.
  • Being able to discard and redraw really helps.
  • Good variations of terrain that create different contexts for battle.
  • Neat that you can execute actions in any order for your team, and even interleave actions.
  • Would be good to show enemy HP somewhere.
  • Friendly fire is a nice feature that you need to plan around.
  • Some cards are clearly more powerful than others? Eg: Bulwark (4 defense) vs Shield (2 defense)
  • Nice range indicators on the cards for cell where ability can apply. (Side Slash, Shadow Whip, etc.)
  • How much does the defense go down each turn? Does it reduce by half?
  • Sometimes I felt that my characters would lose HP even with defense.
  • Upgrade system is cool. Allows you to nudge your characters into specific builds that complement each other. Melee, ranged etc.
  • Got to the Mage, but couldn't defeat him. Forgot to account for the winds, and was suddenly wondering why everyone shifted up!
  • The gameplay reminds me of Into the Breach with a square grid and team of warriors on either side. Of course, the card actions are new here, and add a lot of variety to the battle.
  • For reference, you may also want to look at Alina of the Arena for a mix of spatial battle with card abilities. But this game seems closer to Into the Breach, as (1) this is a team battle, Alina is solo, and (2) this game manages to keep the feeling of tactical grid battle intact, in Alina the focus is more on the cards and deck (like Slay the Spire).
  • There is a bit of learning curve to this game, but felt good when I got the hang of it and found myself clearing levels.

Overall this is a fun game with good gameplay. A great entry for the jam, and a lot of potential to take further. All the best!

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah the terrain effects can be easily missed. Will put that into a tutorial. Glad you liked the game.

Nice watching you play my game :) Thanks!

Regarding "nearby", I had included it in the "How to Play" on the web page. Will include it in a tutorial in future versions.