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A member registered Jun 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Cute cat design with BIG eyes. :p
Controls are a bit hard to get used to but they do get fun eventually.

I'm so happy that I could finally play it! Congrats, you're a good a example for all us indie devs to follow, that's some really impressive work right here!

The game is as fun as I expected it to be, but a tad bit challenging. What I had the most trouble with is the parry and throw mechanics. 

For the throw, it was tricky getting the timing right, but it was annoying having to stop right in your tracks to correctly aim (I can't multitask lol). 

For the parry, I don't have trouble with the timing, I think it's pretty good when my click is registered in the first place, I always feel like my input is eaten, from what I understand there's a time window where it checks whenever I'm doing a regular attack or a heavy attack and I think that's it's too long and doesn't work when I'm on a pinch. 

So since combat is too hard, I just find myself dashing and jumping around 90% of the time (stamina beads are the best), but it doesn't feel right, like it doesn't mesh well with the rest of the mechanics. You're supposed to be a little boi with weak attacks who has to deflect to damage enemies in the first place but with the super parkour powers, it seems a tad bit silly lol.

Also, the cut-scene audio doesn't work, the rest of the game is completely fine though (I'm using the Linux version btw).

Interesting concept,it was quite confusing at first. I think it would help if the camera is zoomed out a, so we could see that there's a lot more nodes in the screen. Also the camera controls kinda rough. And it's quite unclear why I get a game over too.

Amazing  game love the art style and the parallax on the title screen! it's quite similar to my game idea where some actions increase or decrease a flow bar, so I might be biassed lol.

I wish there's was more feedback on what each action does, especially the skip turn ones since I literally don't see much of a change.

This is the cutest looking game ever I like the snappy dialogue and it's full of charm. Love the design of the fish people. I like the mouse art style, but you should have changed the fonts to something less blurry than the default unity one.

Cute art style , but the game is just too easy. It doesn't really speedup when it says it should. I also wish you go up and down too, since going left and right is a bit too simple.

A nice short game, I really don't like how sensitive the mouse movement is tho.

Eyyy, I got the secret ending  :D !!!! Damn is this game challenging, kinda out of place for a game jam, considering that most people will give up or just complete the regular 15 levels (which is still a loooooot btw). 

I honestly didn't like some of the levels and I felt like my solution are  overly complicated. The one that took me the longest time is level 10 alternative solution, where I had to put in a pen and paper to find where to put the numbers in the first place. My favorites are 13,14,15 alternative solution, they are short and sweet and clever I must say. The raft hints strikes a good balance, between being confused when you first read them and understanding  them once you look again at the levels. I first thought that multiplication node was unnecessary complexity but really it made things much more interesting by basically "storing" the values until the next signal.

I wonder if yall played inscription because I LOVE that game's vibes, and yours provokes the same feelings as well.

I think it lacks some polish like  sound effects, better dialogue or a simple tween bounce animation when clicking on a  node (you could do that in 2 lines of code in godot lol). if time was spent on that instead of making so many levels, the game would be so much more elevated, always go for quality over quantity! And also improve your tutorial because first level is too hard heh.

Bruh, apparently I understood everything. What I didn't understand, is that odd and even order refers to the order of signals PER intersection. I thought that it was the order of the inputs 0 (odd) 0 (even) 1 (odd) 1 (even). My bad, it didn't help that they accidentally behaved exactly as i thought sometimes, which added into my confusion and delusion that it was actually correct looool. A simple change in the tutorial text and it would have saved the both of us brain cells. lol sorry.

This game seems sooooo promising, but idk man. I'm stuck on the first level.

First, it took me a while to understand how to connect the nodes in the first place, then understand what the winning conditions are. Secondly, The zeros and ones was confusing, because I thought it had something to do with whenever they were On or Off not just what the numbers that should flow into them.  And finally, there's no feedback for my clicks, so I didn't even realize what most of the buttons are which added to my confusion of how and what I can connect the nodes or what the intersection button even does.

So, yeah please spoil the solution and logic of the first puzzle, pretty please. I gave this like 20min of my time lol and I feel super dumb now.

Glad that you like it! And yeah I completely forgot to add sound effects for the AOE attack, thanks for reminding me.

Thanks for playing! Glad that you liked it. 

And yes the dash doesn't have any immunity frames, I was considering it when I was trying to make more complex attacks for the boss. However, I didn't really get the time for any of them. I will keep it in mind for the future tho.

The physics are so cool and smooth to control. I really like this concept, I wish it didn't get as stale so quickly.

Oh I bet it was hard to program all of the physics in such a short time, so I understand they aren't as perfect right now. It's pretty neat puzzle game none the less.

This game was more fun then I expected! It gets challenging with the rats, but I like their addition it adds some variety so we don't get so bored easily.  

A very charming art style, I like the start menu too. I had a problem tho in  the last level, I was not playing on full screen so the loop at the bottom right was not visible and was kinda stuck. I accidentally put on full screen and i was like oooooh. I think you can fix the problem somewhere in the settings by  keeping the aspect ratio of the game.

A very beautiful game, amazing color choices. I wish the first few levels were less easy because they got boring with the same mechanics really quick. The later levels are pretty neat but a bit too long for my taste. So they need a bit of difficulty balancing.

The movement is a bit slow too, since you can only press a movement key until the moving animation is completely done, so even if visually it looks done. In the code it still doesn't (I believe because the animation has too much ease out). So it's quite frustrating to have your inputs missed.

Omg the page is private and is giving me a 404 error. lmao. Being on linux sometimes sucks.

Actually no, an .exe can only work on windows. Linux and Mac have different formats for an executable.
I guess you got confused because of the unity export menu, it's written Windows, mac and linux but you also have a drop down menu where you select the OS.   You need to make a separate build for each operating system.

Oh, I would love to play your game if you made a web or linux version!

With a web version you will have more people playing your game too (since downloading is kinda annoying ngl)

Thanks for playing!

I made the keybinds that work the most with arrow keys, I suppose with WASD those will be more fitting. I will keep that in mind next time.

Love the sound design and the idea is pretty neat. However, there's a big bug in  maybe the 3rd level, I have completed all of the flags yet  I am not advancing to the next one.  So unfortunately couldn't finish it.

It's unfortunately too buggy and broken,  but it seems promising. I would like to play once you update after the jam.

(btw you can edit the description of your game, you just can't upload a new version right now),

Oh I love the art style, character design is top notch too.

The game was a bit too hard for my taste tho, I guess I was having trouble healing, since H is just too far away for my fingers lol.

(1 edit)

Nice concept! I am having a hard time controlling the drone and bump into walls all the time. I guess that' just me preferring more precise movement.

There's also voice acting! Pretty cool for a jam game.

Thank you I am really flattered! 

I added the sound effects in the last 30 minute of the jam submission lol. Ain't now way I got time for more. The animation and coding just took all of my time.

I am really impressed with all of the variety here for a jam game. I love the concept. the art, the game play it's nearly perfect.

The art style is amazing! Soo pretty. I just wish the game play wasn't so luck based, sometimes I just get wrecked by ghost spawns.

The tutorial is so fast I didn't get the time to read it lol.

Also use a font instead of keeping the default one, so it would be more readable.

That's a neat concept, wasn't sold on it at first but it just got fun when I entered the flow.

I really like the art style and the polish it's pretty neat.

My biggest problem with it, is the fact that the UI stops the mouse inputs, it shouldn't be the case.

ey, quite fun and a bit too weird for my taste hehe.

Oh wow this is the coolest thing ever.

I guess that's how hacking works!

I love the effects but the characters are so hard to read for me. An accessibility mode where the characters are white might help ( while keeping the effects green to add some contrast).

I like the movement in the water it's really ~flowy~. I just wish the jump wasn't as floaty tho, you could have increased the gravity a little. There's also lots of bugs when you restart the game (the player is literally invisible lol).

Oh so this is supposed to be a The witness type of game? pretty neat idea. I can see the potential.

A really pretty game! I just wish that the camera sensitivity wasn't so high, it's so hard to see and makes the game quite stressful  (witch is, I assume, not the intention lol).

That's great! I hoped that you get to finishing it then. Finishing a large project is extremely hard after all.

Oh my I am in love with the color palette!

Making the little room for the otter wasn't necessary but it added so much charm and personality to the game, great decision. Also funny pet lobster, that's what I drew.

What a cute game! Impressive that you made this in an even shorter time. This concept is pretty neat but the satisfaction in a rhythm game is taping on the beat. Maybe you could add a hard mode where you have to both press and move to the orb.