The graphichs, vfx and sfx are so coherent, that i was astonished. It was so well made.
Bosses were a bit boring after a while, and XP points didn't matter at all (or i don't know what they matter for) but as a quick dopamine rush, its perfect!
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Small bugs here and there but overally very polished submission.
- Bosses could use some thematic approach - why Dog boss is standing and Easter Island Statue is flying?
- Music tracks are banger, definitely one of the strongest points in the game.
- Spinner is spinning a bit too slow for my taste, and having attack bar be tied to health bar is a bit punishing mechanic (you can't commit to fighting since you have to constantly mind that small error in movement might cost you a game if you aren't conservative with shooting.
- SFX are glitching if there are more sfx sources than one - which became very painful when i had 4 drones and was healing on a platform.
So my favourite parts were spinner design and music. The rest is just a solid work.
I really love the length you went to give feedback, all of which I agree with.
The state of the game is like this because we overscoped and ran out of time. Thats why it is in such a buggy state and VFX/SFX is very "limited". We have plan to expand upon those elements as soon as i fix those pesky tooltip problems.
Also, screenshake is something i didn't even think of so i have to note it down and tackle when i get to vfx.
Thank you for the exhaustive feedback, it really means a lot to us!
Hi, sadly, i just ran out of time and had to fix more burning needs towards the end of jam. This showed how hard is the scope management and how much bugs come in with every piece of code.
We will be working very hard to bring features that we didn't have the time to do in the upcoming days so I hope you will keep observing our project :)
Also thank you for the comment. I really appreciate that!
So polished! I really like how everything is just fitting - art, soundtrack and cuphead vibes. The gameplay is also quite nice, you can easily feel the progression.
For my list of feedback:
- hover sound is a bit loud, i would prefer something calmer or quieter
- spear is by far easier weapon to use than hammer/tnt, more balance in that regard would be nice
- lazers sometimes hit you even though you jump. Hard to avoid or i just suck :D
Overally love the feeling of polish and completion!
Hi! Definitely we will be working hard to bring the current content to a much less bug ridden state. After that we are going to work towards implementing all the features that had to be rejected on the planning board due to limited time available for jam.
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!
Thanks for the comment! We actually had some ramming sounds prepared, but we actually ran out of time implementing other things, like a story element :)
We will certainly add custom sounds and animations to each cassette move in the future for sure.
As for the clipping, noted and I will fix it as soon as I get to work with the code.
Once again, thanks for the feedback :)