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A member registered Nov 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your encouragement.

I'm making progress, even if it's slower than I'd like.
Retouching images takes an incredible amount of time...
I've still got a lot to do...

pole dancing is planned in the game, but it won't be in the next update.

I'm still working on the game

Look at the answer above for more info


Yes, I'm still working on Lolita's update.

I know it's been a long time since the last publication, but I'm creating on my own time and at my own pace (that's why I'm not monetizing the game - I only accept voluntary donations).

Most of the next update concerns the relationship with Thomas and includes two very different routes depending on the player's choices, and also many changes in the way Lolita spends nights and mornings at home (Thomas will be able to spend the night in her bed, have breakfast and shower with her...)

Currently 750 images have been made, corrected and inserted into the game.

Another 300 are being processed (they've been created but not yet retouched nor coded).
I think I've still got around 600 images to go.
And of course I've got a lot of testing to do before I consider publishing.

I can't promise any dates at the moment.
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It's possible that your path (folder / subfolder / subfolder /...) is too long.

Try placing the game in a directory with a shorter path

If it don't solve the problem, you can also try to directly install the font on your computer

The file "VL-Gothic-Regular.ttf" should be in the "fonts" folder

Thanks, I'm glad you like the game.

I'm working as fast as I can to prepare the update, unfortunately you'll have to be patient: I still have a lot to do before publishing it.

Can you tell me which link is broken?

I know that my system needs to be improved. Normally, with this option, you only see each skin once.

You have download the update
If you download the entire game (and the bugfix) it will work

How did you manage to do that?

Was it like this from the start of the game, or did it happen after you'd taken an action in the game?

Normally, you should have, in the directory where the game.exe is, a subfolder named "system".  The files RGSS300.dll and RGSS301.dll are in this subfolder.

If you don't have them, the download didn't work properly...

You're the only one who mentioned this problem.

It's possible that your path (folder / subfolder / subfolder /...) is too long.

Try placing the game in a directory with a shorter path (if I remember correctly, it shouldn't be longer than 20 letters).

Hope it help

Hello everyone

Summer festival season begins next week.
It's a very intense period for my IRL work, I'll be working around 96h/week until mid-August.
I won't have any free time for a long time.
This will further delay the completion of the game update.

I know it's been a year since I last published. I'm aware that many of you are impatient for the rest of the game.

All I can say is that I haven't given up. I know I'm slow, and that's one of the reasons I don't have a Patréon: to be able to work at my own pace without pressure from subscribers.

Have a good summer

Kisses from Lolita and me

When I started the game, I was afraid that the size of the images would make the game impossible to download. So I had the bad idea to make the images very small.

I'm gradually redesigning these images, replacing them with larger ones using a layout technique so that the overall size of the game doesn't explode. It's a long work, it will take a lot of updates to get all the images resized.

The "final" images are in HD 1280x720.
I don't plan to make them in 4K quality, first because it would make the game too big, and second because some players play in windowed mode and the images have to fit them too.

The RPGmaker VXace engine is at 540x416 native.
The problem is that I have to scale the image down to fit in this native resolution and it is re-aggrandized for full screen. I know that it increases the pixelation effect but I don't have a solution to this problem.

I just know that I will choose a better engine for my next game...

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I can't answer about steam. the game doesn't need to go through steam to be launched, you just have to click on Game.exe and it is autonomous.

for the same day that repeats, it's up to you. the game is a sandbox. the first ideas that Lolita gives are game aids, but, apart from going to class, nothing is mandatory.

In the CGroom, you can find tips to know what to do to unlock the CGs

I know about the rent bug (Lolita can't pay even though she has the money), but as it's to the player's advantage (CG easier to unlock) I haven't published a bugfix for the moment.

For the crash, you need the bugfix :
don't forget to leave the house so that it applies to your save

It is surprising that the bug did not occur in English, normally it does not depend on the language.

The bug makes the amount of rent to be paid is doubled compared to what is said in the text.

As for the thief, what I have planned in my scenario is that Lolita can negotiate to give a piece of clothing instead of her money. This part of the script is not yet completely written, it is only a vague annotation on my todo-list. I'll see when it's time to make it what exact form it will take.

I like the idea of her being "too" naked for her taste.

What I haven't thought about yet is what happens if, after being robbed, Lolita has nothing to wear and her "exhibition" doesn't allow her to leave her house without clothes.
It shouldn't block the game, but it shouldn't make it possible to do something too daring too quickly...
I need to take some time to think about it

I am in the process of adding new languages to the game (MTL).
- Chinese (simplified) - NOT SURE : currently, I'm having trouble finding the right font (missing characters)
- Dutch
And I'm also integrating the corrections that ForPeace sent me for the Russian version.
If you want me to add more languages, NOW is the time to ask!

Sorry for the delay in responding.
Summer is a big time for me to work IRL, I work more than 90 hours per week, and I rarely get a chance to come to the forums during this time.

I know that bugfix doesn't solve all the problems related to paying rent.

But the bug that remains (and that you have) is rather helpful than penalizing for the game (it makes it easier to unlock a CG), so I didn't find it necessary to publish a new bugfix.

It will be fixed in the next update though

It seems that the bugfix does not apply immediately if your savegame is on the MAP where the bug is.

 (For example if your savegame is in the house before you have the rent bug.)
In this case, leave the house or Ingrid's apartment
Done... The bugfix has been applied...

Some player report me crash.
So I post a BUGFIX for the CG159b version.

Dont forget to donwload it too

Copy the new "Data" folder in the game Folder
Answer "YES" to "overwrite existing files"

A new update has just been released.
"Help Lolita to blossom in an unbridled sexuality"

A game mixing sex and humor
(the game is not finished, the actual content is about 15 hours long)

Available in 9 languages :

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The tests of the new version are in progress since Sunday.
For the moment, I'm doing a test in French that continues a save from a previous version. Then I'll do a fresh start in English.
I already discover a lot of corrections to do (I added some gameplay that modifies some CG triggers).
As you know, there are many many game variants (depending on the order you do things), it is impossible to test everything.


My usual tester just became a mom, she won't be able to help me find the bugs this time (Her baby is sooooo cute !)
So the tests might be longer than usual
Since, at the moment, I have a lot of work IRL, I can't predict how long it will take me to test everything.

All I can say is (after this long wait) Winter Lolita is coming !

I'm glad you managed to unrar the game.

The unlockable trophies haven't changed since CG109, the picture you are talking about is still accurate.

It will take several updates before all trophies are unlockable.

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I use winRAR :

you can download it and use it free (even if it offers you to buy it every time you open it)

right click on the RAR file => extract to Lolitagonewild...

I don't know which link you used. I just tested several, they all work.

I think the download you made failed. Try to download again.

There is no need for software to open the game  (nor RTP).
Just click on "Game.exe".

If it doesn't work, try downloading again.
(Attention the game only works on PC)

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Here is what is planned for the update

What is already done
- Fix all bugs reported by players
- Correct English translation
- Add light to lampposts at night
- Add 1 CG : masturbation looking porn on computer
- Add 6 CGs (count for 1 in CGroom) : naked tits service at the « café français »
- Add 3 CGs (count for 1 in CG room) : grope by the barman
- Add introductions scenes at student party
- Add drinking scene and 3 optional CGs : rape when drunk (when leaving party)

What I'm doing actually
- Add 5 CGs at students party

What I want to add before release (this part can still change)
- Add new CGs with the client in café toilets
- Dress/undress animation for the job at the warehouse
- Add  new CGs at the Warhouse (New job)      or       Continue Blackmail story

alpha test (from the start)
fix as many bugs I found
test bugfix
and release.

I admit that it's been a long time since the last release... Sorry

I'm making good progress on the update. But I'm still far from finishing it.

For now, there is no romance planned with a guy other than Thomas (but I can think about it...)

In what is planned, there is a relationship with Thomas, and one with Anna (which starts with sex, then can turns into a love story). Unfortunately, these stories will not advance in the next update. I can't do everything at once.

Yes, the CG130d is the most recent version.

(For your information, the French version is the original)


I know it's been a long time since I've posted a game update.

Unfortunately, I didn't have as much free time as I would have liked to devote to the game, as my IRL job took a lot of my time between July and mid-December.

However, don't worry: the game is not abandoned, and I'm currently actively working on the next steps.

I'm still terrible at estimating timings, so I won't promise a date for the moment.

Be patient, new adventures await Lolita

Yes, I'm preparing the continuation of the game, but since I'm doing it on my own time and I have a lot of work IRL, I'm unfortunately not able to promise a date. I can only say ASAP...

First of all, I'm glad to see that you like the game.

Thanks for the bug report.

Don't worry: Your explanations are clear enough for me to understand what you are talking about

I am currently looking for this bug. As soon as I fix it (it seems to be well hidden), I will post a "small" update. No new CGs but some bugfixes and the addition of 6 new languages.

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Looking at the number of downloads of each file, I see that very few people download the bugfix.
It is written everywhere, but I repeat it here :



I just finished the English beta-test (hoping I found all the bugs), the French test takes a bit more time (my tester has very little free time at the moment). It would be unreasonable to release only the English version, there are so many text variants in the game, that the bugs my tester will point out will also correct some bugs I would have missed in my test of the English version...
Just a little more patience, as soon as I get her feedback (and fix it), I can at last post the update!

If you have never tried the game, there is nothing to stop you from downloading it now.
The CG109b version already required many hours of play to unlock all the CGs.
I always make sure that the updates are compatible with the old saves (The update of the variables is done automatically when you load your game).
The next update will add about 15 new CGs to the 109 available in the current version.
The biggest disadvantages of not starting a new game when I release an update are :
- consistency of the story (there is often a progression for the CGs, when Lolita already has high stats, it can create an impression of backtracking).
- dead time to fill between new CGs (some CGs are only triggered on specific days, so you have to redo actions you've already seen between).
On the other hand, if you already have a game from an older version, I advise you to wait a bit until the new update comes out, to avoid experiencing the inconveniences (that I just described above) twice in a row...
As I feared, my beta tester and I discover a lot of mini bugs because of the big technical part of the update. I fix everything we find as we go along. But it's much more time consuming than debugging only a few new CGs like in the previous updates. Currently we have debugged the equivalent of 5 hours of game (we both started a new game, she plays in French and I in English).

Here we are !
The next update is currently in beta test phase.
Due to the big technical change of this new version, this phase may take a little more time than usual.
Just a little more patience and I'll be able to post it. (the delay will depend on the number of bugs found)

Unfortunately, I got a bit enthusiastic... I had less free time than I thought in January, and I'm afraid it's going to take me a few more weeks to finish the update.

I'd rather delay the release a little bit, than release a new version that is very technical and with finally not many new CGs.

Sorry for the inconvenience

So, I prefer not to give a precise date, for fear of being wrong again in the evaluation of the time needed.

The thief appears when you reach a "certain" amount of money in your possession.
Each time he steals, this trigger amount increases. So, the more he steals from you, the rarer it will be to see him appear.

If you really want to get rid of the thief, there is a possibility to deactivate it in the cheat room (pass the "cheat" door in the CGroom).
In a future update (but not in the next one), it will be possible to "negotiate" with the thief so that he doesn't take all the money from Lolita.

Beware however, to see the CGs with the dealer, you need to run out of money (and be addicted to drugs).

Thank you for the encouragement.
I am doing my best to post an update in late January or early February.
(As I make the game on my free-time, it's quite difficult for me to estimate an exact publication date).