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A member registered Jun 07, 2022

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Nice!   When you have a chance, drop the URL to your webstore.

Any more physical copies left from the kickstarter?  I would love to get one.

Gearing up to play Fire & Stone!

Cool idea! You can switch into an existing system (like Pirate Borg, Limithron's Guide to Naval Combat for 5e, Oak & Iron, etc.).  But I would encourage you to continue to develop your own system as only you know what you want to get out of it (there is nobody better than you to do this).  Some players want a lot of simulated tactical movement with miniatures, others want more of an abstraction and just want to feel like they are contributing somehow to a naval battle (a la 7th Sea).  Oftentimes people homebrew their naval battles based on their existing system (they just look at the ship as a character and apply similar rules to ships that they would a character).

I've been playing a lot of Pirate Borg lately, and let me tell you, I love how that flows from tactical ranged combat on a hex grid to boarding actions.  The switch to melee on ship decks is effortless.  It is the perfect balance of tactics and you don't have to manipulate 60 miniatures movement from one ship to the next.  But there is no reason why you can't homebrew the Primal Quest Yin/Yang system to apply to ships in a way that you find satisfying.

Você faz bons pontos. É uma sorte que tudo no livro seja uma sugestão e os jogadores devem mudar as regras como acharem melhor. Nenhum sistema de regras é perfeito para todos. A responsabilidade é sempre dos jogadores para fazer o jogo que eles querem. Suas soluções propostas parecem razoáveis. Você tem um bom começo em moldar o jogo de acordo com suas preferências.

Não estou convencido de que algo nas regras sugeridas precise mudar. Elas fornecem muitas ideias e inspiração para os jogadores considerarem. Cada jogador solo ou grupo de jogadores é capaz de moldar o jogo de acordo com suas preferências.

Curioso. Qual é a versão BR? Não estou familiarizado com essa sigla.

FERAL is now available from Exalted Funeral.  It is formatted with great art and layout and quite a bit easier to follow than the draft.  It provides a basic procedure and a very thorough overview of solo gaming and introduction into some new innovative concepts such as creating your own scaled tables and tags.  You can use as much or little of it as you want.  It has massive application outside of Primal Quest.  You could run any solo game using ideas from this zine.  Highly recommend it if you are into solo gaming at all.

Cool game and design.  Fits front and back on a single sheet of paper, and once you are familiar with the rules, you only need one side.  I laminated mine so it's a nice playmat that will last a while.

The inside is fine (nice margins in there).  And if I used a little more care when cutting off the creep, the results would have been better.  Serves me right for being careless ;)

This is really a nice booklet adventure!  While the tables are setup to use cards, I'm partial to using dice, but it looks like that will be pretty easy to do.  There's only a couple tables that have 13 rows.

These print up pretty nice!  I wish the cover had a little more margin padding (I think I cut a little too much off the right side).  But still usable :)

Yay!  Got my stuff!  Doing a side by side here with my custom book.  The official version is so much better quality.  Both the yellow and especially the magenta are much more vibrant in the official version and the paper is so much better.

Get FERAL here:

Thanks.  I emailed you.

Somehow I missed the kickstarter for this and would live to purchase a physical zine.  Any plans to make a physical version available again?

Exalted Funeral has a new sturdy quad panel Primal Quest Screen with awesome art on the outside and helpful quick reference stuff on the inside!

That planet rock furthest from the star is an emberlite and glows magma red when you hit it with UV :)

What a great idea!

It's not the thick board book stock in your mock-up, but I don't know how to do that.  It'll work for my game sessions though.

Cool.  Thanks.  Here is $20 for you efforts.  I went ahead and printed it by duplicating the inside cover two pages.  So now the large dungeon map is in the beginning and at the end of the book.  But it will be nice with some new content in there when you get around to it.

I printed Fire on the Sacred Tree.  I gave it the rounded corner treatment too :)

Oh, OK.  So it might be available in print some day soon?

If you don't have any intent to sell the physical booklet, I will print it myself.  But the booklet only has 38 pages (so it will print with 2 blank pages).  Can you go ahead and modify the PDF so it has 40 pages and will print without blank pages?  I'm sure you can think of some cool content to jam in there ;)

This is really cool.  Where do I get the physical copy that seems to be printed on some sort of card stock with rounded corners (like in the picture)?

It prints up nice!  Thank you for some excellent solo tools. 

Testing out some tactical princess combat on a Sweet Escape map.

The Sweet Escape prints up really nice.  Looking forward to running this with my kids.  I'm playing around with the idea of adding some simple tactical movement (hence the Doorable figurines), but I may be getting ahead of myself.

I'm going to give the barebones FERAL draft a go.  I can already tell it is filled with all sorts of great solo tools and ideas.  Looking forward to the day this is released as a zine with cool art and layout.

Hey Diogo, if you don't have time to get the Solo toolkit printed as a zine, would you consider releasing what you have as PDF?

I couldn't find any place to buy Character Sheet pads so I had a print shop make some.  These are 25 sheets per pad.  Now I think we're ready to game!

Where can I order some of those Primal Character sheet pads?

In the top right corner of the character sheet, there is a section called "Skills".  I do not see mention of this in the pamphlet rules.  Can you elaborate what this is intended for?

Well, I'm ready to give Reap a try now.  Although I am realizing the consequences of trying to trim the creep off a 100 page zine ;)  I lost a little of the artwork on the right edge.  Oh well.  It is still readable/usable.  The perfect bound won't have the same problem when it comes.

Kal_Arath prints well.  Thanks for the generous margins.

(1 edit)

I made a couple of Orbital zines and player kit.  Now I can play in style!Orbital zines.

(2 edits)

I wanted to purchase a physical copy of Bucket of Bolts, but they have been out of stock for a while. So I just made it into a 28 page zine myself :) 28 page BOB Zine

I got it!  Nice glow-in-the-dark edition box :)

I printed it at 8.5x11, but the online Office Depot booklet creator allows you to print it at 5.5x8.5.  While you can do this, I would not recommend it (unless you have 20/20 bionic eyes). It was not designed to be printed that small (although I wish it had been as I prefer zine size myself).

Also, if you find that you enjoy making zines, I recommend having these:

Scor-Pal Scoring Board:

Bostitch Booklet Stapler:

4-Inch Rubber Brayer Roller for Printmaking:

Heavy Duty Guillotine Paper Cutter:

I'm not sure what is meant by (g).  If it is grammage, gsm, or g/m2, then 110lbs cardstock is between 270-308gsm.  Paper weights are confusing because there are different categories such as "text" and "cover/card".  For example, an 8.5x11 inch sheet of 100lbs "text" weighs less than 100lbs "card" because text weight is measured with a stack of paper that has a larger dimension than that of the stack of cardstock.

But you don't have to use the same paper weight as I do.  Just find some nice thick cardstock you think will do nicely as a cover that can be run through a laser printer.