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A member registered Jun 22, 2024 · View creator page →

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Love the concept and love any game that delves into the possible futures of a more reilient and cohesive community-ecosystem project! Would love a linux build! Saving it for some day <3

Yaay it worked first try! Didn't use Zine Maker, just made some pages on Krita.

This is my zine, thanksss <3

Love your style, and the art is spectacular. Keep it up! <3

Hey!! Thank u so much <3 Glad u liked it!

Fully in love with your style ant texts.

Will be following up! Thx for the info. Will check them out too! Composing for GB is tedious so nice work tbh!

Me encanta!! Love that you made gameboy CUMBIA?! This is such a lovely genre lmao

<3<3<3!! Thanks,  having some real fun making my first gamesss

The game is out in English!! <3

AMO EL CONCEPTO. Llevo tiempo queriendo hacer algo similar para el local de nuestro colectivo artistico de forma interactiva. Partiendo de aqui la peña podria pintar mapas y grafitear cosillas desde las que crear pequeños plataformas. Que ilu ver una idea que pululaba sin forma en mi cabeza llevada a cabo y funcional. Gracias por compartir <3

Hey! Glad you like it, this are all excerpts from the "Paramo Yermo" game! Organized in a different way to be playable at an art exhibition by people, without context. So if you like it, check it out! It is in english.

As for this one, yeah, this week I will work on translating it.

Thanks for the heads up!! <3

Utilizo un Librem con PureOS, mi ordenador tiene muchas cosas geniales, pero esta capadisimo. Iba a usar una maquina virtual pero tiende a ir muy lenta, igual lo probé en otro ordenador! Gracias!

Es una lindura, gracias <3



Juegos de gameboy bucolicos sobre la españa rural y la devastadora experiencia joven, al fin un motivo para no sui

Que lindura <3

Llorando en linux.

Que monadita, amo!!!

Me ha hecho mucha gracia encontrarme esto xk justo acabo de terminar mi primer intento de juego y es un entorno pixel art con ambientacion magica tambien, donde has de reunir 3 ofrendas, la cabeza de una cabra, el baculo de un espiritu y el fruto de un arbol. Coincidenciasss geniales! Son una pasada los proyectos de la Malaga Jam, la descubri hace una semana y ha sido increible!!

Quina cucada sosss!!

AMANDOLO. Sois increibles <3

Llorando con todas vuestras creaciones. AMO.

Este manifesto me representa aun mas que el manifesto comunsta :,)

Es increible, ojala más material asi de lindo en las ferias anarquistas de nuestro barrio <3

Such a cute concept!

La actualización lo ha dejado ya genial! Me encanta! <3

No way! HAHA. Okay so your vibe leaves a trace. Yes it was me!

Loved your style of games and the general vibe!

I joined it! We'll see. Thanks for the info ant the encouragment.

Thanks to your safelock system I could program an INGAME Giveaway of my ceramics! SO very thankful for that! Hope your project comes along! WIll definitely check it out! Thanks a lot!

I have been checking all your games and wow, you are on another level. I love EVERYTHING. As a GB Studio newbie that just releaset its first game, I have so much to learn. Love this one! Keep up the good work. I am thinking about joining the GB JAM you host but I don't know if I have the skill to present something worthy in just the few days most Jams give you. But might try!

So happy to hear about it! And yeah...! Your assets are incrediblle!

Hey ! I used your assets for this on this little puzzle/story rich/rpg/platformer game I made in under a month for a ceramics exhibition! 

Thought you'd like to know!!

LOVED the idea! Thanks!

That makes me so happy! Your "A time for Giving" game was lovely btw!

Hey ! I used the safe lock assets on this little puzzle/story rich/rpg/platformer game I made in under a month for a ceramics exhibition! 

Thought you'd like to know!!

Amazing systems you make! Have lovely day <3

Hey ! I am in LOVE with your game, it inspired me to try and make my first game with the collaboration of many artist from a local collective I work with! 

I included a few assets from your game as a way to remember what inspired me! And as a way to honour your amazing art and work! 

It is fully free, for a ceramics exhibition (I am mainly a ceramist), the game could be played at a gore clay, latex and recycled materials machine.

I thought id'd be nice to let you know! Hope it is fine!

Have a lovely day<3 and thanks for making Soulvoid!

*My game is made in GB Studio too, story rich, platformer, puzzle, rpg kinda game.

Hey ! I used some of your assets on this little puzzle/story rich/rpg/platformer game I made in under a month for a ceramics exhibition! 

Thought you'd like to know!!

Have lovely day <3

Hey ! I used some of your assets on this little puzzle/story rich/rpg/platformer game I made in under a month for a ceramics exhibition! 

Thought you'd like to know!!

Have lovely day <3

Hey ! I used some of your assets on this little puzzle/story rich/rpg/platformer game I made in under a month for a ceramics exhibition! 

Thought you'd like to know!!

Have lovely day <3

Hey ! I used some of your assets on this little puzzle/story rich/rpg/platformer game I made in under a month for a ceramics exhibition! 

Thought you'd like to know!!

Have lovely day <3