hello :) really like the game just have some issues understanding the mechanics of the drinking game.. can anyone help me out? i dont know how to determine what todrink and what not... dont really understand the scale in the corner either ^^
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UUHH thank you! I figured the clicking but didnt know about the speed of the text. thank you :) maybe, if not too much, you can add that the text stops after the sentence and then one has to click to continue the convo. but I also understand that this might be personal preferance. Thank you for your reply :)
I must say, that I really like the concept and the art of this game. It has lots of potential! Also though, I have a few notes... its not ideal, that one cant click through the dialogue but that its a scene. Sometimes for that reason one misses clues etc and cant skip over things that we already read. The dialogue at the end is a bit long for my taste aswell. But I'd love to play a longer version of the game overall. :)
I really love the story and style. Ive been playing the other games of yours. So, I got all the clues and now want to get the rope to go into the well. From the comments here I saw that I need to go to the monolith to change worlds to get it. but the monolith keeps saying i need more clues. Ive been everywhere but cant find anything else... I will try again today because I really would love to continue playing.
Id really love to play this game but sadly theres so many glitches... Im stuck in a loop and cant continue.. been everywhere multiple times and sadly the controls are also not the ones they're supposed to be. I love this style and the story but it looses its charm when parts that are supposed to get you further, dont work.