Awesome, I'm looking forward to it! 😁
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Neat little game! It reminded me alot of early audiosurf, and I enjoyed the soundtrack. It definitely needs something to ramp up the difficulty, as it stands now there seems to be no incentive to match the colors out of your way so you can coast on indefinitely. Regardless, I still had fun, keep up the good work!
Outstanding entry! From the consistent visuals, to mechanics, and game feel this is a very impressive jam game. Trying to figure out how to use the bucket only to get caught on trees or houses was some wacky fun, and the animations and flood of simple zombies really sold the idea of an approaching hoard. My only suggestion to make it better would maybe be adding some background music? Other than that I can't think of any complaints, great work, keep it up!
I really appreciate the honesty with your self, and setting and sticking to a scope. I know after only a few projects, and I'm sure veterans can attest, that scope creep is one of the biggest obstacles to overcome. But you definitely shipped a full package in the jam timeframe, and you did a perfect job recreating a classic with a twist to fit the theme! Well done, and keep up the good work!
Solid work. The controls were very responsive, and I had fun as I am always a fan of these runner types. I think you nailed the fundamentals and tied into the theme nicely. My only critique is that I think you could have added some mechanic to make it more difficult the further you got along. I got to about 400, and noticed if you just maintain a straight line long enough you will always be able to outrun the debris. With that said, figuring out the balance to keep up your straight line speed is great fun in itself!
Holy UI design, that is a fantastic opening menu! I've been struggling moving past simple text designs and I think your implementation made me finally understand the fundamentals. And I can already see how that setup could be used for some cutscenes, thank you!
I think the controls were questionable, specifically horizontal look not bound to mouse input, but it added to the theme of chaos.
Models also looked great, and the gameplay was enjoyable.
Keep up the good work!
I liked this. It demonstrates the foundation of a good shooter while having it's own twist. Reading that this was an attempt to learn 3-D modeling, I think you succeeded! The only thing that looked a little off was the the main enemy, but it did have it's own attack animations and the environment and props looked good! So I can see you established good workflow from blender to unity. Keep it up!
Nice work! Clean and consistent graphics, as well as some solid mechanics. Juggling the tasks in later phases really emphasizes the theme of "Let there be chaos." I also really liked the inventory and speed pickups, as they diversified gameplay a bit and added some game feel.
One thing I might have liked better is WASD controls and maybe SPACE for interactions, as it would feel more natural.
Extra impressive for being a first published game, keep up the good work!
Fun game! I could definitely see myself wasting time on a mobile version of something like this. The core mechanic is simple but has endless implementations, and Ball of Chaos demonstrates some of those quite well. My only complaint is the file size, as a hoarder of games I'll never play but won't uninstall, I was almost discouraged from downloading it. But, I have no regrets! Keep up the good work!
Wow, this was awesome! From a design and art standpoint Text and Drive is phenomenal! I really liked the humor in the randomly spammed responses, and gameplay. It's a simple concept implemented very well, and it also serves as an example of why it's dangerous. You should all be proud, keep up the great work!