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Kevin Hutchins

A member registered Jul 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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Fun game! Normal difficulty was a bit easy for me, but the hard was just right, making it feel frantic with just the right amount of overwhelming. Everything just felt like it fit together, which is rare for a jam game. There were a lot of little details that I appreciated, like how you automatically check skipping the intro after someone plays it once.

Nothing to do, just taking in the scale of nature and taking in the atmosphere. Just a small break between rating games.

I love the style on this! The use of gradients and contrasting colors really gave it a distinctive look that worked quite well. The gameplay, while simple, worked well to highlight the sense of place.

Fun concept! The eating animation was cute, and I enjoyed trying to aim the wrecking ball, especially in the castle, where there were so many people wandering around.

Very cool 3D effect. I had no idea that pico8 was capable of something like this. The game loop was fun, although I ended up wishing that opening the menu was a little bit faster.

Gorgeous art, impressive animations. I'm impressed by how much art and how many mechanics you managed to get done for the jam, even if you weren't able to finish all of it.

Great work! The opening crawl gag was great, and the navigation was a neat spin on normal movement. Definitely a lot easier to make that first jump once I plugged in a controller. I liked some of the interactions like the beach ball that you could knock down and play with.

I liked the visuals: they had a nice, clear style, but with a lot of nice touches like the dynamic cursor. 

Clever puzzle game. I liked the variety of enemy behaviors, although I found that the bird didn't really pose a threat in any of the levels, but maybe I got lucky.

Lovely puzzle game. I've had fun playing with cellular automata, and thought about how it would be neat to have a puzzle game with them, but never could quite arrive at satisfying mechanics.

This is a perfect example of what I would've wanted to make with this concept, if I'd thought of it. The visuals and audio complement it well. My only minor complaints are the lack of an on-screen back button, and the lack of an indication that the rule list could be scrolled. For both of those, I had to scroll down to figure out how to do it/if I could do it.

It's easy to see why they were omitted, though, as you already were coming  hitting the 64x64 limit. Great work!

Fun game. I liked the character sprites. They were expressive, despite the sprite size constraints. I lucked into encountering the mosquito first, which really helped with later encounters. Stun felt a bit OP, but you covered that in the postmortem.

Fun game. I liked how you could get strategic with dropping the stronger blocks onto lower ones, clearing the way down. Increasing the difficulty by making the star placement more challenging was a good way to prevent it from feeling too easy. I made it down to 673m.

Neat concept for a game, the twist was a fun surprise. The collision on the jumps was a bit off, I'd get stuck if I touched the side of a platform while jumping, but I made it through anyway. Great job for a first game!

Feels like a good basis for a game. Shame you ran out of time!

Ah, so this is what this genre is like! I had fun with it. It was satisfying getting my weapons buffed to the max and seeing them melt through the enemies. Difficulty felt good to me, I was able to win on my third try. Very effective use of visuals, I stopped noticing that it was low resolution after just a little bit of time ingame.

Fun bit-sized horror game. It could have used some sound when the enemies are alerted/die, but I get how much of a pain it is to get specific sound effects during a jam. I appreciated the checkpoints greatly.

Much appreciated! That did end up being the issue. It should work now, if you want to give it a go.

Oh, that's very interesting. Sounds like it could be a localization issue with the scripting language I'm using (the , vs . as decimal separator difference). Thank you for looking into it!

Great atmosphere between the audio and visual design! I had fun with it (I think I got the final ending), and I liked how you had the option between running and crawling, but in the end I just ended up sprinting everywhere. The only minor issue I noticed was that clicking to dismiss text boxes/notes would also trigger crawling mode.

In WebGL, the logs should be printed out to the browser's developer console. On Chrome and Firefox, the shortcut to open it is Ctrl+Shift+I. I'm wondering if there are any error logs in there (other than syncFS issues, which shouldn't affect the game).

Huh, that's not good. Sorry about that. Would you mind seeing for me if it prints out something in the developer console indicating some sort of error?

(2 edits)

I'd like to report a bug. My beautiful poem,




Didn't earn any points, but I didn't see an option to depose the king for his frankly criminal lack of judgment.

I liked the gradient. It gave a sense of progression as you went through the level and could track your path backwards to the starting point. My only complaint was that the last level felt a bit tedious. Good job!

Very cute game. Clever way to represent the turns you had to left before losing. Having the stick catch fire when you were next to it so it was visible was clever and saved me having to guess. It's QOL details like that that make a game shine.

Neat, ominous game! It to 2:55 before being crushed. So close to the 3 minute goal!

Thank you! Playing yours, I'd say it definitely felt similar in scope, so I think you could pull it off!

Great game! I had to try a few times on the penultimate battle, but once I remembered I had items that I could use, I managed to make it through. The visuals look great, and there was a playfulness to the animations that were fun. I like both Lisa and Earthbound, and you managed to nod to them in ways that didn't feel derivative. Probably a bit hard for a jam game (although who isn't guilty of that?), but I had fun with it.

Neat game, I loved the control explanation graphic. The control panel managed to evoke the feeling of train controls even with very few pixels. My first time trying it I seem to have broken the input somehow, as it wouldn't let me adjust the speed. Maybe a bug, or maybe just the browser acting up. Regardless, I could see coming back again to this to pass some time.

Great game! The concept was a lot of fun, and the execution was perfect.

Fun game! I managed to get three of the discs, but got lost and worn down before I managed to get the last. My first run I didn't find any, although I suspect that was down to me getting lost. Maybe an indicator when the disc is in a room immediately adjacent to prevent accidentally skipping past them?

The music and sound fit in well and really helped set the tone, and the visuals were expressive and clear. Good job!

Thanks for all the kind words! I think the secret to having a little bit of variability in the tactics department is being bad at this kind of game myself, so people try things that I wouldn't have even thought of. I made an enemy that I didn't think anyone would be able to beat, but people trounced it!

Thanks! The cartridge I was making a game for had lovely visual design, and I did my best to try to translate them into a game-like experience.

I loved the style of this - it was very evocative, and the almost cardboard-cutout nature of the enemies fit perfectly. It was a clever way to (I'm guessing) overcome your lack of 3D models and make full use of 2D sprites that I thought worked out well.

I appreciated the explanation on the stats - it's always frustrating to me when I have to allocate stats at the start of the game and I'm in the dark as to what they do. I did feel like melee weapons were at a large disadvantage; my first attempt was full melee and I had a much harder time than when I built for ranged weapons.

The enemies sometimes blended in, to the point where I think they might have been facing so their thin side was towards me, but I'm not sure. I also would've liked a bit more feedback on the combat, but a week is a tight timeline and you really cut it close, so it's definitely understandable.

I had fun with this. Good job!

I'm very impressed that this is your own engine. That's awesome! I loved the UI; it felt authentic and has a style that modern games don't try to match. It took me a few attempts before I achieved victory, but that made it all the sweeter. Luther and I often disagreed on who was the priority for heals, but he valiantly sacrificed his life in the final battle, so I can't be too mad at him. Nice job!

I had fun playing this. It had a nice sense of progression, and the different ways of interacting with enemies added a nice bit of complexity to a battle system that might have felt a bit sparse otherwise. I chose to go for glory, but I ended up beating the boss too so I suppose I managed to achieve both goals. Certainly one of the more fun interpretations of the theme. Great work!

Thanks for the feedback! Good idea with being able to see all the moves mid-battle. I just need to figure out how to shove that in.

The combat was a bit tricky at first, but once I figured it out it was very doable, although maybe a bit too high stakes without checkpoints. The visuals were great, and I liked the contrast between the two settings. Great job, especially for your first jam. It's chock full of content, and with a full story to boot.

Cool entry. I loved how the environment moved around me as I worked on the puzzle. I was able to escape through the place I entered from at the end, but once I realized it was (probably) unintentional I went back in. The cube that we're holding clipping through the walls was a bit distracting; you could fix that by putting that block on its own layer and making a second camera with the clear flags set to depth only, the culling mask set to only that layer, and the depth set to 1.

Fun concept, and I liked how the enemies animated in; it made it seem like they were emerging from the darkness. The end screen was funny; I liked that you gave me a gold star.

I absolutely love the visual style of this game, and I think it's probably the most visual evocative version of the theme I've seen. You did a great job establishing the contrast between the dreams and reality. Good work!