Charming, pretty, and fun gameplay!
I do wish it felt a bit smoother not sure if it's the framerate or why thats happening graphics did not feel like it made a difference but I loved it anyways, excited to see where this goes.
Interesting visuals, needs gameplay work.
Fun simple game! (3rd Part)
Lol thanks, I like to try to test games limits it's fun.
Great atmosphere
Nice my letsplay is here!!
Fun Game
Fun, sweet, simple, controls well, just wish it had controller support but it is short.
lots of fun
Looking forword to its updates in the future >Lets Play
When I launch it I get a blank screen and I have IOS so I can't try it on mobile. :(
Fun and funny love talking to all the characters!
Super fun ima pick up the full version on steam st some point
Super fun!
Same thing happened to me I got it to work going and fiddleing in options before starting the main game. :) :P