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A member registered Apr 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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You mean more levels or more sexy scenes?

Thank you for your feedback :D

I'll check it out and publish an update in 2 weeks.

Original art and original gameplay. Couldn't expect less from Dragulair-senpai! ♥

I just tried the web version. It loads. I could move around a bit and saw 2 enemies following me. Unfortunatelly, it gets stuck after a certain time, so I couldn't play the whole game.
I'm sorry for making you make a web build for nothing. And thank you for taking the time to do it ♥

Thanks. I'll download it and tell you if it worked ♥

(1 edit)

Same here. Not sure if it was a bug or if I just suck, but I couldn't double jump after the beer box.

I loved the concept

Windows 10 (?)
Nothing happens when double-clicking the .exe file. I also tried starting it via console, (just in case), which had the same result.

I got genuinely scared with the intro. I thought the protagonist was going to get r@ped. I'm relieved they didn't *sigh*

Doesn't run in my machine :c

When I saw this I was like "eh eh eh eh  ♪♫" xD

(1 edit)

Actually, yes. I've been feeling bad about pausing it for years, and recently I've been thinking about resuming the development. I guess it's about time to work on it again.
Thank you for the comment <3

Edit: fixed a typo

Noted. It'll be fun to make such port >:D

Hey there.
First of all, thank you for your feedback 👍

The beach background is already implemented. You just have to buy it in the shop.
 And about the forest bg, I think it's a great idea 👌,  so I'll include it in the update I was planning for Christmas.

Do you think I should also include a noon and night forest too?

 I'll check that. Thanks for the feedback, it'll be very helpful. :)

Thanks for the gameplay. I'm too coward to play horror games, so I really appreciate it.  :,)


Ok, I'll make a Mac build for the next update.

Sorry about that. I hope I can resume it this year, tho :/

This is exactly what I needed. Thanks

I want to make another version of a game that I've already published, and I want the users that already bought the old game to have free access to the sequel. The only solution I thought is to add the build of the new version to the old version's page... but it would be a pain to upload updated versions to the old game page and the new game page.

Thanks for reading!

Interesting. I'll check it out. Thanks :)

This is the first build, which only has a very basic character customization menu and the scenario to walk ing in first person. It's still under development.

Thanks. :)
If you have any issue with the game or question, let me know.

Awww, really? That motivates me to keep improving. Thank you!

Devlog 19 ( 14/ 01/ 2019)

    Hi there. This is the last devlog post.
    After several weeks of procrastinating, yesterday I finally realized that I have chosen the wrong genre. Mario Kart is the only racing game that I like, and I decided to do this game just because of that. Thinking about this, I've realized that I've spent the most of my time playing strategy and FPS games, so in my next project I'll make an FPS.
    Luckily for me, nobody was interested in Racing Cats, so I can cancel it whitout feeling any guilt. :)
    Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

Devlog 18 ( 06/ 01/ 2019)

    Hi there!
    This is what I did the past week:
- I've finished the modelling of the gas station, which now looks like this:

    I have to say that I'm pretty proud about the gas dispensers.

   I know they're not hyper reallistic, but I really like how do they look. :D

- By the way, this week I received my very first graphic tablet. I've spent some time trying to adapt to it the past 2  days. I still suck, but I see a little improvement.

    Now that I have the tablet, I'll be able to make backgrounds, banners, etc., and I'll save a lot of time drawing sketches. :)

    - Finally, I've made an experiment to see if cloned Geometries in JME3 can have different textures than their original Geometry. The result was that they can.

    This week I'll keep making building models. Indeed, I'll keep modelling until I have enough of them to fill a street.
    Thanks for reading.  Have a nice day! :)

Devlog 17 ( 30/ 12/ 2018 )

Hi there!
    The past week I've been working on modelling buildings.
    I modelled:

- A twoo floor house:

- A little appartment building with a store at the ground floor:

- And a gas station in progress... :

    I want to model some more buildings, my intention is to reuse them into the same level with different textures. I have to research about the best way to do that in the JME3 engine. It has a 'clone()'  method that clones a mesh, which improves the performance., (it's very useful for objects like trees); but I think that, if I modify one of the meshes' texture, the other one(s) will also apply the changes.

    Thanks for reading, and Happy New Year !!! :D

Devlog 16 ( 16/ 12/ 2018 )

    Hi there!
    This is what I've worked on the past week:

        - I've implemented a Thread Pool to improve Racing Cats' performance.
        - I've created a class that contains the 3D assets files sources.
        - I've coded a start coundown HUD, and a HUDController that manages
    all of the HUDs.

    Next week I'll start modelling and texturing buildings

    Thanks for reading. Have a nice day. :)

Hi. I've paused the project because I've started a new job.
Now, I'll resume the Racing Cat's development. I'll update the devlog every Sunday.

Have a nice day. :)

(1 edit)

Devlog 15 ( 28/ 08/ 2018 )

    Hi there!
    This is what I've worked on the past week:

        - I've changed the player's staring position, now the character spawns right behind the first checkpoint.

        - I've been cleaning the code and I've improved the game's performance.

        - I've coded a basic speedometer. In the future I'll add a better displayer.

        - I've fixed the timer, which used to have a weird updating looking.
Old version:                                 Current version:

Devlog 14(22/ 08/ 2018)
    Hi there!
    The past week I've worked on the ChronometerHUD.  I've decided to create a Class that instances a Chronometer object and updates the HUD while the Chronometer is running.
    It looks like this:

    I feel like it looks weird when the HUD gets refreshed. ._.
    I still have to plan what will I do this week. D:

    Thanks for reading. Have a nice day. :)

Devlog 13(13/ 08/ 2018)
    Hi there!

    The past I've created a LapControl that checks collisions between the player and their next checkpoint. I've also created a LapHUD object for the LapControl to update the lap counter HUD when the player completes a lap.
    I've also learned about Collision Groups and applied it to the checkpoints collision boxes. These are useful to improve the collision-checking tasks.
    The next week I'll work on the chronometer HUD.

    Thanks for reading. Have a nice day. :)

Devlog 12(07/ 08/ 2018)

    Hi there!
    The past week I've decided to start coding the lap counter HUD. I've searched for a nice royalty free font.

    Then I've modeled and positioned planes that will be used as checkpoints, and I added 2 new data to the Player object: lastCheckpoint and nextCheckpoint.

     Now I'm working on finding the best way to check collisions between the player and the planes.
    Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it.
    Have a nice day. :)

(2 edits)

Devlog 11(01/ 08/ 2018)

    Hi there!
    This is what I've done the past days:
- I've polished the track by 'removing' spaces between modules.
- I've tested the track in the game's engine

- And finally I've learned how to display HUDs, that's why there's a 'Hello World' at the bottom middle. xD

    For the next days I'll be designing HUD's and icons. Thanks for reading. Have a nice day.

    Edited: Sorry for the late update.

Devlog 10(28/ 07/ 2018)
    Hi there.
    I've spent the past two weeks looking for a job and I finally got hired. The bads news is that I won't have too much time to keep developing Racing Cats. The good news are that I'll keep developing it and that I'll focus on the functionallity, (which means making it work). I've decided to improve the art when the engine is done.
    For this week I'll finish testing and fixing the very basic track I have and fixing some bugs.

I didn't know that. Thank you for the answer.

I've just uploaded an asset pack (, but is not shown as recently added ( I've read similar issues in which the solution was uploading as -zip file, but it didn't work.
Could someone tell me how can I fix it? Please... ._.

Devlog 09(16/ 07/ 2018)

Hi there!
This is what I've been working on the past week:

- I've finished assembling the track's street modules.
- I've made more modules based on the previous ones.

- And, finally, I've conceptually designed 10 items and the in-game GUI, (graphic user interface).

    This week I'll be working on building assets and testing.

    Thanks for reading and have a nice day. :)

Devlog 08(09/ 07/ 2018)
Hi there!
Yay! This week I could update in time! xD

This is what I did the past week:

I've found a nice grass texture so I could finish texturizing the modules.

I've coded a test to check how does it look. As you can see, it's not perfect, so I'll have to make some adjustments to the materielas when I finish to model the track.

And finally I started to assemble the track. This is how it looks right now:

Sorry for being late with the aupdate the past week. It's just that I've been spending more time looking for jobs because I'm not in a good situation right now, I could even lose my house at the end of the month.

Thanks for reading the post.
Have a nice day. :)