I just finished uploading the fixed version. Thanks for giving me the heads up regarding this, I appreciate it.
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the game was nice. It was very relaxing and the map was really big. I ended up having 100 ants, At some point of the game my food points reached a negative number when i was spamming the ant power ups, maybe it was a bug. The only problem that i had was there were very few food, and one suggestion is that instead of clicking the left mouse button repeatedly it would be better if you just hold it instead.
I really didn’t like the cooldown for jumping because i needed to stand still and wait for the cooldown to finish. It would be cool if you added a way for the player to kill himself so that he could easily setup the place were the corpse should be. On the other hand i really liked the art in this game and also the sound, Nice game
Thank you for the great feedback, the first version of the game there werent any limit to the clones that you can create so i decided using mouse buttons to change control, but yeah a button would have been better since i added a clone limit. I really planned on adding more stuff into the game but wasnt able to do it due to cleaning some of the bugs and trying to make game polish as possible. I really didnt expect that you can speed clone to reach the platform because most people who play tested the game didnt do that.
The idea was really good and also those boss fights were really well made. One of my suggestions is to add a camera shake when for example the player hits an enemy to make it more dramatic, and I kinda had some problem where the knights weren’t able to follow me into the boss fight and also one of the knight fell into the world maybe due to not being able to detect the collision. And also there was some levels that I didn’t need to fight the enemies and i just run towards one of the chest but i guess one of the fixes for that is not allowing the player to go to the next scene without beating all the enemy.