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A member registered Jul 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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I just finished uploading the fixed version. Thanks for giving me the heads up regarding this, I appreciate it.

My bad, ill try and fix it tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know.

Thanks for the heads up, i’ll try and fix it after the jam

I think what you encountered was a bug, Im sorry about that and thanks for the great feedback

Hello. I think the game could work properly in a Google Chrome browser.

Heres mine

the game was nice. It was very relaxing and the map was really big. I ended up having 100 ants, At some point of the game my food points reached a negative number when i was spamming the ant power ups, maybe it was a bug. The only problem that i had was there were very few food, and one suggestion is that instead of clicking the left mouse button repeatedly it would be better if you just hold it instead.

I really didn’t like the cooldown for jumping because i needed to stand still and wait for the cooldown to finish. It would be cool if you added a way for the player to kill himself so that he could easily setup the place were the corpse should be. On the other hand i really liked the art in this game and also the sound, Nice game

Thank you for the great feedback, the first version of the game there werent any limit to the clones that you can create so i decided using mouse buttons to change control, but yeah a button would have been better since i added a clone limit. I really planned on adding more stuff into the game but wasnt able to do it due to cleaning some of the bugs and trying to make game polish as possible. I really didnt expect that you can speed clone to reach the platform because most people who play tested the game didnt do that.

The story telling was really good but I had a hard time playing the game because sometimes the double jump wont work and the jump kinda feels floaty in my opinion, but i liked the graphics in this game. good job

The idea was really good and also those boss fights were really well made. One of my suggestions is to add a camera shake when for example the player hits an enemy to make it more dramatic, and I kinda had some problem where the knights weren’t able to follow me into the boss fight and also one of the knight fell into the world maybe due to not being able to detect the collision. And also there was some levels that I didn’t need to fight the enemies and i just run towards one of the chest but i guess one of the fixes for that is not allowing the player to go to the next scene without beating all the enemy.

yeah the platform counts the dead bodies as long as its on the bridge or above the player that is standing on the bridge

the mechanics were nice but i guess i wasnt able to use it much through out the game. and i had a hard time at the 4th level.

Hello if you guys still need a 2d pixel artist for your game i can join, you can look at the art of my previous games that i made so that you can have an idea of what my level is. 

Hello im willing to help on doing some pixel art, you can check out the screenshots my games if you want to see what current level i am in pixel art

the game was really good especially the art style of 2.5D game the only thing that i really hoped that it had checkpoints cuz its really frustrating dying and starting at the beginning

this game is very unique and i like these kinds of simulator game i hope you could add more random events as the game went longer 

There's a trick in doing it, you just need to figure it out heres mine

Hello, its pretty nice considering its your first game jam submission, hope you keep making games. Based on this game i can tell na hindi ka sobrang noob.

The game was really cool and the use of rewind in the game was good. The only problem that i had was the camera movement was kinda too fast and the car was really hard to steer

The game was aesthetically pleasing. and the character movement was really good

This was very unique because so far this the only text based game that i encountered heres mine

Hope you try mine

The game was really cool and it brings game like this to a whole new level because the player needs to move around the map to match objects. my only suggestion is to make the player movement kinda snaps in place every time he moves so that it stop it from slipping. heres min

The game was really cool and also the design and art was well made, the only part that i think that made it difficult was you can push the rewinded character, which kinda ruined the plan of the player.

The game was good and also the controls were really well polished. i just encountered a bug that even though i finished the level it wont move me to the next level even if i keep pressing e

The game was really cool and the game was really easy to understand, the only problem that i encounter is that there were no screen edge in the beginning before you play, so kinda got lost when i didnt saw the car

(1 edit)

the game was okay and also i kinda got confuse to when it suddenly became a different game then i realized that the character rewinded back to his previous life as a slime which is cool

The story was good and i guess the UI needs improvement because i cant change the volume maybe because the control button were too big

the 8 bit graphics was really nice for me and especially the use of rewind to manipulate object was really cool 

The UI are kinda stretched out, but the controls were really good.

the game was really good but i kinda glitched at the bottom of the ground and cant seem to find the way out even if keep using the rewind gun. I like the art style and also the player movement.

im not a fun of jump scare and still played it even though i was expecting it from the very beginning. It was really good especially the graphics

i kinda encountered a bug where the player got stuck in the vent and i cant move forward at that point and needed to reset the game. but the game was really fun and funny

The puzzle was really interesting and the back and forth rewind trick was really cool