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A member registered Jan 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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Dont they do that in real life?

Awwhhh ty so much! thats wonderfull to hear! :D

ty for liking the game! the audio was a part we didnt pay much attention too since it was just the 2 of us and had no knolegde on that front. We just used sounds that where made for a different game of ours.

good job! fun game with fun aesthetics, although its kinda hard to aim the coconut, maybe mouse controls would have been nicer? also the sounds where very loud. Overall great job though!

Couldnt have said it better myself

Sorry for the lag! glad you enjoyed it though!

Thanks so much for playing! And great to see that you enjoyed it!

really fun/polished game! super hard though xd, but great job!

Thank you for playing our game!

damnnnnn goodjob! really impressed!! especially by the gorgeous visuals! so amazing job guys! (also rip my little rat friends D: )

nice game! art is really nice aswell, the mechanic of gravity reverse and flipping the robot are by far the best! the green jump can kinda be exploited to much by moving it around XD, but nicely done!

Nice game! creative concept!

Nice game, really like the idea of controlling the school of fish, the controls are a little bit weird, so maybe work on that if you would want to continue work on it

music sounds really good, and the art is very well made! the gameplay is a bit to repetitive with little changup, with a bit more different obstacles/actions this could be really fun!

Super well made game! in my opinion it could be a bit faster, but still well done!

fun gameplay! was curious to find the next story! nicely done!

Such an inspirering art style, love it a lot! great job guys! (also love the characters!)

Visually really nice!!!! just nice to sit back and enjoy. Love the cat model aswell. I was stuck after a while but that was fine. Overall very good job!

Art is 10/10, the magnetism works kinda weird however, it just becomes kinda floaty and doesn't really feel nice. But that was just a minor complained in a very cool game! well done!

Cool game, like the art style. would have been more fun i think if the bullets you shoot always flip the gates and not only to the correct one!

Very nice game, was hard to understand at first. took me a bit to see where the tickets led (by the time the train had already passed the first station). But was quite enjoyable overall!

(1 edit)

Oh i like the feel of moving around! also the bouncyness when hitting enemies is nice. Also enjoy the health in form of big shapes(maybe a little to big rn?).  the feedback when getting hit could be better imo. And a suggestion would be to remove the attack, because it feels kinda weird, then maybe make it so that the player could pull the enemies in spikes or something.

I enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

Personal best: 119

Its very slow at the moment, it is fun to go around the leg. but either make the movement faster, or have a bigger shaver. You could also add these as powerups. Perhaps also add areas where you shouldn't shave, like a wound or something.

I like the switching between weapons, but enemies are very fast, and atm its a massive challenge to not get below 0 score. Would like more variety in the enemies and environment. perhaps having to swing the swords to cut or kill anything would make it more challenging and give u a bigger punishment for doing it wrong. Also reduce the amount of score u lose.

I like the game idea, but more visual indicators would be nice, like seeing spots you've watered. perhaps for future plans, you could add more patients, and make them have a preferred haircut for example, and that u need to make them happy. The game misses a clear goal atm, so adding that in some way would be nice.

I am the king of HairBalls. i like that the hairballs keep going after you after you've shaved people. the shaving itself could be more complex, like having spots on the skin that you shouldn't cut. Also would be cool if you could use the hairballs the gain access to certain locations or smt.

Fun game, it was nice and challenging. perhaps add something more than just gaps to jump over, like shooting with knockback for example or just having enemies, would also be nice to retime some actions somewhere,  now its not that necessary but later on would be quite usefull i think.

Fun game for real, couple of improvements could be made tho! first off the blocks should show edges of where the block ends, now when you have 2 greens on each other, you can't see the difference. Also it begins very slow with little action, only until level 9 it got harder and my tower collapsed, would be nice if it started higher. 

Also would be cool if you could see the results of your previous completed tower, i fell down once on accident and it was cool to  see all the damage that was caused. On the end you just teleport away everytime, would be cool to see the tower behind you or below you.

I don't know if u should make things attack the father at the start already, it would be quite overwelhming. more levels could fix that, but ease things in in that case. Lava level first for example and after only the enemies, then later combine the 2. Make the camera switching also a bit easier in that case.

Oh nice game, was quite impressed! cool atmosphere and mechanic with the different views. 1 toggle button would be nice, I also made it to the end but got burned anyway XD  don't know if i missed anything to press but if so would like that to be clearer since you have limited time!

Don't like the movement, the goal is also unclear, the cloud effect was nice tho.

Gave a fun result, as first a was just pressing random buttons, and it gave interesting results. Perhaps add a way to clear the canvas, or reward the player?

Fun idea, i might like it more if the platforms weren't invisible, i don't know the jump distance compared to the 2d grid map. So seeing them would make it less about guess work and more about planning. Also would be cool to see different kinds of platforms or obstacles.

Fun game with lots of mechanics, its just that most potions aren't that usefull because the goal is to kill the slimes, in other words; deal damage. And only 1 type of potion does that

Fun idea, ofc add the win and lose states. Other than that perhaps making it random would be cool, but hard ofc.

Fun game, perhaps make the enemies not shoot at you, kinda defeats the purpose of the using the enemies as platforms. Also would like to shoot through walls.

Really nice concept. Would be nice to have powerups too add more depth too the gameplay. The purple balls shouldn't always come at you I guess, would be nice too find some on your own.

The game is a little easy, perhaps add a second samurai with the arrow keys for example. Fun idea tho! Perhaps have certain enemies that require both samurais together to defeat.