Either would be fine with me, i have the Tiny paper Apps coil bound, but also have sudokus bound like books (I regard those all as paper apps/games and im in love with the paper games in booklets ideas, they make for quick fun grabs). I was actually starting to consider printing the 365 days per 1/4th of an A4, cut and perforate it myself, and coil it myself. To be honest I liked the crumbling maze dungeon better than the KS dungeon haha.
You could perhaps even make a combined book with Crumbling Dungeon, Magic Mine Cart, and maybe also the Circuit Squares; Maybe you could generate the last one with other mathematical permutations like subtracting, multiplication and dividing. For the classrooms!
(I checked out a bunch of your table tops, will do some digital drawing for pimping up the pokemon dice somewhere this week)