I've been playing this for a little while now and have been loving it so far. Great work on it. There's a lot of things that could be added ontop or improved, and this is a excellent release for the game. I pretty much never play card games and have only watched playthroughs of Inscription and this has kept my attention pretty well so far.
I can see many ways this could be built ontop of or ways this could be further expanded, but my main concern is a DMCA. To that end, the biggest thing I'd like to suggest is looking into a way to make cards/glyphs and trainers/gyms/routes moddable. So even if you get a DMCA, more could be improved on by those who still hold onto the game and can spread it around via things like torrents. With how DMCA happy Nintendo and the Pokemon Company tend to be, I already see this coming a mile away and would personally like to request a way for this to be extended on by the community who will help the lifespan of the game.